Malala Yousafzai.
Étude de cas : Malala Yousafzai.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar LJIHGYGUG • 14 Novembre 2016 • Étude de cas • 603 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 577 Vues
1. Introduction:
Malala Yousafzai was born in 1997, and grew up in the district of Swat in Pakistan. She was a student in 2009, when she became known for her anonymous diary for BBC where she transmitted critical information about life under oppression.
Taliban had taken control over parts of the Swat, this resulted in complications and more danger when girls where goingschool. In spite of this, Malala spoke out against the barbarism. She refused to be harassed and persisted on her right to an education. At this point in her life she became a public respected figure.
When Malala was only at the age of fifteen, she was shot in the head by a terrorist Miraculously , she survived . She has become a global symbol of peaceful protest against tyranny and ignorance. In 2014, Malala also became the youngest Nobel Peace Price winner ever.
2. Why she is a hero ?
The reason Malala is a hero, is not the shooting, she is a hero way before that incident, when she stood-up for the right to women’s education in Pakistan. When she made all the efforts she could to tell the world the injustice and suffering happening in the Swat valley.
The shooting is just a barrier in her mission. It is not about her story which makes her a hero, it’s about what she represents and what she is fighting for.
- She represents all the women of the world that are oppressed in the name of religion, misogyny, gender etc.
- She is hero because she represents the courage of people of Pakistan and because she stood up for what she believed in- right to education for women.
Because of her courage, the world had known that for a lot of women population in some countries education is not for granted and they have to fight for it and due to her efforts we can do something about it.
3. How can individuals can change the course of history ?
She Nobel Peace Prize. has sparked a dialogue about children's education throughout the world and illustrated the importance of peaceful conflict resolution Inspired by leaders such as Gandhi, Malala has resorted to peaceful solutions in order to tackle the issues of girls' education and the equality of women.
She has also caused the UN to recommit to Millennium Development Goal 2 This goal states that "by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling." After Malala delivered her speech, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon stated that the UN is committed to providing education to all children through its Global Education First Initiative.
4. Comparison between Malala Yousafzai and Rosa parks
Malala Yousafzai is against the oppression, she talks about it in her anonymous diary on BBC, she is like Rosa Parks who stand up against segregation by refusing to give her seat on a Montgomery Bus.
They are similar by their courage and perseverance, they never give up and believe in their idea because they think it's right ''
They have both changed the world, Rosa Parks has launched the civil rights movement and malala has sparked a dialogue about children's education throughout the world