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La famille Malala

Analyse sectorielle : La famille Malala. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Avril 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  799 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 441 Vues

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Let us remind you what is a Hero :

-it's a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities

-but not only qualities – flaws

-A role model

-our hero don't have the characteristics of an Epic hero,

-with an noble birth, Supernatural powers..

-she has more thant that, she's Fearless has a lot of Courage and is very brave..

she Helps people in need, she Works for them, she Does what others can't . she's a little girl, but in the opinion of others, she has many heroic qualities, she performed a heroic act and she's looked as a model or ideal.

All that, it's finally the definition of a modern hero

presentation of the atmosphere Pakistan/Taliban/ swat district

In December 2008, the largest part of the territory is controlled by Talibans. Islamist militants require the population to apply a strict sharia regime. Islamic courts apply the beheading and public flogging

In Mingora , women couldn’t go out without a man. Talibans forbade education for girls and destroyed more than 170 schools and government buildings . The local police have resigned under the influence of Talibans, and many government employees were killed. The internet acess has been banned .

In 2009, following an attempt to take control of another region near the valley, the Pakistani government ordered the Pakistani army to eliminate Talibans in Swat. After a month of fighting, the army announced that it regained control of Mingora, the largest town in the district.

In 2010, a year after the beginning of the offensive, 50000 soldiers would be deployed in the district. The operation was a success because it stopped the regime imposed by Islamist militants. However, insecurity continues in some rural areas.

Who is Malala?

Malala Yousafzai was born 12 July 1997 (17 years old) . She’s a Pakistani school pupil and education activist from the town of Mingora in the Swat District in Pakistan. She is known for her activism for rights to education and for women, especially in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban had banned girls from attending school.

Malala's Family

Malala's dad, Ziauddin Yousafzai, is a teacher, he owned a school in Pakistan and refused to close it when the Taliban told him to. Ziauddin is an Anti-Taliban activist, he was highly supportive of women's educations and inspired Malala to never give up.

Why did Malala decide to make a difference?

-Malala watched people suffer from the Taliban's torturing deeds her whole life, was tired of it, and she decided that it should be heard about. So Malala announced the events to the world, hoing to bring attention to the bad deeds. So in early 2009, Malala wrote a blog for the BBC detailing her life under Taliban rule, and her views on education for girls. She blogged pictures and comments on what the Taliban were doing every day. The following summer, a New York Times documentary was filmed about her life as the Pakistani


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