La légalisation du mariage homosexuel (document en anglais)
Dissertation : La légalisation du mariage homosexuel (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Takeshi • 22 Octobre 2012 • Dissertation • 735 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 272 Vues
Nowadays, a lot of people demonstrate for a few reasons, fairs or unfairs. Indeed, like in France for example, people rise up against and go on strike concerning the unemployment, demonstrate for the legalization of homosexual marriage. Personally, if there is indeed a fair cause in which I would demonstrate, it will be the legalization of the euthanasia in France. So, I am for the euthanasia in this country because when a patient is in terminal phase of his disease, is it not only hard for his family and his close friends but it is especially hard for him ! The disease is a difficult ordeal to surmount thus not to find a solution to the pathology is harder. Be in terminal phase means too pain. Legalize the euthanasia would be to put an end to this pain whereas the palliatives cares prolongs by the agony. Only the supreme decision belongs to the ill, if he wants to put an end to his life, it is the least they have to respect the patient's last will, evenf if it is not obvious. Of course, the debate about the euthanasia is discussed (otherwise it will not be a debate), there are arguments for and others against, at present, they weight the pros and the cons. Be that as it may, the ill can died whenever because the Death does not say either the hour, or the daytime and above all, it does not wait.
To rebel against a cause means we have our own opinion, we are not sheeps, so it seems to me that it is a good thing : we must say what we are thinking, if we agree or not with something ! It is very important, we have the right to express ourself. Don't agree with someone or something, it is a good thing, everybody can not agree ! But, like everywhere, there are limits not getting over. Demonstrate revolutioning, right. But until where ? Doing strikes, talking to people for showing that we don't agree, doing a conference, being on television, they are a kind of kinds revolutions who can manage to change things ! Concerning the retirement, people demonstrate doing strikes, it is fine, that things are changed or not, it did not go farther. So why revolutions making war ? We had already two mondials war behind us, there were millions deaths, traumatized persons. Today, there are wars almost everywhere in the world, especially in Syria and Lybie. The consequences are the same : a millions deaths, some sheded blood. What do they want ? A third mondial war ? My feeling is that it is useless ! They want to stir up by the blood, the terror, the fear but finally, does that really work ? Of course not ! As a matter of fact, I am convinced that we can change things but especially not doing revolutions of this kind !
In the daily life, we assist or are opposite to an injustice. Whether it is the fact that the big brother can hanging out this evening but not you because you must look after your little sister, there is too the social discrimination (racism, homosexuality, religion) or still a teacher who favorits a pupil. Even more serious than the injustices discussed above are war crimes and especially war crimes against humanity. During wartime, individuals sometimes perform acts that violate the rules of just war set forth in international law. When soldiers engage in wars of aggression, attack non-combattants or pursue their ennemies beyond what is reasonnable, they commit not acts of war, but acts of murder ! However, these are not the only injustices associated