Idea of progress : is telecommunting improving our lives ?
Fiche : Idea of progress : is telecommunting improving our lives ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar nanoudams • 19 Mars 2019 • Fiche • 597 Mots (3 Pages) • 590 Vues
The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.
Is telecommuting improving our lives ?
I/ A way to follow
a; telecommuting trends
We studied an article from THE ATLANTIC about telecommuting, was published in 2011.
In 2011, more than 34 million people- eaqual to the population of texas and pennsylvania combined-work from home occasionnaly. In 2009, it was predicted that the number of telecommuters would be 4 times as important by 2020. The statistics show the number telecommuters increased until 2010, then it dicreased but after the act passed by President Obama. 9 december 2010, he signed the telework Enhancement Act. This law requires the federal governmentagencies to maximisthe use of flexible work arrangement for their employees. It had an impact and triggered an upward trend.
b; economic opportunities
Then, we studied an extract of an essay entitled « big bang » that refers to telecommuting buisness. It is like an explosion of jobs opportunities, a technological revolution that enables people to work from home thnaks to their computer. In this extract, the authors give a positive opinion about telecommuting, the two women seem rather enthousiastic. The purpose of this text is to promot this trend.
Jason Fried, a young web entrepreneur incit to work from home. He says that workers are always interrupted and it is impossible for them to focus on their work for a long time. Consequently, the worker feels fustrated and are less productive, in reality workers perform tasks. According to him, these working conditions explain why workers prefer to work from home. They are more productive, so they bring more money to the company.
II/ A trend not shared by everyone
a; telecommuting impacts on personal and social relationships
The advantages of telecommuting are that we are alone, you don't have to support a collegue that you don't like. When you have finished your work, you can return to your hobbies and do what ever you want, we have our place to work and enought espace to dont feel oppressed by the other, we are paid for our work and in the same time we can play with family, prepare the meal.. All this advantages improve the efficience of workers. They can hire more qualified staff, make them stay in a compagny and they are less tired and stressed.
The drawbacks of telecommuting are that you can't speack with someone when you have finished your work, or have fun,
b;does it suit everyone ?
Harried is an american working mother who has 2 young kids. She wanted to change her way of life because she could not bear wasting time commuting and she worked too far that it impact in her family life. Now, she regrets her decision because she can't really be focused on her work, her attention is always diverted. She wishes she could see her colleagues. Lot of people have got the same dilemma. Now, she is toying with the idea of asking her boss if she can go back to the workplace but she fears