Fast food
Étude de cas : Fast food. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar AnnaelleFaure • 22 Octobre 2017 • Étude de cas • 509 Mots (3 Pages) • 737 Vues
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- In this part , I talk you about a model that has spread worldwilde
- To begin, McDonald's is one of the world's largest chains of fast food restaurants. The brothers Dick and Maurice McDonald Mike are the creators of the first McDonald’s in 1940. Macdonald’s very fast became a giant of the American restoration(catering), this development in all the country. Today, 32 / of revenue comes from the US and serving approximately 69 million customers daily in over 100 countries. On the map below the United States, each point represents a McDonald’s. This shows the important imp act of this forms of restoration in the US
- Morevover, Naw a day, McDonald's has become symbol of globalization and american power, sometimes referred to as the "McDonaldization" of society. 63/ of revenue of macdonal’s comes frome Europe, Asia, Pascific ans Africa. Macdonald’s began to settle on the European continent during the Cold War.
Then to other geographical areas such as Asia. Mcdonald's takes into account local culinary, for instent the use of Halal meat in Muslim countries as in Morocco,or in Asia, with soup and In Germany and some other Western European countries, McDonald's servs beer.
To conclued, macdonald’s plays an important role in fast food restoration. His implantation in difrants zone geographicole ans his marketing strategics for consumers, are an element to incress his turnover. But macdonal’s has negative effect in people’s health, like diseases. So
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