Étude du fast food Taco BELL - en anglais
Étude de cas : Étude du fast food Taco BELL - en anglais. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 29 Avril 2014 • Étude de cas • 937 Mots (4 Pages) • 830 Vues
Located between Europe and Asia, Turkey is a European nation with an area of s779, 450 square kilometer seeking to join the European Union. Turkey is an ultra-parliamentary constitutional republic of 75,627,384 people that represent many cultural faces. Since it passed the 2001 crises, Turkey became an emerging economic platform. The market is evolving, increasing really fast due to its strategic position. Thus, the companies to be able to follow the trend have to review their marketing strategies according the new changes in the macro environment of turkey. To do so a further researches shall be done on the macro environment and it component.
The aim of this paper is to describe the Turkish marketing macro environment by describing its different components. Furthermore trough some analysis and comparison a better description of that environment will be presented. Furthermore to show the main impact of the those environmental forces of the Taco Bell a fast food company tryıng to introduce ıtself ın the Turkish market will be illustrated trough several detailed process.
Intro to Taco Bell
Taco bell is an American fast food company founded in 1962 in California. It is mainly implanted in the fast food industry with tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos, as main production. With nearly 2 billion consumer per year and 5800 selling points in the US, the company will like to expand itself abroad and in an emerging country where the food culture is well spread among the population. After many research, Turkey was found as the perfect candidate. Turkey‘s location between Europe and Asia is a wild open expanding market. The population culture insatiate Turkish people to eat instead of some other countries. The fast food market is wild open; the company may easily get into it. But some factor behalf of some direct and indirect competitor may make the company struggle to achieve its goal. These factors are known as Macro environmental factors.
Macro environment (TR)
• Definition and types of macro environment
The macro environment can be defined as the environment in which a company or sector operates will influence its performance, and the amount of the influence will depend on how much of the company's business is dependent on the health of the overall economy. It is many constituted of 5 categories: demographic environment, cultural environment, and natural environment, technological and economic environment.
Historically, fast food is a significant and increasingly important part of Turkish household food consumption expenditures. The major changes in the lifestyles, education, income, and consumption patterns of Turkish consumers in the last two decades encouraged consumers to eat out. The growing number of fast food chains and restaurants in newly established shopping centers and hyper-market complexes are evidence of this newly emerging demand. For example, McDonald’s and Burger King currently have outlets inside most of the supermarket and hypermarket stores such as Carrefour SA, Real and a few service stations across Turkey. However, expenditure for fast food has still represented a small percentage (less than 10%) in total food expenditures