Expression écrite sur l'éducation, anglais
TD : Expression écrite sur l'éducation, anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mama2407 • 27 Février 2017 • TD • 684 Mots (3 Pages) • 5 593 Vues
Nowadays, the education is in the center of the debates. Indeed, many of famous women fight for accessibility for every girl to school. Thus we can ask : Is education the best way to empowed girls ? To answer this problem we will weight the pros and the cons of education on women and on their future.
To start with, the education have many advantages. The women were there previously not beneficiaries and were deprived of this access to the culture. Fortunately the women fought so that they can have this right, in favour of the equality between genres.
The school then allowed the women to share their passion with people who look like us as most of the student at the high school. These surrounding walls in which we grow up there studies also allow us to meet, to share his opinion, its common points and his differences just like makes the girl in the entitled text " the Year exotic student " with his lecturers.
These places allow then a personal development and an independence of themself as I acquired him due to the theater myself. But that's not all, the university gives us the chance to discover new interests, to increase its general knowledge by acquering knowledge, and skills which we can use all our life as make many famous women as Hillary Clinton, who was able to, thanks to his way to become first lady of France.
Furthermore, in the education we study women famous as Maya Angelou or still Michelle Obama who show us the example of the way that the women can follow, and make us think about the ideas for which they fight as the salary equality, or the equality between the sexes.
Besides, the knowledge and the education are enriching for the women. Indeed, they can nowadays, choose what they want to study, and have the courage to define their own future. Also, the education gives them the access to choices of careers and to many works.
Unfortunately, if the education has many advantages, its inconveniences are also many. Exactly, the education allows to meet but we have to take into account the fact that approximately " 57 millions children who have not received education " as pointed out it Malala Yousafray in his speech.
Then, it is commonly said that the education allows us to choose its future but in the case of the girl in the entitled text " As a woman ", she had chosen a provincial university with the aim of studying the English literature because she loved her a lot but her mother did not leave her the choice and told her: " it was my duty as a women to go to Cambridge to study maths ".
Then , the girl in the text " An exotic student", is a housewife and resumed her studies late, some people encouraged her whereas her mother is doubtful, she hopes that the "university at least i might meet someone responsible and hard-working". This condition is difficult for the future since this woman will undertake later in the life and will have more difficult to get a place that a young person or that a man because that she will be less hired because of the fact than she can be pregnant.
Moreover , even if on average the women make more studies and have more diplomas than the men, to equal diploma, the women are less paid and very often their work is less recognized than that of the man. Men and women, thus even if they received the same education are not on the same equal