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Dissertation : Emotions. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Octobre 2020  •  Dissertation  •  731 Mots (3 Pages)  •  413 Vues

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Thanks to the involvement and the group activities, the facilitators managed to get me interested into the subject and made me think about the behavior I had and how I could improve it.

The first theme that captivated my attention was about emotions.

Indeed, we saw on the first day that the 6 basic emotions were : fear, anger disgust, sadness, surprise and happiness.

What surprised me was that Love and Hatred weren’t considered as basic emotions .

Concerning love,  since our emotional reactions help us adapt to each situation and maximize our satisfaction, I believed that love met those criteria, hence would be one of the basic emotions.

Another novelty that came up was my ability to work in groups. Indeed, for each group exercise we always managed to understand each other and work well together.

Furthermore, thanks to this seminar I have been able to determine my true, main, values which were : Tolerance, Loyalty, Equality and Freedom.  I hope that I stay true to these values in the future since they seem to fit me very well.

The part about integrity also touched me personally since it is closely linked to values. I take pride in respecting my values and therefore showing integrity.

Thus, one thing I would like to change in my behavior though is the way I align my actions with my values. By this I mean that right now I am so set on respecting all my values that if a figure of authority asks me to do something that is a little against my values I will immediately refuse, no questions asked. I hope that my future-self will understand that sometimes we can make compromises in our values if it is for the greater good without breaching our integrity.

 In my opinion, this isn’t a sign of weakness but rather a sign of matureness which I hope I will have gathered in my coming years.

If I analyze now this seminar and that I am trying to see which part really astonished me, I would probably say that what shocked me the most was the part about emotions.

 As I said previously, I was persuaded love and hatred were basic emotions and above all love.  Moreover, I was impressed by the accuracy of the activation zone in our bodies linked with each emotion. I was completely in accordance with all of the zones showed.

Concerning my future, I will try to commit to being more open on an emotional level and also more social.

 I’ve always been taught not to show my emotions but this seminar has pushed me to try and show more and conceal less. Regarding assertiveness, I believe that I do not need to make many changes on this subject since I’m not afraid to assert myself and i believe I always do it in a respectful and non-manipulative way.

 Therefore, regarding assertiveness, I just hope that I keep the same attitude in my coming years.

 We also talked a lot about empathy and I would like to commit to trying to reduce the clichés that I have, especially liked with appearances. Indeed, I often unknowingly or unwillingly judge people by the way they dress, or the hairstyle they have etc.. Not only is this disrespectful, but it also sometimes prevents me from meeting new people or making new friends which is inconceivable and shameful.


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