Dm eleec
Cours : Dm eleec. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Charlotte el abbouni • 30 Novembre 2015 • Cours • 849 Mots (4 Pages) • 711 Vues
Carries a tile on her hea
Wednesday,april the third
Partie 5 : Fighting child labour
P 142
1.. Link each caption to the correct picture
Relier : link
A 3: Carrying a bucket of water a role often reserved to women and young girls. Village of Illela ,( Tahoua area ) Niger.
B 4 Indian child working in a stone quarry near Dhubri , India. Many children who work in this region earn less than 50 cents for 10 hours of hard work.
C 1: A girl working in the reconstruction effort carries (=porter) a tile on her head in the city of Choluteca Honduras.
D:2 Young girl carrying forage cattle. Rwanda
Could you find the equivalent in the captions for :
Une tuile, une dalle: a tile une pierre: a stone
Un seau : a bucket une carrière: a quarry
Le bétail: the cattle gagner (a waqe): earn
Translate into English
Des millions d’enfants à travers le monde travaillent au lieu d’aller à l’école.
Million of children all over the world work instead of going to school.
Le travail des enfants devraient être illégale partout dans le monde
Child labour should be illegal everywhere in the world
La mortalité des enfants est plus élevée parmi les enfants qui travaillent dans les mines.
Children mortality is higher among children who work in mines.
Tout le monde devraient se battre contre le travail des enfants.
Everyone should fight against child labour
P 143
Match the list of examples with the corresponding industry.
Mining an quarrying:
Gold in Columbia
(charbon) charcoal in brazil El Savador
Chrome in Zimbabwe
Diamonds in Cote d’Ivoire
Emeralds in Columbia
Coal in Mongolia
Carpets from India, Pakistan, Egypt
Clothing sewn in Bangladesh
Footwear made in India and the Philippines
Soccer balls sewn Pakistan
Glass and bricks made in India
Fireworks made in china, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador ,Guatemala, India ,Peru
Surgical instruments made in Pakistan
Thursday, May the second,
P 144
Look at the document and answer the following questions.
What is the purpose of this poster?
The purpose, goal, aim=le but
The purpose of the poster is to make people aware of what is happening everywhere in the world.
The poster aims to show that child labour exists all over the world.
Who issued it?
I.L.O issued it.
Issue=une idée
When was it issued?
It was issued on June the twelfth, 2009
Describe it.
We can see a young girl carrying a school bag , she looks happy
On her way to school
On the top right hand corner there is the logo of I.L.O.
On the bottom right hand corner, we can read the slogan of I.L.O.