Commentaire social media doc icono
Commentaire de texte : Commentaire social media doc icono. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Urufunguzo Wowe&njyewe • 9 Avril 2020 • Commentaire de texte • 511 Mots (3 Pages) • 731 Vues
Document iconographique : SOCIAL MEDIA
1) Introduction
This document is a drawing which was posted on XXX on XXX, 20... The name of the artist is XXX.
It deals with the main advantage = pro of social media.
2) Description
On a striped (rayé) background of two different blues, a representation of our planet stands right in the middle, in the foreground. The globe is divided into two halves (pluriel de half) by a large dark blue ribbon on which we can read: ’SOCIAL MEDIA’. The two halves seem to represent the two hemispheres of the earth. A great number of people stand, each on their small blue base and are all interconnected by a network of black lines. They symbolize the global population in its diversity.
3) Analyse spécifique
So, here, clearly, the aim of the artist is to enhance, celebrate the positive = good = beneficial side of social media; mainly the HUMAN aspect is put forward (est mis en avant).
Indeed, the mesh = the net (le filet) seems to connect people so that they can communicate. As a matter of fact, social media allow = permit to get in touch with thousands of people around the world which has become a Global Village. They facilitate connections between human beings and allow them to find people they had lost sight of (to lose sight of someone/something: perdre de vue qn ou qq chose).
They allow to stay in touch with family and friends geographically distant.
Moreover, another pro cannot be ignored: they open you to the world. Education can reach people with no possible direct access to physical premises (lieux) for various reasons: disabled (handicapé) people, agoraphobic people, people living in remote (reculées) regions of the world …
They allow to connect someone to countless ideas, perspectives and resources; the potential for collaboration is tremendous (phénoménal). They connect content and each other.
The capacities and possibilities of social media are endless.
However, unfortunately, social media also have their cons = disadvantages = drawbacks; indeed, we can’t be sure the information we post is ever totally safe and hackers or ill-intentioned people may steal and misuse it. Last but not least we lose all control on the videos, pictures, etc, we post on the net.
Young people are particularly vulnerable insofar as (dans la mesure où) they tend to expose their whole life, their feelings, their family and friends, their hopes and desires on Facebook. They post numerous photos showing them in all their activities and unfortunately sometimes in too intimate spheres, which often proves (se révèle) to be very risky.
4) Opinion
I find this document interesting because it shows social media in a positive light and this doesn’t often happen these days.
* Still, right now, in the present situation, what would we do without the social media? How would we share our favorite moments, news, photos = pictures, videos, with our relatives and friends, our parents and children?
5) Conclusion
To conclude on the subject, I think that the artist has reached his/her aim,