Dissertation : ANGLOPHONE WOMEN IN CONTEMPORARY CAMEROON ESSAY. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar annatomia • 1 Novembre 2016 • Dissertation • 3 202 Mots (13 Pages) • 935 Vues
Generally speaking Anglophones are defined as people whose language of expression is English . As everyone knows Cameroon is a bilingual country which was divided into two sections in the past . The first section governed by the French where the language of expression was French and the second section governed by the British , with English as the language of expression . During reunification , the two sections got united and kept their languages , the Northwest and the Southwest of Cameroon still have English as their main language of communication with pidgin and mother tongues aside . During my stay in Bamenda , the county town of the Northwest province , I met two categories of Anglophone women with different roles , goals and issues in life . However , this paper demonstrates a positive attitude which is that of the development of Anglophone women of the Northwest in the contemporary Cameroon , through their implications in the society , the issues they face and the techniques they use to resolve those issues in their daily life .
- The role of the traditional and modern Anglophone women in the society
The role of women in the society is certainly a discussion which I claim to deal of exhaustive because of her duties . They are proven to have increased over time though the traditional care giving and home making roles are struggling to be abandoned due to outdoors activities in which many women in the contemporary Cameroon are implicated . As Tantoh Emmanuel said “ nowadays a woman has 3 roles : the reproductive , the community and the productive role “ . In other words , her role is not just anymore as a mother and a wife but also as a woman who promotes women’s empowerment and defends their rights . In the Northwest of Cameroon , a female is recognized as a woman by the time she gets breasts and menses . So at that time she can get married and settle her own family with the man who asks for her hand . As a wife she has the crucial role to give birth and take care of her family . i.e. the children , the husband and the extended family . Firstly , taking care of her husband implies cooking for him because a woman who doesn’t know how to cook is still viewed as one who has received a bad education and one of the method that is commonly identified as a technique used to preserve your husband and retract him from other women is cooking . Apart from cooking for him , she also cooks for her in laws , when she visits a relative or when she wants to please her mother in law she makes good meals for her . Secondly , as the traditional woman Mama Justine said “ she takes care of her husband by washing his clothes “ because a man who is seen clean is judged to have a good wife . Nonetheless this aspect gradually disappears with time because of modernization and women who are fighting to reduce their duties in the household . However she plays a key role in the education and teaching of children ethical , social and moral values . She has the duty to raise her girls properly by teaching her how to cook and clean the house . Well , what they believe a housewife should know and be able to do . Because they are also expected to get married in the future , so in most families it is very common to see a girl with many household chores . Additionally , the ability of a woman to procreate and educate has given her an important status in the society , she is viewed to be closely related to God given her ability to donate life . Thus , this role of her concerning the upbringing of her children is naturally seen as a duty . She is seen as that one who instill socio – religious values in her family , and ensures that the family is united .
Essentially today Anglophone women as well as African women do not only have the role of caretaker but it extends unto contributing in the house expenses , defending their rights and promote their empowerment . Non – educated and educated women create a type of meeting called Njangui where women meet constantly to discuss on their issues , share ideas , save money for their children’s education and personal needs . This initiative taken by courageous women has helped to assemble many other women together to provide a space of freedom where they could express themselves and gain the necessary support . Nevertheless as EmmanueL Tantoh and Gabriella Njang mentioned , other educated women who attended schools or work and learned about laws play the role of witnesses by struggling to defend laws in favor of women such as women’s abuse and promote these laws so that others could be aware . In summary one could say Anglophone women still play indispensable roles in the society despite the issues they face that might come somehow from their perception of modernity .