Women In The World
Recherche de Documents : Women In The World. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar emmamie • 22 Avril 2014 • 660 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 135 Vues
Progress and achievements:
After WWII:
- Right to vote(1918/1940 QC)
- They enter public sphere but elites and clergy resist.
- Emancipation 1960s
But low salaries. Men had to be dependent to their husbands or sons.
Suffragette: suffrage=voting → fighting for human right to vote which is a basic right!
Women start to leave the private sphere to enter the public sphere. They became more and more present in universities. The feminist mvt gather together with a common identities→ much better chances to impose their will. After the success of civil right movement → They did the same things to improve their situation.
Dimension and inequality:
The clergy is very worried about that because they work so hard to set up a system where women were not in the same level of men. They considered themselves to be leaders and women were conedered to be irrational, emotional, illogical hence not considered to be leaders. But why a such image?
- the gender behaviors are not stable. Ex: romantic love.
Basically, asymmetries men/women are:
- power: capacity to impose will.
- Materual wee being:access to economic resources (ex: food)
- Prestige: position in social/work hierarchy (NURSE VS DOCTOR) . men tend to earn more money than women.
Types of feminism :
- Marxist: women unpaid work benefit capitalism because taking care of men who are going to work.
Patriarchy: world where women dominate.
- subsidized maternal benefits by gov’t
- subsidized child care.
- Equal pay for work and equal value.
Increasing participation in the workforce- transformations:
- Increasing education. Women study longer and longer, start carries and after think about babies.
- Tertiarisation of the economy.
- Lower birth rate.
- Changing realities regarding work.
Women are far more independent today, and couples both work.
Power at work:
- More men are supervisors (40% / 25%women).
- Definitions of skills are socially constructed ( plumber vs nurse).
- Part-time, part week… → more common among women. Why do they accept that? → more time for children.
Women in workforce today:
- double families: work-family conciliation.
- Lower salaries