Music in foreign language
Résumé : Music in foreign language. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar hps95 • 23 Avril 2021 • Résumé • 719 Mots (3 Pages) • 451 Vues
Lexical acquisition is known as the quantity of words that a person can remember and use, besides that the semantic knowledge is the ability of that person of using those words accurately (Stone, Silliman, Ehren, & Apel, 2004); in this case the users are children, so we would like to focuses on how the music eared by a child can give them the help to understand and make meaningfully each word that listens and how this provide them the learning in big part of their vocabulary and the impact of it by learning a foreign language in a classroom accompanied by movement, stories developing the production of utterances and writing words in a comfortable an accurate environment.
Language and music are the main forms communication; first, the music is a strong support for the development of language, a pervasive across human cultures and also evidence of human significance dating it of at les 42.000 years (Higham 2012). Then we have language defined as a complex communication system compounded by basic components of high-order structures. Both music and language have important and different connotations like the degree of sematic specificity; as language has a precise semantic content it precision can prevail on a discrepancy, the music whereas counts with a lack of meaning related to semantic specificity, it takes an important part in promoting a social responsibility in building cooperative behavior from children to adults, so in this sequence of ideas, language makes possible the articulations of what is semantic specificity is within us, meanwhile the music makes powerful our communication, all of this showing that music has have big impact in communication from long time ago.
Music as a human universal probably in some teaching fields has being considered has a useless tool, but in language teaching it is a clear exception; the music is a provider of rhythm, dynamic, stress pitch and intonations with language because being the student even a limited English language user and connoisseur it provides him the tools for express him. It not only provides a relaxed environment in classroom, reduce de anxiety in these or motivate students to learn, it also improves: Critical thinking, creativity (Whitcomb 2013), problem solving skills (Pogonowski 1987) and so on. Additional to this, a big wide of studies related to music in teaching processes the music is consider a significant tool in language teaching offering a fun and variety of repetition that provides to the second language learning motivation. Activities like singing and playing music in a language learning classroom, frees language learners of pressure and negative influences than avoid the positive development in language learning, besides all of that Hashemi and Azizinezhad (2011) stated: “musical people have increased aptitude in foreign language learning due to an advanced ability in perceiving, processing, and closely reproducing accent”. Another important reason are Palmer and Kelly’s resource (1992) where they pointed that the use of text, music and music into stories promotes a better language development in second language because making a good use of rhymes, lyrics and their similar overstate in natural stress accent of English language making easily the comprehension and also the pronunciation and production of the language as well as writing as speaking.