Why was there a revolution in October that led to the Bolsheviks?
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Why was there a revolution in October that led to the Bolsheviks?
> Introduction
● ‘Bolshevik Revolution’
● The October revolution was a uprising led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks where
they stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd and seize governmental power in
● Bolsheviks -> Lenin’s supporters, radical communist revolutionaries
● The October revolution was caused by the failure of the provisional government,
the refusal to cease fighting in World War I and the ruined economy which the Bolsheviks took advantage of.
> March Revolution and Background
● After the March revolution where the czar abdicated his throne, a provisional
government was established
● Russians became more and more radical and usually did not support this gvt
● Socialist revolutionaries who wished to have power in the gvt installed local
councils which were called Soviets
● These councils were composed of peasants, soldiers and workers
> Causes of the October Revolution
● The March revolution had a huge impact on Russia and pushed for widespread
● However, the installation of a provisional government and its failure did not please
the Bolsheviks, as they wanted power over Russia and they want to apply their
own communist reforms
● This pushed the Bolsheviks to pursue power and establish soviets
● The Bolsheviks could not accomplish their goal without support from Russian peasants, workers and soldiers
● The working class and lower military turned to the Bolsheviks when the provisional gvt refused to leave ww1, which was one of the demands of Russians during the March revolution
● The war cost Russia the lives of millions of civilians and soldiers
● The whole country was struggling, particularly the working class
● The angered working class then turned to Lenin and the Bolsheviks
● The economy was in ruins
● Food shortages
● The price of goods increased
● Fuel shortages made already unbearable Russian winters worse
● Shortages of resources for soldiers at the front
● The continuing economic crisis discredited the provisional gvt and strengthened
the appeal of the Bolsheviks
● The need for peace was also very impactful to Russians, as they have gone through a large period of political tension