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Why was Apple named Apple? (intro)

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Par   •  17 Janvier 2019  •  Fiche  •  250 Mots (1 Pages)  •  633 Vues

Why was Apple named Apple?

This question has been asked by many people and I guess no one really knows why the famous Steve Jobs named his company “Apple computers” back in 1976. A lot of speculations floated by, some saying that they wanted distance from the cold, complicated imagery created by other computer companies at the time – with names such as IBM, Digital Equipment and Cincom, others that Jobs and Wozniak wanted their startup to be in front of Atari in the phone book. Some people even thought the name came from some buddhist reference (Jobs was a buddhist at the time), but Apple’s CEO said himself in the Steve Jobs Biography (by Walter Isaacson) that he was “on one of my fruitarian diets” and had just come back from an apple farm, and thought the name sounded “fun, spirited and not intimidating.” When Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple) was asked where the name “Apple” came from, he stated that he came up with the name after spending a few months working on an apple orchard and that the name was effectively Job’s idea. Wozniak was concerned about copyright issues because “Apple Records” was and still is owned by the Beatles. In fact, Apple Records actually sued Apple Computers over trademark violations less than 8 years later.

The reason why the name “Apple” was chosen by Wozniak and Jobs is still blurry, but I think they made a great choice that works with Steve Jobs’ simplistic work ethics.


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