La Grande Bretagne : un problème pour l’Europe
Cours : La Grande Bretagne : un problème pour l’Europe. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar taralepinay • 10 Mars 2024 • Cours • 432 Mots (2 Pages) • 167 Vues
La Grande Bretagne : un problème pour l’Europe
So, what should we do ? Practice a neglected exercise, listening carefully, taking the time needed to go further a short-term view.
Both economic and financial systems, with their well known differences, have been struggling to adapt to current needs in France as well as in Germany. On budget discipline for the past 20 years, France ( all governments concerned ) turned a blind eye to its European commitments. It has lost whole sectors of her industry, needs to improve its educational performance and expand its work cohorts. As a result, it has nowadays less budgetary room for manoeuvre than Germany.
But, the German model, funded mainly on carbon and polluting ( cars, chemicals ) industries highly depend on Russian gas and China, is also in jeopardy. That is why Germany cannot decide alone concerning energy nor on the future of its economy. The key question is to know how the single market can offer our companies and jobs a solid backup support base. The future of social justice is at stake in a not only competitive world but also heading for war exactly how the french feel it more clearly
L’apostrophe s se traduit souvent par des deux points en titre
After having wandered around the streets of London in joy, during the Queen’s coronation in 1953, the sociologists MIchael Young and Edward Shils characterized the event as a “ huge national act of communion”.
it was meaningful , they wrote that as it was “not an individual experience but a collective one” uniting thousands of families in a popular zeal, recalling the celebration of the victory over the Nazi Germany.
The air was filled with human warmth ; even the pickpockets had stopped their work, and there was a prevailing brotherhood spirit that would have horrified “ those with a rationalist bias towards the educated people of our time, especially those with a radical or liberal political orientation”.
Today, as inequality continues to grow in the United Kingdom , the monarchy seems to have maintained its popularity. almost 2 britons out of three agree with its existence.
only 22% wish it to disappear, the most hostile are the Scotts.
It is a strange paradoxe that, when times are hard, the Royal Family seems to serve as a distraction or a consolation.
during the royal weddings of the past 1à years, there has always been someone to claim that the moral of the nation needed a helping hand
Whereas jamais au début de la phrase