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Theme Anglais dissertations et mémoires


4 936 Theme Anglais dissertations gratuites 76 - 100 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 22 Juin 2015
  • Le consommateur responsable (document en anglais)

    Le consommateur responsable (document en anglais)

    Responsible consumer “Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body.” /George Carlin/ Recently the media announced that the world's population is due to hit 7bn this October: “On October 31st the UN will dub a newborn the world’s 7 billionth living person” , the most impressing is the fact that it has been reached in such little time from reaching six billion people.

    947 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Résumé Devoir Anglais

    Résumé Devoir Anglais

    Ce document est un article économique ayant pour titre " Malls Begin Slow Recovery"(Les centres commerciaux commencent lentement leur reprise d’activité). Les propriétaires des centres commerciaux ont été touchés par la crise, pour la première fois depuis quatres ans et selon le REIS (cabinet de recherche), le taux d'inoccupations dans les centres commerciaux ont diminués de 8,8 pourcent au troisième trimestre. Des résultats encourageants pour les propriétaires, qui sont optimistes le taux de location s'étant

    293 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vocabulaire Courrier Anglais

    Vocabulaire Courrier Anglais

    Dear Sir/ Madame /Sirs Dear M. XX / Mrs XX/ Miss XX / Ms XX I am writing : • to confirm • to apologize for • in answer to • to thank you for • to inquire about : pour me renseigner à propos de • to informe you that • regarding : en ce qui concerne • with reference to We enclose... / Please find enclose ... : veuillez trouvez ci-joint You will

    354 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'évolution rapide d'internet (texte en anglais)

    L'évolution rapide d'internet (texte en anglais)

    Background The rapid growth of internet users has made the internet an increasingly important and attractive platform for business transactions. According to the Internet World Stats, by March 2011, the internet user population reached 2 billion worldwide, an increase of 480.4 % in the period from 2000 to 2011. Eight to ten years ago, B2B firms–large and small, may have asked themselves the question of whether or not to move their business to the Internet.

    3 741 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Petite présentation de George Marshall (documente en anglais)

    Petite présentation de George Marshall (documente en anglais)

    Today, we’ll present you one of the most important figure of the United States, George Marshall. He is famous for the European Recovery Program or the Marshall Plan but not only. Today, he symbolizes the courage and the peace after the Second World War. And it’s for what we think he must be the next person to be curved on the mount Rushmore! Moreover, He isn’t, as many state dignitaries are, issue from the upper

    278 Mots / 2 Pages
  • World of Warcraft (document en anglais)

    World of Warcraft (document en anglais)

    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) The first World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch of the year is in development and now available for testing on the Public Test Realms. This minor patch includes several updates that we were unable to apply via hotfixes, including the recently announced cross-realm raids, assorted class balance fixes, and more. If you'd like to help us test out this patch and provide feedback, you can start by

    431 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Étude de documents en anglais

    Étude de documents en anglais

    English: His relationship and his views of relationship Early career and relationships: In autumn 1943 Larkin was appointed librarian of the public library in Wellington, Shropshire. It was while working there that in the spring of 1944 he met his first girlfriend, Ruth Bowman, an academically ambitious 16-year-old schoolgirl.[27] In autumn 1945, Ruth went to continue her studies at King's College London; during one of his visits their friendship developed into a sexual relationship. By

    763 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Étude De Marché: le Cidre (document en Anglais)

    Étude De Marché: le Cidre (document en Anglais)

    1/ Offer analysis: A/ Market trends Thanks to cider market research, we can gather the main fact and information about the French market.  Cider production is dropping: After a good 2010 year, production of cider marketed has dropped again in 2011 (less 3% of cider volume). This evolution can be explained by the demand apathy on the market. In addition, the unfavorable summer climatic conditions in 2010 have led to this result, especially in

    1 289 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Débat argumentatif entre Voltaire et Rousseau sur le thème du pouvoir royal

    Débat argumentatif entre Voltaire et Rousseau sur le thème du pouvoir royal

    Rédigez un débat argumentatif entre Voltaire et Rousseau, tenants de thèses opposées, sur le thème du pouvoir royal. Voltaire prônera un despotisme éclairé tandis que Rousseau défendra une monarchie absolue de droit divin. Voltaire cherchera à convaincre et Rousseau à persuader. Voltaire utilisera un argument d’autorité et un argument a contrario, Rousseau un argument a fortiori et une attaque ad hominem. Vous prendrez soin de souligner ces arguments et d’indiquer entre parenthèses, à la suite

    1 143 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Synthèse de TPE sur le thème du QI

    Synthèse de TPE sur le thème du QI

    SYNTHESE Marie Sophie , Chimène et moi, nous avons choisit comme sujet de TPE , le test du QI ( modèles et modélisation) .Ce sujet concerne les matières scientifiques suivantes : la biologie, du au fait que, en étudiant l’intelligence,on a étudié même le cerveau. Et les mathématiques en raison de l’étude des courbes en cloche et des pourcentages montrant les résultats des QI en les associant à des types d’intelligence . Moi je suis

    780 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Freshen-up Ltd (document en anglais)

    Freshen-up Ltd (document en anglais)

    Problem 1 Freshen-up Ltd. Your client Greg Green has come to you to discuss his plans for retirement. He started his company, Freshen-up Ltd. (FL) 20 years ago with a $10,000 contribution for 10,000 shares. The company was ahead of its time with respect to environmental clean-up and has increased in value to become a $2.8 million dollar enterprise. Greg still believes in the company and its mandate but wants any additional growth in value

    668 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Réponse au patron en anglais par mail (devoir)

    Réponse au patron en anglais par mail (devoir)

    01th February, 2012 At Hamilton, Canada. Dear Mr Crowbar, I studied about the better means of transport that we use to our major order and I've collected the following informations. As you will see I propose to you four assumptions. Firstly, we can use transport by road. The advantages of these means of transport are the low cost, the facility of the service and the "door-to-door". But the disadvantages are very considerable because of traffic

    346 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais: présentation de mon travail et l'entreprise

    Anglais: présentation de mon travail et l'entreprise

    PRESENTATION OF MY JOB AND THE COMPANY INTRODUCTION My name is, I am completing a course to take Higher National Diploma I work in a company called “Les Nouveaux Constructeurs” to perform my training period Les Nouveaux Constructeurs is a property developer. I started working with this company in August 2010. Further to a curriculum vitae which I sent them, the company called me to I have an interview. Two days later they contacted me

    437 Mots / 2 Pages
  • BTS MUC( Management de l’équipe commerciale ) 1ere Année Anglais: compréhension et expression écrite

    BTS MUC( Management de l’équipe commerciale ) 1ere Année Anglais: compréhension et expression écrite

    Partie 1 : Compréhension écrite Activity 2 Vous traduirez en français, à partir de l’article précédemment cité, le passage suivant : de « The computer industry is built… » à « one of its computers in America is $30. » L’industrie informatique est construite sur la supposition que les pc et les appareils électriques sont remplacés après seulement quelques années. C’est une stratégie qui laisse des tonnes d’appareils électriques dans son sillage. Plus de 130

    554 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Corpus de textes et photographie sur le thème du sport

    Corpus de textes et photographie sur le thème du sport

    Cette synthèse composé de trois textes et d’une photographie a pour thème le sport et pour sujet Le sport, des sports. Le premier texte, est un essai d’Isabelle Queval sur le sport contemporain publié en 2004, il a pour titre s’accomplir ou se dépasser et souligne les points communs entre les différents sports de haut niveau. Le deuxième texte écrit par Roger Chartier et Georges Vigarello qui a pour titre Les traits distinctifs des sports

    1 126 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Comment fonctionne le système informatique? (document en anglais)

    Comment fonctionne le système informatique? (document en anglais)

    How does the computer system work? The computer system works thanks to two programs called Easy Source Program and KeyMRO. These two programs have for final goal the integration of suppliers to the company and the decrease in costs. KeyMRO is the unification of four big non-competing industrial groups including Thomson (Rhodia, Schneider, Faurecia and Thomson). They decide to gather their experience and their competences in order to minimize their functional costs. This gathering is

    278 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Le crédit à la consommation au Japon (document en anglais)

    Le crédit à la consommation au Japon (document en anglais)

    CFJ In 2000, Citigroup acquired Associates -> launched them into Japan's highly competitive consumer lending market. Since then, had consolidated multiple acquisition through associates into a single entity, CFJ. They have also aggressively rationalized: reducing workforce, closing more than half of their manned retail outlets, and streamlining and centralizing approvals and collections procedures. In 2006, CFJ wanted to expanded further. Japanese Financial Industry Overview Credit industry classified in 2 categories: - sales on credit (allow

    1 501 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Pensez-vous que le médecin X devrait-être accusé d'homicide involontaire ou volontaire du bébé? Et pourquoi? (document en anglais)

    Pensez-vous que le médecin X devrait-être accusé d'homicide involontaire ou volontaire du bébé? Et pourquoi? (document en anglais)

    Do you think that Mr Vo’s Doctor should be charges with the manslaughter of her « baby »? Why/Why not? In fact, a woman came to a prenatal visit, but an error was made by her doctor. There have the abortion. In the first time, we see the definition of manslaughter. The manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice. The commission of a lawful acts which without due caution and circumption.

    582 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Pensez-vous que le médecin X devrait-être accusé d'homicide involontaire ou volontaire du bébé? Et pourquoi? (document en anglais)

    Pensez-vous que le médecin X devrait-être accusé d'homicide involontaire ou volontaire du bébé? Et pourquoi? (document en anglais)

    In fact, a woman came to a prenatal visit, but an error was made by her doctor. There have the abortion. In the first time, we see the definition of manslaughter. The manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice. The commission of a lawful acts which without due caution and circumption. The problem concerns the Mrs Vo's foetus. In the definition of the manslaughter, it is said "killing of a human

    563 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Dans quelle mesure Dickens a-t-il réussi à utiliser l'histoire des fantômes et son atmosphère? (document en anglais)

    Dans quelle mesure Dickens a-t-il réussi à utiliser l'histoire des fantômes et son atmosphère? (document en anglais)

    How successful is Dickens in making use of the ghost story and its atmosphere? “The Signalman” takes place in the 19th century after the Industrial Revolution when railways and telegraphs were still a newly discovered technology and therefore were treated with suspicion. In his narrative, Dickens expresses his uncertainty about technology and the danger that it might bring. The language he uses is very effective in creating a supernatural and mysterious atmosphere and the gothic

    842 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais: Pourquoi les entreprises se battent-elles contre les entreprises louches?

    Anglais: Pourquoi les entreprises se battent-elles contre les entreprises louches?

    It’s definitely easy to understand why companies are fighting against that fishy business. As we can see on this article Tiffany’s or Microsoft are fighting against that trying to curb the counterfeit sales. And as we are going to show it’s not for nothing. First, every company has ethical reasons to fight this multibillion dollar trade. • Every company is used to follow the same goal as making profits. Following this way the economy keep

    497 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vocabulaire Anglais

    Vocabulaire Anglais

    Appareil : appliance Que… ou que : wether … or Pertinent : significant Mener à bien : to carry out, to achieve En attente : pending Agencement disposition : a lay out Une voiture de fonction : a compagny car Un ticket restaurant : a lunch voucher Stock option : profit sharing sheme Un plat : a dish Chiffres d’affaire : sales figures Matière première : raw materials La porté, l’étendu : the scope Bois

    493 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Résumé des principes généraux de gestion par Fayol (document en anglais)

    Résumé des principes généraux de gestion par Fayol (document en anglais)

    The managerial function operates only on the personnel and is particularly difficult to master as it is all a question of proportion while playing with flexible principles. In this text, Fayol is enumerating several of these principles. First, a company should be directed by a single person that will decide for common plans and strategies for the whole organization so as to maintain a corporate cohesion. Moreover, each worker should be led by only one

    436 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Qu'est-ce que le mercantilisme et pourquoi sommes-nous sous cette doctrine économique? (document en anglais)

    Qu'est-ce que le mercantilisme et pourquoi sommes-nous sous cette doctrine économique? (document en anglais)

    In the 18th century, we were under the age of mercantilism, but what is the mercantilism and why we are under this economic doctrine? First, mercantilism is a doctrine which was led by the government; it allowed people to protect the British trade in controlling the foreign trade by using high taxes against the foreign traders and by developing the trade with the colonies of the Kingdom. But why was mercantilism adopted in the Kingdom

    1 416 Mots / 6 Pages
  • La mise en place de l'euro et la crie économique -synthèse en anglais

    La mise en place de l'euro et la crie économique -synthèse en anglais

    Subject #1: “The euro area has experienced a severe recession, followed by a sovereign debt crisis. Swift policy action helped to stabilize the economy and a modest recovery is now underway, although risks remain. Structural reforms would facilitate on-going economic adjustment and lift growth prospects. Excessive economic, financial and fiscal imbalances built up in some euro area countries during the upswing, misallocating resources and creating growing vulnerabilities. Diverging pressures on national economies were compounded by

    5 236 Mots / 21 Pages

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