Theme Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 936 Theme Anglais dissertations gratuites 51 - 75 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Thème d'anglais film THE QUEEN
THE QUEEN I'm going to speak about the movie entitled the Queen. I will begin with a few words on the beginning of the movie then I will develop when Tony Blair tried to convince the Queen and I will end with the funeral and the TV interview of the Queen. The tittle of the movie is the Queen. The director is Stephen Frears. The characers are Helen Mirren as the Queen and Michael Sheen
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Résumé des différents thèmes en anglais : Locations and forms of power et The idea of progress
I – Locations and forms of power : (Introduction Problematic) I would like to talk about the notion of locations and forms of power. First of all, power is the ability to influence people’s behavior, it can be related to law, money, media, medicines, men and their opinions, thus (= as a result). What is the impact of power in the world? Therefore (=for that reason), I will illustrate my arguments with the following video
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Thème d'anglais : Barack Obama
Thème 1 : Barack Obama My subjet is about Barack Obama the 44 president of the United States. In my first part I will talk about his early life I was born in 1961 (nineteen sixty-one). In Hawaii. His Mother, Ann Dunham, was born in Kansas his father was born in Nyanza. Obama did not have a relationship with his father. His parents divorced in March 1964 (nineteen sixty-four). While living with his grand-parents, Obama
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Thème personnel d'anglais sur Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Bac Accueil Relation Clients et Usagers Thème personnel d’anglais : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Good morning. Today, I’m going to present my personal theme : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He was born in January 27, 16 in Salzburg. His father, Leopold Mozart, supported his musical education. He was conductor at the court of the Archbishop of Salzburg, violinist and composer. From the age of six, Mozart shows exceptional gifts for pianoforte (the ancestor of the piano) and
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Thème Super market lady's anglais
ANGLAIS BAC PRO 2018 : Thème n°1 Super Market Lady The work i'm going to present to you is supermarket lady : It shows a woman with a crammed shopping cart. Seeing this sculpture, i was fascinated by so much work and at the same time schoked by it's realism. I wondered wht could push an artist to represent a such character. In doing research, i discovered hyperrealism, an artistic movement that i did not
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Attentat 11 Septembre théme oral anglais bac pro
I divided my presentation into three parts. First I will explain the course of this terrorist attack Secondly I will give you the consequences of this attack for the United States To conclude, I will end up giving my opinion September 11, 2001 the United States is for the second time attacked on their own territory. This attack is the largest attack ever perpetrated in history, strike the international business center: the twin towers of
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Thème en anglais sur Ariana Grande Bac pro
Estelle Delcros Terminal Accueil relation clients et usagés Ariana Grande Lycée privé la Sagesse- Valenciennes How Ariana Grande leave the stage of Disney Channel at the icon of music? Ariana Grande is an American actress and singer. She was born in Boca Raton, Florida, in 1993. Her involvement in a Broadway play at age 15, followed by some small TV parts, helped her land the role of Cat on TV's Victorious. She followed that with
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Anglais grammaire thème
jeudi 17 janvier 2019 ANGLAIS GRAMMAIRE THÈME Les liens logiques dans la phrase 1. Contraste et similarité 1. Similarité 1. « Like » : + forme nominale He works in Paris, like my brother / like me + nom/ pronom possess. A flat like yours/ this one, would be ideal Attention: They consider /regard / look upon us as their rivals (equivalence) * He works like a slave: comme un esclave (similarité, de la même
12 728 Mots / 51 Pages -
Thème de bac anglais : Harry Potter
Thème de bac anglais : Harry Potter Harry Potter was invented by J. K Rowling an English, this woman was on the train and had the idea to write the invented story of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is first a story written in 7 books which then was retransmitted in 8 films. Harry is an orphan his parents were killed by Voldemort who is an evil sorcerer, Voldemort tried to kill Harry when he was
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Préparer son thème pour l'oral de BAC d'anglais
1. Rédiger l'introduction : Commencer par se présenter : nom, prénom, âge, lieu où vous habitez, nom du lycée, études menées. Énoncer son thème et sa problématique ; dire de quoi va parler le sujet ( thème général ) et dire sa problématique. Annoncer son plan : dire quelles sont les parties que vous aborder. 2. Rédiger le texte : Chercher des informations sur internet ou dans ce que vous connaissez du sujet. Ecrire vos
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Fiches anglais sur le thème espace et échange
SPACES AND EXCHANGES: Illegal Mexican Immigrants crossing the US border. INTRODUCTION : The notion that I’m going to deal with is « SPACES AND EXCHANGES ». I'd like to start with a definition of the notion. Spaces and exchanges are tightly related. In fact, the different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. Exchange can be about anything from money, goods, information, or people. And interactions across the borders
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Thème d'anglais bac pro : La casa del papel
Thème 3 espagnol : La casa del papel La casa del papel est une série télévisé Espagnol réalisé par Alex Pina. La série est réalisé en France le 20 Décembre 2017 et connait un grand succès. Pour l’instant la série se compose de 3 saisons. La série nous montre que, Un homme, surnommée le Professeur, planifie le meilleur braquage jamais réaliser, c’était le rêve de son père. Pour exécuter son plan, le professeur recrute huit
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Présentation d'un jeu en anglais thème mythes et héros
Intro Hello Today, I’m very happy to introduce ( nom du jeu). This game allows to learn while playing. It’s a revolution. All generations can play together. Mum, Dad , Grandmother, you, us , can play. Do you known a better present than (nom du jeu )for valentine’s day, Christmas, a birthday or just because you are kind man or girl ? I think so not. This interactive game raise people to spend great time
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Idee de dissert sur le thême art et pouvoir Anglais première
Art is always present in our life. We listen music, we write, we dance, we draw, we take photo and so much more. Indeed, a lot of people express their emotions, or feelings thanks to art. So yes, i believe in the power of art. First, I think art can have the ability to unite people. Indeed, in 1886, when the French nation decided to give the Statue of Liberty to the American nation.
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Carburants Alternatifs Et l'Industrie automobile (document en anglais)
While the diesel against the petrol still go, alternative energy back in the center of discussions, because of global warming. The car industry is the first concerned, indeed it represents a huge part of fuel’s consumption. Nowadays, on the fuel’s market, there are few possibilities for the car. Besides the car companies don’t make an effort to change their fuels, apart Toyota which developed the hybrid cars. It is an auto which operates with two
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Le mythe de l'exception américaine (document en anglais)
The Myth of American Exceptionalism The idea that the United States is uniquely virtuous may be comforting to Americans. Too bad it's not true. BY STEPHEN M. WALT | NOVEMBER 2011 (foreign policy) Over the last two centuries, prominent Americans have described the United States as an "empire of liberty," a "shining city on a hill," the "last best hope of Earth," the "leader of the free world," and the "indispensable nation." These enduring tropes
2 786 Mots / 12 Pages -
L'ours polaire sans-abri (document en anglais)
The Homeless Polar Bear Nissan makes in the classy and ecological ad with the new video of advertising for its Leaf car. Moreover, this commercial won at the last Emmy a price for the best commercial which put Nissan under the spotlight of creativity and intelligence. There are several reasons who makes this ad a success and that is what I an going to explain. First of all, everyone who might saw this commercial would
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Un bébé né avec deux têtes (document en anglais)
Baby born with two heads Nowadays, everything is unpredictable. An infant girl was born Dec. 10 with the undeveloped head of her twins, a condition known as craniopagus parasiticus. She died after bleeding to death following complex surgery in which doctors removed the partly formed twin that had treatened her brain. It was a complete little baby girl that, on top of her head, was attach a second head on top and facing up. The
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Etude Marketing en anglais sur l'entreprise Michel Et Augustin
III.JOB SATISFACTION Watching, listening and understanding A - Watch Questions : (1)Explain what the impact for a company is when a good employee leaves the organisation. It cost a lot: - need a new recruitment and training - lost productivity (2)What is the main reason for people to quit their jobs? The main reason is : Their BOSS. (3)What are the 4 main factors in determining an employee’s overall level of satisfaction at work
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Dissertation sur le thème de l'amour
ROBLEMATIQUE Nous avons choisi le thème de l’amour parmi tous ceux répertoriés dans les fiches de lectures. Nous allons montrer au travers de notre anthologie comment le thème de l’amour est traité en littérature. Nous nous attacherons donc à mettre en évidence la manière dont les auteurs traitent de l’amour dans leurs œuvres et donc par-là des différents aspects de ce thème. Pour y parvenir, nous allons rassembler des extraits de nature, d’époques, et d’auteurs
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Devoir Anglais Bts Ag 2ème Année: étude d'un article de presse "The M in Stamania"
Partie 1 Compte rendu écrit en français Cet article de presse, intitulé The M in Stamina et publié dans le TIME du 22 février 2010, nous raconte le parcours de Michelle Garnaut, une Australienne propriétaire de plusieurs cafés-restaurants appelés « M », initiale de son prénom, de type occidental en Chine. En premier lieu cet article nous informe sur ses origines et ses débuts dans le métier de la restauration. Nous comprenons d’ailleurs que ce
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Eurobaromètre (document en anglais)
The report looks at views held generally across the EU, how these views vary from country to country, significant variations by gender, age, education and other sociodemographic variables.In recent years, there have been a number of major natural and man-made disasters which, through global media coverage, have brought extreme images of suffering into people’s homes around the world. Just a few months ago, on 12 January 2010, shortly before the fieldwork for this current report
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Anglais: Vocabulaire
Vocabulaire Anglais Lesson 1-2-3-4 a house : maison a tee-shirt a tank top : débardeur a jumper : pull a sweat shirt : pull à capuche a shirt : une chemise a tie : cravate a coat : manteau a raincoat : imperméable shorts : short jeans : Jeans trousers : pantalon dungarees : salopette a suit : un costume a Castle : château a flat : appartement A caravan : caravane a village:village A
1 453 Mots / 6 Pages -
Étude de l'hôtel Dorval (document en anglais)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY It is a compulsory internship report which was assigned to me, for this I had the great opportunity to do an internship at the Quality Hotel Dorval for 8 weeks. The Quality Hotel Dorval is a hotel chain owned by the Harilela Group. I am making this report on the experience gained with that internship. 1. HISTORY OF THE HOTEL ‘’The Harilela Group which is wholly owned by the Harilela family, is a
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Le réchauffement climatique (document en anglais)
GLOBAL WARMING I. What evidence is there that the earth is actually warming up? Evidence for warming up of our Earth includes observed increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising average sea level. We will focus on the global average air temperatures from 1880 to 2000 and the Temperature anomalies in January 2007 Global warming refers to the rising average temperature of Earth's atmosphere. In the
1 677 Mots / 7 Pages