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Anglais grammaire thème

Cours : Anglais grammaire thème. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Avril 2019  •  Cours  •  12 728 Mots (51 Pages)  •  706 Vues

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Les liens logiques dans la phrase

  1. Contraste et similarité
  1. Similarité
  1. « Like » : + forme nominale 

He works in Paris, like my brother / like me + nom/ pronom possess.

A flat like yours/ this one, would be ideal


They consider /regard / look upon us as their rivals (equivalence)

  • He works like a slave: comme un esclave (similarité, de la même manière que …)
  • He works as a slave: il est esclave (équivalence)

Several firms, such as IBM and General Motors, are cutting jobs

(Plusieurs exemples)

  1. « As »
  • + forme verbale

Why don’t you come by bus as I do ?

As you know, I don’t agree

  • + groupe prépositionnel

You can’t deal with foreign customers as with French ones

  1. Contraste

  1. Traduction de « contrairement à »
  • “Unlike” + forme nominale

Unlike John she is not very efficient
His teacher is really nice, unlike mine
It’s unlike her to be late (ça ne lui ressemble pas d’être en retard)

  • “Contrary to”+ what

Contrary to what was said in the papers

  1. Traduction de “alors que”
  • Whereas / While

They laid off 3 employees, whereas we hired 5

He is self-employed, whereas his brother is a civil servant

He works late at night whereas/while she prefers to work in the morning

  1. Simultanéité temporelle

While = pendant que

As = Alors que / tandis que / comme / au moment où

While she was doing her homework, I went shopping

As I was jogging, it started to rain

I saw him as he was coming out of the bank

As commercial Europe is being built, French firms are trying to conquer community markets

  1. Cause et conséquence

  1. La cause 

  1. Parce que = “because”
  2. Car = « for »

Don’t send it, for it will be too late

She didn’t come, for she had too much work

  1. Dans la mesure où = « insofar as »

Insofar as everyone is concerned, we should all be warned

  1. Etant donné que / comme = « since » / « as »

Since / as I am under 18, I can’t vote

As / since I don’t have my car, could you please drive me home ?

  1. Conséquence
  1. Ainsi = « thus »

Tell him the truth ; thus/ so, he won’t say he didn’t know

  1. Si bien que = “…, so that » + indicatif

It rained all the afternoon, so that they had (indicatif) to cancel the match.

I had no petrol (GB) left, so that I arrived late.

  1. Le But :

  1. Même sujet dans 2 propositions :

I did that to surprise her

I did that so as to surprise her

I did that in order to surprise her

Attention : but négatif. Not placé devant le To.

They decided to cut production so as not to hire new employees

They decided to cut production in order not to hire new employees

They decided to cut production not to hire new employees

  1. Changement de sujet : « so that + modal »
  1. « So that”+  may / might (but positif)[pic 1][pic 2]

I stayed at home with the baby so that my wife could / might go to the cinema

  1. So that + should (but négatif)

I locked the phone so that he shouldn’t use it

I warned him so that he should be careful

The doctor talked in medical terms, so that I didn't fully understand (c’est une conséquence)

The doctor talked in medical terms so that I shouldn't fully understand (c’est fait exprès)


  1. If vs Whether :

Do you know whether he placed the order (or not)?

If I were rich, I’d travel around the world

On utilise whether si on peut utiliser or not apres

Whether it be = que ce soit : The firm’s nez police isn't well accepted, whether it be at the level of unions or of the executives.

    B. condition nécessaire

  1. “à condition que” = provided (providing)

You can use my computer, as long as (so long as) you remember to switch it off when you go.

2) “à moins que/sauf si” = unless

Unless I have my parcel tomorrow, I’ll cancel my order.


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