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Anglais: Pourquoi les entreprises se battent-elles contre les entreprises louches?

Étude de cas : Anglais: Pourquoi les entreprises se battent-elles contre les entreprises louches?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Février 2012  •  Étude de cas  •  497 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 584 Vues

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It’s definitely easy to understand why companies are fighting against that fishy business. As we can see on this article Tiffany’s or Microsoft are fighting against that trying to curb the counterfeit sales. And as we are going to show it’s not for nothing.

First, every company has ethical reasons to fight this multibillion dollar trade.

• Every company is used to follow the same goal as making profits. Following this way the economy keep growing and the society can progress and have a better standard of living.

• The whole companies have an employee respect. This has to take a big part of the ethic of every company. In fact, with the counterfeit trade we don’t know what is the employee’s working condition. Nevertheless we know for legal companies because employees are protected by the law. While, there are no organizations to protect employees in the illegal business so, nobody can do something against that.

• Also, companies have a customer respect. They are used to make quality and safety products. They don’t “sell for sell”. They have to respect some standard as the ISO or CE ones proving the good quality of the product.

Second, unethically the profits of this business can be used in illegal organizations as Mafia, organized crime or terrorist activities. Indeed, the benefit can serve the drug business or arm business. Thus, illegal organizations are consolidated by those profits. In the same way they can have the opportunity to extend their power around the world.

If it keep on growing, it could be very dangerous. I can imagine that the Mafia can take under control some legal companies and make whatever it wants. And one thing leading to another that organization could govern a poor country first and then control the planet. Why not?

So, it is extremely important to focus on. It could be dangerous for our society because the counterfeiting business is getting worse. The government has to carry on finding solutions.

Third, the question is if I believe that customers have a great responsibility in the counterfeited goods boom

• My first vision is to say NO:

Nowadays, to feel yourself integrated you have to follow the society trend. And to follow it without money you have to find solutions. Front of this barrier the counterfeiting business appear as the best solution for people who want to access to the luxury product.

Of course that kind of people doesn’t have any responsibility in the counterfeited goods boom.

Moreover, the society is not well informed about the counterfeited goods boom. I have never heard something about that expected when the authorities charged smugglers.

So, how could they feel responsible about that?

• My second vision is more optimistic:

Actually there are people who feel responsible.

I have seen on internet that there are customer associations which are fighting against the counterfeit.

To conclude, it is going to be difficult to stop that business. For one main reason: as long as there is a demand the counterfeiting business will never stop.


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