Theme Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 936 Theme Anglais dissertations gratuites 926 - 950 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Oral Anglais
Progress is the action to go forward, to grow, to be better. For a company or for humanity, progress is changing in the direction of improvement, its gradual transformation towards more knowledge and happiness. The notion of progress is a modern idea which opposes the stability that prevailed in the past. Anthropologists note the difficulty had primitive societies and ancient civilizations to understand this idea. Even the Greeks had was limited perception. It is especially
318 Mots / 2 Pages -
Faire un texte en anglais sur l'idée de progrès
e dois faire un texte en anglais sur l'idée de progrès (avantages, inconvénients etc...) et je voulais savoir si vous pouviez m'aider à corriger s'il vous plait ? Every day science is moving/progressing in all realms. We may wonder about the advantages and drawbacks of these scientific advances and what roles they play in our lives (ici je veux dire quels rôles est-ce qu'ils jouent dans notre quotidien? ) .Men have always sought to understand
1 254 Mots / 6 Pages -
Définition de l'idéal d'évolution (en anglais)
I’m going to talk about the notion Idea of Progress. First of all, I’d would like to give a definition of this notion. In historiography, the "Idea of Progress" is the theory that advances in technology, science, and social organization inevitably produce an improvement in the human condition. That is, people can become happier in terms of quality of life (social progress) through economic development and the application of science and technology (scientific progress). The
248 Mots / 1 Pages -
Anglais: étude d'un article dont le titre est " Online social : networking : for better or worse ? "
Partie 1 Ce document est un article dont le titre est " Online social : networking : for better or worse ? ". Il parle des réseaux sociaux sur internet, en abordant leurs aspects positifs et négatifs. Il se décompose en cinq parties : les utilisateurs de réseaux sociaux, une définition de twitter, une présentation du 2.0, les réseaux sociaux et le monde du travail, et enfin l'utilité des réseaux sociaux pour les petites entreprises.
996 Mots / 4 Pages -
Devoir Anglais
1. Listen to the questions recorded on your CD. 1. Present this document: its nature, origins, title and composition: This document is a press article appeared in The Guardian on October 14th, 1979. The title is “But I am your son…” The article consists of a hat or an introduction and it is divided into two parts. The text is separated by a narrative sentence "After three months at the hospital there was an assessment
465 Mots / 2 Pages -
Hunger Games (Article En Anglais)
Plot: Set in a future North America known as “Panem”, the Capitol force two youngsters from each of the twelve districts to participate in The Hunger Games", a televised fight-to-the-death. The rules are very simple: the twenty-four players must kill each other and survive in the wilderness until only one wins by surviving. The games are broadcast through the Capital and the twelve districts to entertain and intimidate the population. In District 12, the teenager
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Expression écritre en anglais: les avantages et les inconvénients du colocataire avec une personne du sexe opposé
Expression écrite p33 Nowadays, more and more teenagers are sharing a flat with an other person, an other student (a friend or an unknown person...) during their studies, to spend less money! We have to consider the advantages and the drawbacks of the flat mate with a person of the opposite sex, so in my case, with a boy. -To begin with the drawbacks of this way of life: Firstly, boys and girls haven’t got
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Notions D'anglais Terminale S
Spaces and exchanges Space and exchanges could mean the expression’s idea, the international migrations, global terrorism or a more economical view: the stock exchanges. In what extend the USA embodies the notion of space and exchanges? I American Dream Lands of marvel _ During the last siecle,a lot of people went to the USA _ Few people earn lot of money by working: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs,Georges Harrison… _ But by the crises economics they
543 Mots / 3 Pages -
Histoire et civilisation britanniques: idées politiques, État et société (document en anglais)
British History and Civilization: Political Ideas, the State and Society Read carefully the text of the 1689 English Bill of Rights; then read carefully Lois G. Schwoerer’s article « The bill of Rights: Epitome of the Revolution of 1688-89 ». Then develop the following questions: 1) Why Lois G. Schwoerer disagrees with the traditional conservative reading of the Bill of Rights? She advances two points or arguments for her own interpretation, summarize them and explain.
976 Mots / 4 Pages -
Équation qui régit le monde (document en anglais)
Equations that rule the world We humans will be nothing without our tools, stones axis made hunting easier and food more abundant, telescopes showed us a broader universe and nowadays we’re pretty helpless without our cell phone. But what is the most important to us? Our physical subjects at all but instead exist only our imagination. Without these imaginary tools, modern technology would be impossible and understanding about ourselves and universe would be greatly diminished.
527 Mots / 3 Pages -
Nespresso, étude de cas en anglais
Following the presentation of my friends, I will give you now some technical specifications Nespresso company, headquartered in Switzerland, is a subsidiary of Nestlé group since 1986. He sells coffee machines pods. These capsules are distributed only within Nespresso shops Nespresso takes root in many countries such as Switzerland, France, Italy, Japan and the United States (the brand is now present in 50 countries). In 2011, the company achieved a turnover of 2.95 billion euros,
1 102 Mots / 5 Pages -
Bac Anglais: Mythes et Héros
INTRO : Heroes exist for several years. Fictitious, as those of mythologies, or real, they are yet present today. Each book, each movie possesses a hero. They represent an ideal, they are models, and they embody values. Some people are considered like heroes on the real life too because they do extraordinary things or they promote a great message. They are symbols of peace, fight against racism, or equality. But a hero is not a
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Étude du film Full Metal Jacket de Stanley Kubrick (document en anglais)
The movie i’m going to present is entitled Full Metal Jacket, it is a 1987 vietnam war film produced by Stanley Kubrick. The film title refers to the full metal jacket bullet used by infantry riflemen. This movie is based on a book written by gustav staford in 1979. This movie has received a critical acclaim athough it wasn’t awarded. Full metal jacket shows the 1968 trek of one marine, private Joker, as he goes
550 Mots / 3 Pages -
Thème 2 géographie, Les Territoires De La Mondialisation Etude De Cas : Shanghai, Ville Mondiale
Thème 2 géographie, Les territoires de la mondialisation Etude de cas : Shanghai, ville mondiale La ville de Shanghai située en Chine, est aujourd'hui une des mégapoles les plus dynamiques au monde. Peuplée d'environ 19 millions d'habitants .Shanghai est devenu un pôle d’impulsion majeur sur la planète. En effet , c’est une ville qui connait une très forte croissance et qui est en constante augmentation au niveau économique. Se plaçant en 2010 à la 9eme
680 Mots / 3 Pages -
La modification de la structure familialle (synthèse en anglais)
Idea of progress How does the evolution of society influence the family structures? I traditional families On the listening comprehension four teenagers give their opinions on family and explain if they prefer big or small family. The first teenager thinks that a big family is really good because we can always play or do something with someone and you know good value like shoring. The second explain that live in a small family is great
887 Mots / 4 Pages -
Devoir Anglais CNED 1ère Année BTS AM: quelle est la clé d'une bonne communication?
Devoir anglais 1 Partie 1 Le document vient du magazine “in-house”. Il parle du problème de la communication, dans le domaine du travail et des services. Nous pouvons nous demander : quelle est la clé d'une bonne communication? Dans une première partie, nous parlerons de la communication dans le domaine des services, dans une seconde partie, la communication dans le domaine du travail et dans une troisième partie des attitudes dans les différents types de
464 Mots / 2 Pages -
Travail en anglais à faire sur la fausse publicité
j'ai un travail en anglais a faire sur la fausse publicité et jaurais aimé prendre des antipubs quon a fait la session derniere pour en montrer quelques unes pendant mon exposé, tu pourrais menvoyer la tienne stp?? ges aussi affectés mais plus Colin et Nicolas qui vivent près d’elle, comportement de Colin change beaucoup (apparence négligée, perte d’envie de vivre malgré son épicurisme), Nicolas qui laisse paraitre un vieillissement soudain, maladie apparait pour la première
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Conférence pour analyser le marché (document en anglais)
Brand range : noun Market leader brand which extends across some categories Ex : Nike do shoes, caps, tshirts… etc Forecasting : verb Conference to predict by analysis the market. Ex : predict when the sales will increase Incentive : adjective Orals A motivating influence; stimulus. Threatening : adjective Orals Tending or intended to menace. Ex : your enemi or competitor Dual-earner : adjective Orals Both parents got an income. ex :yours parents earne money
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Idee De Progrès (en anglais)
Ideé de progré=The idea of the progress Introduction The notion I’m going to deal with is the idea of progress .I’ve decided to focus on scientific progress and technology .In my presentation, I will try to answer the following question: should we fear the progress or not? 1:scientific and technological advances a)Major breakthoughs in the 20th century: IVF:In vitro fertilization : help sterile people having children. Enables all people having good realty children. Research on
280 Mots / 2 Pages -
L'influence du vaccin (Article en anglais.)
Vaccine 28 (2010) 6137–6144 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Vaccine journal homepage: A randomized clinical trial assessing immunogenicity and safety of a double dose of virosomal-adjuvanted influenza vaccine administered to unprimed children aged 6–35 months Susanna Espositoa, Paola Marchisioa, Filippo Ansaldib, Sonia Bianchinia, Michela Paceic, Elena Baggia, Daria Trabattonic, Giancarlo Icardi b, Nicola Principi a,∗ a Department of Maternal and Pediatric Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico,
617 Mots / 3 Pages -
Bac Pro Commerce Oral Anglais: le groupe Nike
NIKE I) HISTORY GROUP The company Nike is now a brand that specializes in clothing, footwear, and equipment sports, extremely experienced in the world. However, this giant was not born in a day. In Indeed, in 1962, an athletic coach, Bill Bowerman, Phil Knight and his partner decided to import shoes from Japan to promote the brand (which is called Blue Ribban Sport initially). They undertake a salesman, Jeff Johnson, who sells shoes in stages.
774 Mots / 4 Pages -
Les compétences interpersonnelles sont-elles importantes? (document en anglais)
Nowadays, having strong interpersonal skills is an advantage in professional and personal lives and in this text, the author pretends that women more often possess these skills. To begin, i think that under « interpersonal skills », that means the relationship skills, emotional intelligence, ability to listen and understand, ability to nurture talent, collaboration and partnership which are very important in business. It cannot be denied that interpersonal skills are the ‘Master Key’ to the
220 Mots / 1 Pages -
Lieu Et Forme De Pouvoir ( Anglais )
Places and forms of power I’m going to talking about the notion of places and forms of power. In the whole world, it exists many conflicts between the different cultures in a same country or a same community. We are going to analyze specifically the population of South Africa. In the past, South Africa was divides in two communities: Blacks and Whites also called Afrikaners . This opposition left marks in the history of the
537 Mots / 3 Pages -
Traduction Anglais
Têtes d'affiche demandé à deux jeunes militants à la question suivante: comment le changement climatique affectera notre avenir? Emma, 18 ans, nous a dit que «les jeunes doivent vraiment être intéressés par le changement climatique. Certainement nous allons devoir faire des changements". Gloria, 14 ans, a souligné que «nous obtenons la plupart de nos aliments à l'étranger si elles ne peuvent pas croître plus du tout parce que des inondations ou des sécheresses, alors nous
267 Mots / 2 Pages -
Theme : Le Marketing Touristique Filière : Analyse En Marketing
Introduction Nul ne doute aujourd’hui de la place qu’occupe le tourisme à l’échelle planétaire. Le tourisme a su s’imposé progressivement et surement dans au centre des activités économiques de l’homme. Avec pour motif fondamental le gout de l’aventure, celui ci est devenu de nos jours une grande industrie. En effet tout est parti véritablement d’un simple envie de se déplacer pour découvrir d’autres horizons. Et avec le temps et l’évolution économique des choses cette pratique
272 Mots / 2 Pages