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Par   •  18 Mai 2013  •  465 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 114 Vues

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1. Listen to the questions recorded on your CD.

1. Present this document: its nature, origins, title and composition:

This document is a press article appeared in The Guardian on October 14th, 1979. The title is “But I am your son…” The article consists of a hat or an introduction and it is divided into two parts.

The text is separated by a narrative sentence "After three months at the hospital there was an assessment meeting» (line 18).

Finally, the document has four paragraphs.

2. Can you translate the title of this document?

The title of the document is “But I am your son…” and its translation means “Mais je suis ton fils…”

3. Sum up the introduction in your own words:

The document speaks about a defective mental teenager who is sixteen. His parents have taken care of him since his birth but no have mixed feeling they have to choose.

4. Explain the last sentence of the text:

The last sentence is “In his ward there are men much more limited than David and he has a place among them”. This sentence explains that David feels at the right place in this hospital because he is with persons as to see him and more limited than him. Finally, he answers the concerns and the feelings shared by his parents.

His place is not any more at home.

5. Show that the journalist is present in the article :

The journalist is present because he writes his own his story. Indeed, in the line 1 " I was thinking ", it is a first person narration. He shares so these feelings of the line 7 - 9 and these doubts «the contradiction haunts me ".

Finally this type of the text is rather unusual.

2. The following sentences sum up each part of the article.

_The father is tired of his son and he wants to send him away. Number : 2

_David is a very nice boy but his father did not manage to accept his handicapped.

Number : 4

_David is sociable boy in the hospital.

Number : 5

_David has been staying with his parents for 16 years.

Number : 1

_The father confesses horrible feelings he had.

Number : 3

3. Find the equivalents of the following words in the text.

1. Mes réussites : my achievements (line 5)

2. tuer : murder (line 9)

3. il a un large sourire : grins wickedly (line 13)

4. pardonner : to forgive (line 14)

5. j’étais très surprise : I was staggered (line 20)

6. chambre d’hôpital : ward (line 21)

4. True or false? Justify by quoting from the


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