The Media dissertations et mémoires
3 120 The Media dissertations gratuites 451 - 475 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
The Crucible By Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller didn’t choose the title of his play, The Crucible, by accident. Indeed, the various meanings of the term “crucible” can be seen as a metaphor for American society. First of all, we can say that the first meaning of “crucible” is “a metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures”. This metaphor appears in the play throughout Salem. Indeed, Salem, where the play takes
490 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Bible
The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, "the books") is a canonical collection of texts considered sacred in Judaism as well as in Christianity. There is no single "Bible": many Bibles exist with varying contents.[1] The term Bible is shared between Judaism and Christianity, although the contents of each of their collections of canonical texts is not the same. Different religious groups include different books within their canons, in different orders, and sometimes
391 Mots / 2 Pages -
Lord Of The Flies Dissert
Watching the savages retreat, Ralph tries to identify them as individuals and guesses one to be Bill. Then he realizes that, in fact, "this was not Bill" and he's right: Once divorced from his previously civilized self in appearance, behavior, and values, the individual who was Bill is gone. In the previous chapter, after Jack throws a spear with deadly intention at Ralph, Golding stops using Jack's name and refers to him as "the chief."
552 Mots / 3 Pages -
On Almodóvar's World: The Endless Film
3 On Almodóvar’s World: The Endless Film1 Enric Bou Many, many years ago, the study of literature in Spain was ruled by the strict code of German philology. Critical editions, extremely detailed literary histories, and stylistic critical studies were the natural outcome. Imbedded in the German philological tradition was the idea that by examining key texts from any literature (German, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, etc.), one could demonstrate how writers constructed themselves as examples of authentic
9 686 Mots / 39 Pages -
The story of Dior bac Pro
THE STORY OF DIOR Fashion designer Christian Dior began his fashion career by selling sketches of hats to Parisians in 1935. Dior worked hard on his dress designs, though, and three years later he was employed by Robert Piguet. At the onset of war, Dior went to fight in the south of France. Returning to Paris in 1941, he worked in Lucien Lelong’s fashion house. With the war over and the world looking for something
497 Mots / 2 Pages -
Lecture Analytique du poème Anywhere Out Of The Word de Baudelaire
En 1869, est publié titre posthume un recueil de poèmes en prose intitulé Le Spleen de Paris (ou Petits poèmes en prose). Dans Anywhere out of the world, le poète tente alors de s'éloigner d'un monde hostile, de la nature et de la condition humaine qui provoquent la crainte et le rejet de son art. Il semble que face à la dureté de la réalité, la poésie introduise le rêve et permette à la pensée
1 413 Mots / 6 Pages -
Polyphénols de thé
- Les polyphénols du thé, puissants antioxydants, protégeraient contre le cancer du colon . En effet selon une étude chinoise, menée pendant 6 ans auprès de 70 000 femmes de 40 à 70 ans, la consommation quotidienne de thé réduirait le risque de développer cette pathologie de 37 %. - Le tanin tuerait les bactéries et le virus de la grippe, limiterait les mutations, réduirait les tumeurs et ainsi l’incidence du cancer, réduirait l’oxydation, diminuerait
716 Mots / 3 Pages -
Peter Pan, The Captain Who Wouldn't Grow Up (anglais)
Peter Pan, the captain who wouldn't grow up Once upon a time, there was a terrible captain named Peter Pan. He reigned over the Neverland thanks to his flying boat which was covered with fairy’s dust. It is said that he was the most powerful captain. One night, a boy, called James Hook, invited his friend, Mr. Smee, to sleep at his home. At sleeping time, Mrs. Hook told them the adventures of the Captain
325 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Rover
The Rover This passage belongs to a restoration comedy titled The Rover. It was written by the first female playwright in the English restoration, Aphra Behn (1640-1689). This dialogue is exactly located in the Part I, Act V, Scene I. What happens in this part is that Angelica enters grabbing a pistol, with the intention of killing Willmore. She roars and tries to intimidate him in a very threatening way. Moreover, the reader can also
912 Mots / 4 Pages -
Vue d'ensemble du livre " The Long Letter " de Mariama Ba
Dans le livre Une si longue lettre écrit par Mariama Bâ, l’auteur et les personnages parlent des situations au Sénégal et en Afrique en général. Ce livre est un livre semi-autobiographique. Le thème principal du livre est la condition de la femme, et sa condition après la colonisation de l’Afrique. La polygamie cause des problèmes de finances, des problèmes psychologiques, et des problèmes émotionnels pour les femmes et les enfants d’une famille polygame. Pourquoi quelques
1 996 Mots / 8 Pages -
Projet développement Unité Commerciale The Phone House
néralités : l’enseigne et son réseau La société The Phone House est une filiale du groupe britannique Carphone Warehouse, créé en 1989 par Charles Dunstone. Ce dernier détient des capitaux dans le groupe Best Buy Europe Group, distributeur d'équipements et de services de téléphonie mobile. Notre entreprise est donc une des deux sociétés gérées par Best Buy Europe Group ayant investi en France depuis 1996, après avoir connu un réel engouement en Angleterre. En l'espace
2 927 Mots / 12 Pages -
The American Tobacco Company - synthèse en anglais
History : At the start of the 20th century, The American Tobacco Company set aside a massive 30 million dollars to buy up British tobacco companies one by one. It became the Imperial Tobacco Company. From 1902 to 1980 the company was reshaped. These years were a time of consolidation for Imperial Tobacco. It bought several of the most important tobacco manufacturers. By the end of 1980, Imperial's 22 constituent companies were reduced to three:
326 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Main Aspects Of The Merger Plan Between Nyse Euronext And Deutsche Börse, And The Reason Of The Failure
The main aspects of the merger plan between Nyse Euronext and Deutsche Börse, and the reason of the failure. I. Definition of leadership, Presentation of the derivatives market and Analysis of current competition. ARTHUR The term of leadership defines the ability of an individual to carry out or lead other individuals or organizations in order to achieve certain goals. We then say that a leader is someone who is able to guide, influence and inspire.
1 066 Mots / 5 Pages -
The Somali Peninsula
Today I talk about the famine in the horn of Africa, affecting largely ethiopia but also eritrea, Sudan and Somalia. this region of Africa is little Developed and suffered many civil wars the inhabitants of these regions are majority of farmers for feed their families but in recent years the rains have massacred the cultures and famine has augmented with seventeen million victims in Ethiopia and five million in the others region. the increase of
441 Mots / 2 Pages -
Choix pédagogiques Et médias à L'école
Introduction Comme nous le savons, l'enseignement ne se limite pas à la simple transmission des connaissances : l'enseignant doit accompagner l'élève dans sa construction du savoir. Ni devant, ni derrière, l'enseignant doit essentiellement travailler avec eux, tel un guide. Il doit les motiver, les faire questionner, mais surtout les mettre en action, de les engager dans la tâche. Toutefois, le rôle de l'enseignant ne s'arrête pas là. Il doit également réfléchir à l'importance de créer
3 486 Mots / 14 Pages -
The Litter Composition
The soil litter is the top layer of the soil, also called “O horizon” (“O” for Organic, and “horizon” means the different stratums of the soil). It generally refers to the dead plant material that has fallen to the ground such as leaves, bark, needles and twigs. It is composed of dead organic material that falls to the ground during the year and is added to the litter. We thought it was interesting to know
201 Mots / 1 Pages -
Why Has The Fault In Our Stars Been So Hugely Popular Among Teenagers ?
“ Why has The Fault In Our Stars been so hugely popular among teenagers? “ The novel, The Fault In Our Stars, written by John Green has been hugely popular among teenagers thanks to the love story between Hazel Lancaster, a young girl who suffer from Thyroid cancer, and Augustus Waters, a former basketball player who lost his right leg to osteosarcoma. And also thanks to the relation between two teenagers who are different and
596 Mots / 3 Pages -
La place spécifique des médias dans les relations de pouvoir
Introducción El lugar específico de los medios de comunicación al interior de las relaciones de poder generales de la sociedad, ha sido una obsesión constante de teóricos, políticos, profesionales del sector, empresarios, e incluso ha llegado a arraigarse en el imaginario popular. La metáfora de la comunicación en tanto (contra)poder – a la que han acompañado otras, como la de comunicación-información, comunicación-educación, comunicación-transporte, comunicación-tecnología -, resulta, en realidad, sumario de todas aquellas. Su expresión más
390 Mots / 2 Pages -
Teenagers And Social Media
- Here are a lot of assumptions being made here. For one, personal examples do not necessitate a series of similar responses and are do not produce adequate evidence to suggest this phenomenon WILL happen to everyone. Secondly, while it can be agreed upon that Social Networking Sites do in fact distract and take time from other activities, websites themselves do not make choices, people make choices. The biggest assumption being made here is that
343 Mots / 2 Pages -
Projet droit de la communication hors média
Juridique Partie 4 : Le droit de la communication hors média Chap 1 : La réglementation en matière de promotion des ventes 1- Définir un jeu loterie/concours : Une loterie est une technique promotionnelle qui consiste à désigner les participants gagnants par un tirage au sort. La loterie est essentiellement utilisée à des fins de création et de qualification de fichiers. Le droit stipule qu’une loterie ne peut être payante, conditionnée à un achat ou comporter des frais
1 280 Mots / 6 Pages -
Biographie de l'artiste Birgit Kinder et étude de sa peinture: Test the rest
Cette peinture évoque la nuit du 9 Novembre 1989. Date qui est marquée sur la plaque d’immatriculation de la voiture. L’artiste a voulu représenter cette voiture car, quand la chute du mur a eu lieu, les automobilistes fonçaient à toute vitesse au carrefour « Bernauer Strasse et de la Gartenstrasse » contre le mur qui bloquait les rues à angles droit. On a appelé cet endroit le « coin des suicidés ». Cette voiture est
473 Mots / 2 Pages -
Partie 4 : La stratégie des moyens : Médias
Partie 4 : La stratégie des moyens : Médias Chapitre 1 : La presse I. Introduction : Les recettes publicitaires La presse : environ 35% La TV : environ 32% De profond bouleversement ont marqué la presse depuis plus de 15 ans, l'arrivé et la généralisation de l'accès à internet. Mais aussi l'arrivée de titres gratuits, les mouvements de concentration (groupes de presses). L'autorisation d'accès à la télévision des secteurs comme la distribution, qui était
1 014 Mots / 5 Pages -
Médias Et Opinions Publiques
II. La presse, et son rôle d'acteur dans l'affaire Dreyfus Si les deux documents qui nous sont fournis sont à peu près contemporains et portent sur le même sujet, il faut cependant bien remarquer qu'ils ne sont pas vraiment de même nature. Tous deux sont des extraits de journaux, mais tandis que l'un (document 1) est une prise de position directe dans l'affaire Dreyfus, l'autre (document 2) est davantage de l'ordre de l'observation (sarcastique) que
368 Mots / 2 Pages -
What is the course of a global crisis : the Cuban crisis ?
What is the course of a global crisis : the Cuban crisis ? At first we will see the origines of this crisis and then we will argue about Castro and Khrushchev. During the nineteenth century, President James Monroe issue the Monroe Doctrine, a statement which declared the area of the Caribbeans to be a sphere of US influence. The US had demonstrated its unwillingness to accept Communist influence in the Latin America Caribbean area
499 Mots / 2 Pages -
DELTA AIR LINES - The Low-Cost Carrier Threat
Porter analyse a) Rivalry among existing competitors The airline industry has a very strong level of competition and the only lever to compete on this market for all the actors is the price of a fly. There is many competitors and they all try to be attractive with their different offers but in reality the only thing matter for the customer is the price because in each case, with any air lines they will finally
1 316 Mots / 6 Pages