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The Idea Of Progress dissertations et mémoires


3 802 The Idea Of Progress dissertations gratuites 526 - 550 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 20 Juin 2015
  • Article "the evolution of India".

    Article "the evolution of India".

    The evolution of India India is changing, and is becoming a powerful country. India is an emerging country and the second most populous country. How became India a developed country ? Are all the citizens on an equal footing in India? First of all, the development of high tech cities with western type building shows the modern part of India. We notice that western Europeans are used to see these kind of buildings but not

    391 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What is the nature of the link cost/contribution of the culture, economic difficulties and luxury ?

    What is the nature of the link cost/contribution of the culture, economic difficulties and luxury ?

    Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from social habits and arts. Culture appears to have become key in our interconnected world. However, in a period of economic crisis, following cultural habits can be costfull to people. Thereby, what is the nature of the link cost/contribution of the culture, economic difficulties and luxury ? In period of economic crisis, Culture can be considered as a luxury :

    335 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The end of the lady or the tiger

    The end of the lady or the tiger

    The princess was silently smiling, is it because she chose to kill her lover? Give up on him? The youth was surprised to see the princess smile; it seemed to him that she chose the right door. He expected a lady, but he saw a tiger. He could not believe his eyes!!! How could the princess be so cruel so possessive??? He moved back while looking at her eyes that were mixed with opposed feelings.

    292 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The impact of integration policies on actual integration of migrants.

    The impact of integration policies on actual integration of migrants.

    Justine Caro Due on May the 8th MEMO – Sociology of Immigration, Ethnicity and Race (Spring 2016) The impact of integration policies on actual integration of migrants in France and Germany Introduction: According to the Migration Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), France is ranked as the 17th country where migrants are best integrated with a score of 54 out of 100 whereas Germany is ranked as the 10th best country with a score of 61. The

    2 790 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Environmental Emergencies: Firstly we will see the types and causes of pollution and secondly we will see the consequences of pollution and finally we will look how to fight pollution ?

    Environmental Emergencies: Firstly we will see the types and causes of pollution and secondly we will see the consequences of pollution and finally we will look how to fight pollution ?

    Environmental Emergencies Firstly we will see the types and causes of pollution and secondly we will see the consequences of pollution and finally we will look how to fight pollution ? PARTY I First of all, we will see the atmospheric pollution. The atmospheric pollution has harmful effects on human health and the environment. There are two types of air pollution. The pollution bound to the human activity (car, industry, heating) and the natural pollution

    351 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: What is the power of the press and what relations it will maintain with its readers?

    Places and forms of power: What is the power of the press and what relations it will maintain with its readers?

    We studied the topic of "places and forms of power" that talks about the different types of power, we have focused on the press and the power which can have. For this we will first study the major newspapers that exists in British then we will comment the danger is the internet to the press and we would end up studying what a journalist he has the power and influence among the population. What is

    479 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Resume "Just the end of the world".

    Resume "Just the end of the world".

    TOPIC 2 : THE PROJECT : We’ve been asked to do an English project, which requires us to listen, speak and write in English. I will not really speak, with my project, but there it is. My project is a film critique about the movie “Juste la fin du monde” is a 2016 Canadian-French drama film written, edited and directed by Xavier Dolan. (“It’s only the End of the World” English title). The movie is

    764 Mots / 4 Pages
  • English Assessment on G. Easterbrook's idea of Globalisation

    English Assessment on G. Easterbrook's idea of Globalisation

    Since WWII, it has been an everlasting debate whether globalisation does have or not a positive impact on the world’s economy, the overall wealth of people today and future generations. I am utterly convinced, that globalisation is one of the major benefits our today’s society offers to humanity in the field of business, economic growth and culture. In this assessment, we will discuss the major profits of living in a globalized world, basing the argumentation

    570 Mots / 3 Pages
  • « Spaces and exchanges », the example of a Gap Year.

    « Spaces and exchanges », the example of a Gap Year.

    ORAL EXAM I'm going to present you the notion « Spaces and exchanges » with the example of a Gap Year. First, an exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. The notion « Spaces and exchanges » is a continuous movement and it includes all types of exchanges ; people, trade, media and the new telecomunication who have accelered the rythm of exchanges. I will present this notion

    490 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes: What is the place of Heroes in our society ?

    Myths and Heroes: What is the place of Heroes in our society ?

    Synthesis: Myths and Heroes. The stories of men are numerous and diversified. Every generation has his stories. The "heroes": many stories are praising these people. It is difficult to know if these stories are true. The storytellers tend to exaggerate the narratives to make them more interesting. This drives to fantastic and surrealist narratives. This genre of narrative is called myth or legend. But the heroes are not necessarily past or mythological characters of story.

    574 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Ethics in the world of Business

    Ethics in the world of Business

    Class 2 : Ethics in the world of Business • Summary First of all, we began to speak about what ethics means for us. All the class has participated and we found several elements that make us thing about ethics. For some of us Ethics is something very similar with behaviour to a situation enrolled in a culture. Actually, Ethics can be related with morals, right thing to do and the values of individuals (it

    1 684 Mots / 7 Pages
  • The Importance of Mission and Vision Statement

    The Importance of Mission and Vision Statement

    The importance of Vision and Mission - If an organization cannot define it's "reason for existing (Mission) or "where it is going" (Vision), how can it align the resources towards a successful future? It defines the character of an organization and allows it to differentiate itself form competitors by answering three key questions: What do we do, for whom do we do it, and what is the benefit. - A vision serves as a guide

    275 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Evaluate the importance of cash flow to a business.

    Evaluate the importance of cash flow to a business.

    4. Evaluate the importance of cash flow to a business. First at all, cash flow is of vital importance to the health of a business. One saying is :" revenue is vanity, cash flow is sanity, but cash is king". The improtance is that the cash flow can keep the business going on. As all we know, there are many companies can continue their business even if they are making a loss. The resource who

    268 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The story of Bob

    The story of Bob

    ________________ Frédérick Simard Langue anglaise et culture 604-102-MQ Group : 00001 Second written assignment The story of Bob Work handed to : Gérald Vallée Cégep régional de Lanaudière à L’Assomption Friday November 25th 2016 Part 1 Error text Bob really fell down in the dumps since his girlfriend leaved him. He lived alone in an old disgusting apartment. Then one day, Bob strolled in the park whit his dog Poncho when suddently the curious dog

    1 595 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Motociletta: the roadtrip of a student in direction to the revolution

    Motociletta: the roadtrip of a student in direction to the revolution

    In August 19, 1960 Ernesto Che Guevara declare to the Cuban Militia that “After graduation, due to special circumstances and perhaps also to my character, I began to travel throughout America, and I became acquainted with all of it. Except for Haiti and Santo Domingo, I have visited, to some extent, all the other Latin American countries. Because of the circumstances in which I traveled, first as a student and later as a doctor, I

    4 199 Mots / 17 Pages
  • The myth of King Kong

    The myth of King Kong

    In order to bring another light to the issue raised, as a 3rd document, I have choosen The myth of King Kong, more precisely a remake of the 1933 film of the same name, the film of Peter Jackson on 2005. We can identificate a mythic odd couple in characters of King Kong and Ann Darrow(played by Naomi Watts). King Kong is a terrible Monster, an enormous gorilla who reign over an island of dinosaurs

    574 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: How the myth of the American dream influenced people’s life and can we still believe in it? What is a modern-day hero? How have they made an impact on our lives?

    Myths and heroes: How the myth of the American dream influenced people’s life and can we still believe in it? What is a modern-day hero? How have they made an impact on our lives?

    1 / 2 Introduction: I’m going to talk about the notion of “Myths and heroes”. Myths and heroes refer to tales, legends, fictional stories and characters… A myth is a traditional story related to a country’s culture and history. A hero is someone who inspires people thanks to his noble qualities and a hero takes place mostly in a myth. But it seems that they are also still present in real life, they are created

    816 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Critique of Ritzer & Lair's (2009) the Globalization of Nothing

    Critique of Ritzer & Lair's (2009) the Globalization of Nothing

    A Critique ofThe Globalization of Nothing and the Outsourcing of Service Work”, a chapter written by George Ritzer & Craig Lair (2009) In the chapter written by Ritzer & Lair (2009) the concept of nothingness is introduced. The term ‘nothing’ refers to the lacking of distinctive or unique features of a product or service, while ‘something’ means that it has unique features. Take fast food restaurants, for example: they are highly standardized and almost

    1 700 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: Who pushes the foreigners to come to the United States? What is the trigger of the immigration?

    Spaces and exchanges: Who pushes the foreigners to come to the United States? What is the trigger of the immigration?

    ORAL D’ANGLAIS I’m going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges . Firstly, I am going to define the notion ; This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world. For introduce this notion i’m

    530 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Is it the role of governments to eradicate inequalities?

    Is it the role of governments to eradicate inequalities?

    Is it the role of governments to eradicate inequalities? The role of governements is to assure a well-being for its citizens, and the society generally. For this, they are implementing various policies in different areas to ensure the general welfare. But can the governments totally eradicate inequalities ? We will see that governments are planning several policies that help to contribute to eradicate inequalities, but they can not manage to reduce them entirely. I) The

    780 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Black Rider, the casting of the 12 magic bullets, mis-en-scène par Robert Wilson

    The Black Rider, the casting of the 12 magic bullets, mis-en-scène par Robert Wilson

    Marine DAVID 09/11/2016 L3 – Arts de la scène Les ruptures esthétiques The Black Rider, the casting of the 12 magic bullets, mis-en-scène par Robert Wilson Wiener Festwochen, 1990 PLAN Introduction Comment Robert Wilson a-t-il fait d’un conte commun une œuvre très singulière ? I. Une œuvre singulière par son genre A/ La porosité des genres théâtraux B/ La dissolution du temps C/ Le minimalisme de l’espace II. Le bouleversement de la parole A/ Un

    3 419 Mots / 14 Pages
  • If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today?

    If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today?

    J.G November 25, 2012 If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today? We have been playing music since the Ancient Times, but music has always had a different meaning depending upon ages, places, and generations. For example, the Greek’s and Roman’s music had a divine and beneficial dimension, while in some Native American civilization it had some evil power. But whatever the age, for the Eurasian people,

    510 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The excesses of globalization

    The excesses of globalization

    Wordbox: global/globalization – a network – to connect – a principle – to participate in sth – an assumption The excesses of globalization A sweatshop is a factory where workers are exploited and not allowed (être autorisé à) to unionize (se syndiquer). You might not sweat(transpirer) in a sweatshop, but you probably work hard (travailler dur) and under lousy (minable, pourri) conditions. In a sweatshop, workers slave away in poor conditions for low pay (un

    560 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How compatible is the freedom of the press with celebrities' right to privacy?

    How compatible is the freedom of the press with celebrities' right to privacy?

    * How compatible is the freedom of the press with celebrities’ right to privacy ? * * Freedom of the press is an essential right for the actual society. Freedom of the media is the freedom of communication and expression. Press is a source of entertainment and information for people around the world. They want to know what’s going on around the world. Some prefer gossips medias. This is where freedom of the press and

    373 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myth and heroes: Which was the influence of these people (heroes) on the world ?

    Myth and heroes: Which was the influence of these people (heroes) on the world ?

    I've picked out notion of myth and heroes. First, I am going to give a definition of the notion, a myth can be defined as a story about heroes or tradition or false notion. A hero can be mythological person or superhero maybe an icon for peoples. Then I am going to try to answer the following question : Which was the influence of these people on the world ? I'm a first part I

    369 Mots / 2 Pages