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Spaces And Echange dissertations et mémoires


2 869 Spaces And Echange dissertations gratuites 101 - 125 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 31 Juillet 2015
  • Spaces and Exchanges: what drive people to leave their country to go and live in another one?

    Spaces and Exchanges: what drive people to leave their country to go and live in another one?

    Spaces & Exhanges Introduction : First of all, I would like to give a definition of “Spaces & Exchanges”. It illustrates the theme of the discovery of “New space so it implies the discovery of new territories, the major waves of immigration, the travel wich involves the search of new experiencies or a sense of community. OU The world is divided into different areas and spacees. Each space exchanges with each other. It exists different

    572 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges: what is real american dream and hoow does the immigration impact in US the past 2 centuries?

    Spaces and Exchanges: what is real american dream and hoow does the immigration impact in US the past 2 centuries?

    Spaces and exchanges I'm going to talk about spaces and exchanges, but first let's give a definition of the notion. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade or information. The immigration is linked to this notion as it implies the motion of legal and illegal people to other countries. So, The US in middle of 1892 to 1954

    936 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: what impacts do global cities in people's everyday life?

    Spaces and exchanges: what impacts do global cities in people's everyday life?

    Spaces and exchanges I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. Today’s world is a global village and urban growths are on the rise with the emergence of global cities. These Urban spaces and exchanges are shaped by transformation and advances. I will ask the following question: what impacts do global cities on people’s everyday life? 1. Global cities 2. Problems and initiatives A global city is usually densely populated. Urban growth since

    433 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: American demography

    Spaces and exchanges: American demography

    To start with I would like to talk about spaces and exchanges, though the evolution of the American demography. First, I think it is important to remember that American was discovered by Christopher Colombus coming from Spain in 1492. Then Noth America became a host country in 1620 for the puritous who escaped from parsecution by sailing on the mayflower to America. Then because of slavery, America’s population became as well a mixture with black

    528 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: what impact do global cities have on people's everyday lives?

    Spaces and exchanges: what impact do global cities have on people's everyday lives?

    I am going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To introduce this theme, I am going to define the terms of this notion. A space is the dimension of height, depth and width within which all things exist and move. And, what is an exchange ? An exchange is an act of giving one thing and receiving another one whatever this “thing” maybe. I will talk about global cities. A global city

    719 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Space and exchanges: what drove people to leave their country to go and live in another one?

    Space and exchanges: what drove people to leave their country to go and live in another one?

    The world is divided into different areas and spaces. Each space exchanges with each other. It exists different types of exchanges : economic exchanges, human/social exchanges, cultural exchanges ….. Humans are trying to find the trendiest places. Nowadays, one of the trendiest space is USA. In the rest of our oral we will study the case of Ireland. In fact, since the XIXth century this island has experimented crisis and boom, arrivals and departures. Consequently,

    659 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: what immigrants are looking for when they come to us?

    Spaces and exchanges: what immigrants are looking for when they come to us?

    I will introduce the notion spaces and exchanges. First I have to define this notion. Today, we live in a globalized world characterized by the importance of exchanges between the virtual and real spaces. These spaces are more or less large and can be: the internet, cities, regions, countries or continents. And around them are articulated various exchanges of cultures, people or information . One of the main factors of these exchanges is migration. To

    983 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and Exchanges To begin, we will define term of spaces and exchanges. It's a continuous movement of circulation. All types of exchanges : People, trade, media, etc... Exchanges can be merchants, relational. What are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks ? First, we will see the positive consequences of this. Then we will speak of the negative consequences of the advent of th internet. The arrival of the Internet

    570 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: the immigration in the United-States

    Spaces and exchanges: the immigration in the United-States

    Today my presentation is going to deal with the Espace and exchange. First of all, I would want to give you a definition of these both words Exchange It’s a continuous movement or circulation of people, trade [etcetera]. And espace it’s a place or same a distance between two things. The correlation between these two notions can be defined by relations among different countries, be it good or bad. So, I am going to speak

    457 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges: why did the Brexit take place and why can we say that Brexit has led to many fractures and fear on behalf of other countries?

    Spaces and Exchanges: why did the Brexit take place and why can we say that Brexit has led to many fractures and fear on behalf of other countries?

    Today I am going to deal with the notion of spaces and exchanges and to this notion, I am going to give a political view. First, the terms spaces and exchanges refers to geographical and symbolic areas occupied by societies as well as the interaction between the individuals in their society. I am therefore going to talk about a recent topic which is the Brexit. Brexit, is a referendum launched on June 23rd 2016 by

    622 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : gap year

    Spaces and exchanges : gap year

    Le terme d’échange exprime l’idée de réciprocité. En effet, l’acte d’échanger implique un ou plusieurs partenaires qui donnent et attendent quelque chose en retour. Le lien entre les deux termes de la notion nous amène à considérer les échanges entre les peuples : échanges commerciaux, culturels, flux migratoires… La frontière peut alors être vue soit barrière visant à limiter ces échanges ou au contraire, soit espace d’ouverture. Plusieurs thèmes peuvent illustrer cette notion. Les réseaux

    344 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Space and exchanges : how advertising is influencing people and their behavior?

    Space and exchanges : how advertising is influencing people and their behavior?

    I'm going to introduce the notion space and exchanges. To introduce this notion i think that we could define exchanges as an act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today's modern day world these exchanges can take several differents forms like people, media and culture trade. And in this notion space can be defined by the fact that medias are everywhere in our world we just have to watch street

    459 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and forms of power: what is the legitimacy to Gender Equality within the different powers?

    Spaces and forms of power: what is the legitimacy to Gender Equality within the different powers?

    SPACES AND FORMS OF POWER For a long time the police ruled out the women of its offices and its cigars, just like the army took them away from its weapons and the economy of its figures. Women would be too fragile to smoke, too maternal to know how to defend her country, too stupid to handle figures. All these prejudices have disappeared, but today, what is the legitimacy to Gender Equality within the different

    1 224 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: why is India said to be a country of contradiction?

    Spaces and exchanges: why is India said to be a country of contradiction?

    ORAUX ANGLAIS SPACE AND EXCHANGES I’m going to talk about spaces and exchanges. To begin with we can define it as the different spaces of the world that nowadays are more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms : people, trade, information or even immigration. I will illustrate this notion by wondering « why is India said to be a country of contradiction ? » First of all, we

    442 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: what do borders mean to first people in Canada?

    Spaces and exchanges: what do borders mean to first people in Canada?

    I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. I would like illustrate this notion through the origin of Canada. Concentrations of different cultures in Canada have made inevitably changed native people's lives. We may answer the

    563 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: Latinos immigration

    Spaces and exchanges: Latinos immigration

    I introduce the notion of spaces and exchanges. Today, the economic crisis affects many homes forcing some people to leave their homeland for a country more developed like America. This is the case of latinos in the United States, which represents seventeen percent of the population. But go to a new country is not synonymous for a better life. Indeed, there are many difficulties to integrate and live outside the law. Thus, for the latinos

    555 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: how does globalization is changing the organization and the file in the cities?

    Spaces and exchanges: how does globalization is changing the organization and the file in the cities?

    Spaces and exchanges  How does globalization is changing the organization and the life in the cities? Spaces are today, defined by the geographical and the symbolic aspect. In this notion, we are going to focus on urban spaces, and more precisely on two global cities: London and Singapore. They are at the crossroad of culturally, economically, politically or scientifically exchanges. Moreover, our world never seemed smaller thanks to communication and transportation. We may wonder

    575 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: What are the different factors that explain migratíons throughout the world?

    Spaces and exchanges: What are the different factors that explain migratíons throughout the world?

    Spaces and exchanges Definition: Nowadays, the different spaces in the world are more and more connected to each other, as we live in a globalised world. The exchanges can appear in many forms: people, trade, and information. I’m going focus on migrations and especially the reason for these exchanges of people. What are the different factors that explain migrations throughout the world? First I will study the bust and the boom of Ireland. Then I’ll

    559 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges: the global cities

    Spaces and Exchanges: the global cities

    1. Spaces and Exchanges 1. introduction I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all I would like to give you a definition of this spaces and exchanges notion. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. Nowadays these exchanges can take several forms : * economic – goods and work exchanges * cultural – ideas, information and education exchanges, very easy now thanks

    763 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Introduction: Hello my name is... I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To start with I'd like to give you a definition about the notion. So space is the unlimited three-dimentional expance in wich all material object are located ans exchange is to replace unsafactory goods with another. The subject of my presentation is the emigration. Now the question i can up with is what is the ipact of the immigrant

    252 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: What influence does the web have on today's society ?

    Spaces and exchanges: What influence does the web have on today's society ?

    Spaces and exchanges Introduction : - Définitions : Today, different spaces are connected by a lot of ways especially thanks to Internet, and these spaces are dependant between them (international institutions, agreements between states...). This independence is due to the exchanges between these spaces. It contains the trading, information, people... - Problématique : What influence does the web have on today's society ? -Annonce du plan. Plan détaillé : I- What are the different forms

    263 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : what are the reasons for, and the consequences of immigration ?

    Spaces and exchanges : what are the reasons for, and the consequences of immigration ?

    Sophie Savary TS4 Anglais I am going to talk aboutthe notion of « Space and Exchanges ». an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something in return. Or a continuous movement and circulation : media, people, trade, etc. In class we focussed on immigration into the United States, from Mexico. It is the longest border and a strategic border for legal and illegal business such as drug dealing. We studied on two documents,

    532 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges - gap year

    Spaces and exchanges - gap year

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES I’m going to talk about the notion “spaces and exchanges”, starting by giving a brief explanation of what this concept is. [INTRODUCTION] So, what’s this notion about? This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised

    978 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: to what extent does globalisation entails consequeèces that can impact on lives positively or negatively?

    Spaces and exchanges: to what extent does globalisation entails consequeèces that can impact on lives positively or negatively?

    Spaces and Exanges The notion I’m going to tackle is « Spaces and Exanges ». Spaces and Exanges deals with the geographical areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between them or between men. These cultural sociological and economic interactions characterise our modern-world. One of many aspects of this notion is Globalisation. It’s an inevitable phenomenon that brings the world closer through interactions and exchanges. It’s also becoming more important everyday and can be

    474 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: globalization

    Spaces and exchanges: globalization

    Spaces and exchanges I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of it. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information . The immigration is linked to this notion as it implies the motion of legal and illegal people to other countries and it often involves the

    876 Mots / 4 Pages

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