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Procter And Gamble dissertations et mémoires


1 888 Procter And Gamble dissertations gratuites 1 - 25 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 25 Juin 2015
  • Procter And Gamble

    Procter And Gamble

    History Procter and Gamble is an American multinational specialized in ordinary consumer goods in hygiene and cosmetics products. William Procter, a candle maker, and James Gamble a soap maker , two immigrant men of England and Ireland, decided to gather their resources to create their own company. This agreement was due to the suggestion of them father-in- law because they were married with two sisters. Them Father-in-law Alexander Norris noted that his new sons were

    992 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Procter And Gamble

    Procter And Gamble

    Political Segment. Changes in both foreign and local political activities have significant effect on companies and group businesses. P&G has developed different strategies over the years which it uses to survive in different political environments and issues. The nationalisation of foreign companies by most countries in 1960’s affected P&G as it market shares where reduced in the affected areas. This means that companies were subject to local control on import, export, price and employment conditions.

    618 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Etude De Cas: l'entreprise Procter & Gamble

    Etude De Cas: l'entreprise Procter & Gamble

    Thème du dossier : Le marché des lessives en France en 2010 / 2011. Entreprise : Procter & Gamble Contexte : le portefeuille de marques de P&G (Ariel, Dash, Bonux et Gama) Sommaire Introduction 1) Tendances générales du marché et analyse de la concurrence a) Analyse du marché de 2002 à 2005 b) Analyse du marché de 2005 à aujourd’hui i) La guerre des prix entre grandes marques et marques de distributeurs 2) Analyse de

    3 400 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Danone, le ministère de l’Intérieur, Coca Cola Company, Nestlé, Lesieur et Sialim

    Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Danone, le ministère de l’Intérieur, Coca Cola Company, Nestlé, Lesieur et Sialim

    Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Danone, le ministère de l’Intérieur, Coca Cola Company, Nestlé, Lesieur et Sialim. Les entreprises de télécommunications, totalisent 22 millions d’euros (242 MDH), suivies des fabricants agroalimentaires et des firmes cosmétiques et lessiviers, avec respectivement 20 millions d’euros (220 MDH) et 19 millions d’euros (210 MDH). Les banques et les assurances arrivent en quatrième position, drainant 6,3 millions d’euros (70 MDH), talonnées de près par les constructeurs automobile, dont l’investissement a atteint

    3 798 Mots / 16 Pages
  • Marque Procter & Gamble

    Marque Procter & Gamble

    La marque est lancée en 1958, avec pour objectif d'« incarner la puissance magique du bon génie qui a une influence bénéfique immédiate, », d'après Michèle Gilbert, chef de la communication de la marque chez l'agence Leo Burnett Paris. Avant même que la formule du produit ne soit conçue, Procter & Gamble avait chargé l'agence Tatham-Laird-Kudner de réfléchir à l'image de Mister Clean, soit un homme avec « la boule à zéro, une boucle d'oreille

    252 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Procter & Gamble

    Procter & Gamble

    Le groupe PROCTER & GAMBLE (P&G) est une importante société multinationale américaine qui fabrique des produits de grande consommation tels que lessives, détergents, couches pour bébé… Au début, P&G a évolué l’organisation de son modèle de management, auparavant en deux zones (les Etats-Unis et l’internationale), en quatre régions (Amérique du Nord, Amérique du Sud, Asie et Europe/Moyen Orient/Afrique) et rapportant à un seul responsable, le Chef Operating Officer. Cette structure a permis à P&G de

    1 162 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Procter & Gamble

    Procter & Gamble

    Procter & Gamble has established itself as a market leader as a result of certain strategies it applies on its products’ Supply Chains and that impact directly on those Supply Chains. For example, as stated in its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis, it focuses on acquisitions of companies and products that are already good performers, with reasonable demands for these products, and that are already well-established in the market place. Such products, to

    934 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Procter & Gamble s’impose sur le marché de la lessive

    Procter & Gamble s’impose sur le marché de la lessive

    Introduction : Procter & Gamble s’impose sur le marché de la lessive Aujourd'hui encore, Le lavage du linge ne se fait pas sans lessive. Etant un élément indispensable, la lessive se modernise au fil du temps, du lavage à l’eau avec des composantes naturels au gel concentré Ariel en passant par la création en 1933 de la lessive oxygénée par Persil. Depuis sa fondation en 1837, la société américaine Procter & Gamble a toujours eu

    2 958 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Mission stratégique du groupe Procter & Gamble

    Mission stratégique du groupe Procter & Gamble

    Mission stratégique du groupe Procter & Gamble Table des matières Historique de la marque 1 Les clients de l’entreprise : qui sont ils ? 2 Les produits offerts & DAS 2 La localisation/internationalisation 3 L’objectif économique de survie 3 La philosophie (valeurs croyances) 3 L’image de soi, qualité distinctive et avantage concurrentiel 4 Valeur consommateur & client : Pour les consommateurs : tous ces éléments présentés de manière claire et achetable à un prix attractif.

    2 618 Mots / 11 Pages
  • The Princess And The Pea

    The Princess And The Pea

    Once upon a time there was a Prince who wanted to marry a princess, but he wanted to marry a real princess. He Travelled all over the world to find one, but he didn't find real princess, even if they were beautiful. One evening a terrible storm came on, there was thunder and lightning. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate , the king was going to open ... The king was shoked

    263 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Price And Prejudice

    Price And Prejudice

    The studied book is Pride and Prejudice. Originally called First Impressions, it was never published under that title, and in following revisions it was retitled Pride and Prejudice. It was written by Jane Austen in 1813. She was an English novelist, born in 17. The extract is situated in the chapter three. We are going to introduce the characters of this extract. Mr Bingley is the first character whom we speak about. He is represented

    468 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What is the best relation that should exist between teachers and students ?

    What is the best relation that should exist between teachers and students ?

    At the present time and since we’ve entered the twenty first century along with the progress of education a new problem emerged on the surface concerning teachers and students relationship. This relation has become tense. so WHY such a tense relation IN OUR SCHOOLS? AND WHAT IS THE BEST RELATION THAT SHOULD exist BETWEEN TEACHERS AND STUDENTS? In this essay I will try to know the causes and the consequences of this problem. Nowadays the

    483 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lynching Of African American People And Postcards Humiliation

    Lynching Of African American People And Postcards Humiliation

    Lynching is an extrajudicial execution carried out by a mob, often by hanging, but also by burning at the stake or shooting, in order to punish an alleged agressor, or to intimidate, control, or manipulate a population of people. Violence in the United States against African Americans, especially in the South, rose in the aftermath of the Civil War, after slavery had been abolished and black men were given the right to vote. These lynchings

    318 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Marketing culture and orientation

    Marketing culture and orientation

    2 Marketing Culture and Orientation © Licensed to ABE A. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING It would be a mistake to think that marketing is a phenomenon of the 20th century. Its origin can be traced back to early civilisation. When communities began to specialise they produced surpluses in certain products which they then sought to exchange with other communities. The need to exchange goods encouraged the emergence of local markets where different products could be

    8 490 Mots / 34 Pages
  • When, Where And How Are Social Media Important For Political Change ?

    When, Where And How Are Social Media Important For Political Change ?

    Generally, social media do not create a popular debate : a person who is just involved in a cause on the internet will have few chances to raise the issue to the political sphere. This does not mean that social media are useless. They are a way to spread information or a specific opinion, and can be important if there is no other media doing this. Social media are also accountable because they help to

    434 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spatial Issues In Trade, Economic Growth And Regional Economics

    Spatial Issues In Trade, Economic Growth And Regional Economics

    Concerning lecture’s points: - Measuring special concentration and inequality - Spatial issues in trade, economic growth and regional economics In the sixties and seventies, the failures or the stagnation recorded by many countries within the context of decolonization (in Africa), of wars of national liberation, and of guerrilla wars led to the radicalization of the development economics. The notions of centre and periphery were coming to the fore. The underdevelopment was perceived as the result

    2 568 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Summary And Analysis Of Antigone

    Summary And Analysis Of Antigone

    Sophocles, born at Colonus in 496 or 495 B.C. and died after 413 B.C. is one of the three major Greek tragedians whose work partially succeeded to the new generation. He is the author of Antigone, one of the seven plays that cross over the time. This story belongs to the legend attached to the city of Thebes. According to Greek mythology, she is one of the children born of the incestuous union of Oedipus

    896 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Ccf Anglais: Fish and Chips (document en anglais)

    Ccf Anglais: Fish and Chips (document en anglais)

    'Fish and chips' is a popular take away food in English speaking countries, that's to say Great Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand. It is not rare to find chippers (fish and chips shops) in South Africa. It seems to be a Portuguese meal imported in United Kingdom by Jews in the 19th century. It consist in a breadcrumbs based on beer, but many variants exist. The tradition expect that fish and chips is fried

    441 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Mark And Spencer Stratégies Internationales

    Mark And Spencer Stratégies Internationales

    est ainsi devenu une institution britannique grâce a ses principes managériaux qui ont permit de tisser des liens étroits avec ses producteurs et ses consommateurs. CA réalisé entre 1983 et 1997 Au Royaume-Uni, l'industrie textile doit clairement une grande part de son existence à M&S. Grâce aux pratiques managériales décrites ci-dessus, M&S a atteint des taux de croissance élevés et gagné des parts de marché très importantes dans beaucoup de secteurs d'activités au Royaume-Uni tel

    470 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Passive And Active Voice

    Passive And Active Voice

    Use of Passive Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. Example: My bike was stolen. In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it. Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows: Example: A

    571 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Should Greece Leave The Euro Zone And Return To The Drachma ?

    Should Greece Leave The Euro Zone And Return To The Drachma ?

    Should Greece leave the euro zone and return to the drachma? In the short term, leaving the euro would be disastrous for the majority of Greek and very risky for other Europeans. But there is an alternative solution, which has an evil name: inflation.Greece has a short term problem: should we leave the euro? The vast majority of Greeks (three quarters, according to opinion polls) refuse to do, both fearing to lose what remains of

    954 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Sherman Alexie, The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven

    Sherman Alexie, The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven

    Intro) Sherman Alexie, was born in October 1966. He grew up on the Indian Reservation in Wellpinit in Washington State. Poet, novelist, and screenwriter, Sherman Alexie won different prices like the 2007 Western Literature Association's Distinguished Achievement Award and the 2003 Regents' Distinguished Alumnus Award. He lives with his family in Seattle. This text is an extract from The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven published by Atlantic Monthly Press in 1993. Mini look

    332 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Tokyo And Blackberry

    Tokyo And Blackberry

    Brand image - consumer perceptions of a brand which is measured as the brand associations held in consumers’ memory.  A brand is unlikely to have one brand image, but one or two may predominate.  The feelings and images associated with a brand are powerful purchase influencers through brand recognition, recall and brand identity.  Brand image has 2 dimensions: functional and symbolic. The impression in the consumers' mind of a brand's total personality

    4 965 Mots / 20 Pages
  • Etude de cas B And B

    Etude de cas B And B

    B Étude de cas B & B 1 - Pourquoi économique de chaîne a t'elle devancé l'hotellerie traditionnelle ? Quelles sont les raisons du modèle low cost ? Comment les entreprises du secteur ont répondu à cette évolution ? 2 - Dans les années 50, il s'agissait essentiellement de pensions de famille. Depuis une quarantaine d'année on voit apparaître des hôtels de 2 et 3 étoiles avec une hôtellerie indépendante (des personnes qui investissent dans

    576 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Strategy, Values and preferences of management

    Strategy, Values and preferences of management

    Strategy Values and Preferences of Management • Core values • Mission and vision statements • Objectives Environment Macro-Environment (ECS p.55) Political Economic Social Technological Environmental Legal Industries and Sectors (ECS p.59) Threat of Entry • Scale and experience • Access to supply or distribution channels • Expected retaliation • Legislation or government action • Differentiation Threat of Substitution • Price/Performance Ratio • Extra industry effects Power of Buyers • Concentrated Buyers • Low Switching Costs

    895 Mots / 4 Pages

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