Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations et mémoires
4 543 Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations gratuites 801 - 825 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Résumé des différents thèmes en anglais : Locations and forms of power et The idea of progress
I – Locations and forms of power : (Introduction Problematic) I would like to talk about the notion of locations and forms of power. First of all, power is the ability to influence people’s behavior, it can be related to law, money, media, medicines, men and their opinions, thus (= as a result). What is the impact of power in the world? Therefore (=for that reason), I will illustrate my arguments with the following video
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The transformation of diplomacy post-World War II
The transformation of diplomacy post-World War II « We are coming to realize that foreign operations in today’s world call for a total diplomacy. American ambassadors can no longer be content with wining and dining, reporting, analyzing and cautiously predicting » said the former US Ambassador in India Charles Bowles (1951-1953) . The Two world wars disasters showed the consequences of a failed diplomacy, the post-World War II world called for a new kind of
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TD Droit Anglais: the census of population
ANGLAIS TD Definition : What is a census of population ? What does it provide ? How often is it normally held ? · A census of population is a periodic enumeration of a population. It is a large Survey · It is normally held every ten year · It provides datas about age/sex/ethnicity/composition of families. 1) Where do most inhabitants of the UK live ? In England 2) Which is the least populated part
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Mythe et heroes : How ordinary people become heroes in the eyes of society and influences people's careers ?
Meunier Marie Notion d’anglais T°ES Myths and heroes I'm going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes through Steve Jobs and A myth is a story of gods or heroes, and hero represent an object of extreme admiration and devotion, admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. To illustrate this notion, I chose to talk about heroes and that can represent them to society. We shall wonder : How ordinary people become
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The art of management
THE ART OF MANAGEMENT THE ART OF MANAGEMENT THE PERSONAL QUALITIES WHICH MAKE A GOOD MANAGER TOME 1 “Man is the principle syllable in management”, and that is why everyone is a manager. Some people manage in their professional lives, as company executives responsible for the success of a team or an entire firm. Others are managers in their private lives, handling family relationships and their children’s education. In this chapter, we examine the personal
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Spaces and exchanges : is the American Dream a myth of a reality ?
Spaces and exchanges This year in class, we talked about space and exchanges and we especially illustrated these ideas with the example of the immigrants coming to the USA. First of all I am going to give a definition of exchange; it’s a continuous movement or circulation. It includes all types of exchanges: people, trade or media. For me Space concerns the geographical and symbolic places that are occupied by people around the world. The
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The idea of progress : how can consumer behavior improve and why can it be a problem for the society ?
Notion 4: the idea of progress I’m going to talk about the idea of progress. Let me give you a definition of progress. This is a development towards a better, more complete or more modern conditions. How can consumer behavior improve and why can it be a problem for the society? First, I am going to talk about the consumer society, the materialism people. Then I am going to develop the alternative people. 1. Consummer
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The Castle of Otranto, Horace Walpote
The Castle of Otranto – Horace Walpole The document we're going to present happens to be an extract from “The Castle of Otranto”, written by Horace Walpole in 1764. Horace Walpole was born in 1717 and died in 1797 in London. He was the son of a british prime minister, Robert Walpole. Like his father, he was a politician but also a writer. He gave birth to the gothic style with his first novel
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Essay about the virtues and limits of photography
DE MONTGOLFIER Camille TES1 Essay 1. Elena Munoz gives an acceptance speech at the British Life Photography Award ceremony on the virtues and limits of photography. Write her speech. Thank you all for granting me with this award which can only be considered as dream for a photographer like me. It is such an honor and pride to be here at this ceremony tonight and it would have been impossible without everyone who accompanied me
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The power of image
During the 18th century, philosophers and writers tried to break the vicious circle of ignorance. Rather then to always rely on religion or the power of the King to justify some ideas and concepts, they started using a scientific approach to promote tolerance, progress, and individual liberties. This intellectual movement led to people questioning the statements given by the institutions of this time. Nowadays, with televisions and computers, the media is trying to influence the
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The battle of England
EUROPEENE PLAN: The sources: A - 2 ---> To talk about why the battle of England was a part of an annihilation war. We are gonna talk about the source A ---> Then the source 2 Development: Source 2 = Everyday, buildings and streets were destroyed by Germans bomber. The aim of German army is to annihilate the enemy nation, not only the army but also the population as you can see in the source
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Condition of women after and before the 60's
60’S Today I’m going to talk about « myths and heroes» that means is a strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted, power is synonym of might the can be exerted by justice or noble qualities. The 60s was a great period of huge changes in all aspects of life, that’s why it is a mythical time. It was a time of social, technological revolution. It was also the time of great changes
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The effect of music on employees of hotel bars
Ecole Supérieure de Savignac BA in Hospitality Management Module name: The Research Project Module code: BAHRP Assessment name: The Research Project Assessment number: 2 First name: Enzo Family name: ANSELMO Research Project title: The effect of music on employees of hotel bars Hand-in date: 31th May Tutor name: Mary ADAMSON Word count: 6000-7000 ± 10% words By submitting this assignment, on paper or electronically, through OpenPortal for instance, you are certifying that it is your
8 172 Mots / 33 Pages -
The idea of progress : should we or shouldn't we fear progress ?
Theme : « The idea of progress » Issue : Should or shouldn’t we fear progress ? During the last two centuries but in an even more strinking way during the 21st century, progress, which can be defined as an improvement, a development, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place started playing a more and more crucial part in the modern everyday life. Progress is often considered
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Freedom of expression as it exists in the United States is not a good example
Mariam Burton HOMEWORK Freedom of expression as it exists in the United States is not a good example for me, and I could not encourage or even want all states to have such freedom of expression. Every country has its freedom of expression, a freedom that is sometimes limited, but freedom of expression as it exists in the United States is not a freedom to have in all countries. Freedom of expression must only allow
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The impact of industrialisation
The impact of industrialisation: Millions of people uprooted themselves from the land to move the cities. In 1860, 20% of the pop lived in towns, 40% in 1900, 52% in 1920. In 1880, the population of more than a hundred cities doubled. In 1930, there were 3 cities with more than a million habitants (this increase was also due to an increase of immigration immigrants constituted the major part of this urban population), 2/3 of
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The power of music
What is music for you ? How can you link it to the notion of power ? The sentence « music has charms to soothe the savage breast » reminds about the power of a song on a mind. That's why I often listen to all kinds of music : in the street, in the shower, in my bed, I listen to music everywhere ! First, when I walk alone in the street, or when I take the bas or the
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How does Timberland create products that show their responsibility to the planet?
How does Timberland create products that show their responsibility to the planet? Timberland shows a responsibility concerning the planet by production clothes and shoes that are respecting the environment. In fact, we can assume that Timberland use for 58% of their cotton for Apparel from organic. As they are certified sources, nothing is created by chemistry and polluting the planet by industrial gas relating to diffusion of CO2 in the ecosystem. Moreover, 94% of the Footwear
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Analyse of "a day in the life"
_ voici maintenant l’heure de la chronique d’André Manoukian. Bonjour André de quoi allez vous nous parlez ? _ Et bien mon cher Patrick je vais vous parler des Beatles et plus précisement de : A day in the life A Day in the Life est une chanson des Beatles, qui clôt leur album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.. Elle est remarquable pour les paroles surréalistes. A Day in the Life est souvent considérée
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The idea of progresse : Terrorism
Oral anglais 1. idea of progress 1. Plan I am going talk about the idea of progress… First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion: The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. This year in class we studied several documents about the idea of progress and
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Role of international institutions in the world's economic governance since 1945
OIB ORAL TOPICS Key Issue 4: (by Nano ) Evaluate the role of international institutions in the economic governance of the world since 1945. INTRODUCTION: After WWII, a new era completed by a worldwide economic governance dominated by the USA began. New international institutions were built to regulate the economic governance and help all countries to develop. From the 80’s, the increase of globalisation, the transformation into a multipolar world, the awareness of liberal capitalism’s
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Comparison and contrast between the approaches taken by H&M, Benetton and Zara to managing their supply networks
Comparison and contrast between the approaches taken by H&M, Benetton and Zara to managing their supply networks H&M Zara Benetton Concept Fashion and quality at the best price Fashion and quality at the best price Less high fashion but higher quality and durability Design * The “design” stage is separated from the “volume buying” stage and “delivery dates” choices * One single homogeneous department gathering: 100 designers in Stockholm + 50 pattern designers + 100
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Is power a major theme in The Use of Force?
Power and dominance are two recurring concepts in every domain around the world. In the medical world, for example, there have been many instances of professionals using and abusing power. This can be seen in William Carlos Williams’ The Use of Force, where power and the abuse of power are central themes. The doctor in Williams’ work irrationally decides to use power to help his patient and enjoys doing so. This is shown through the
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How Porter's forces contribute to the SWOT analysis
Untitled-1 ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF AN INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT “BUSINESS SCHOOL COURSEWORK FEEDBACK SHEET” “ “Student number” 201609709 “Date 16/11/2017 “Module Title” Strategic Management “Assignment Title” “Module Code” 26390 “Your Word Count” 2293 “Strengths exhibited in the assignment:” “Click here to enter text.” “Areas of weakness in the assignment, and ways in which the work could be improved:” “Click here to enter text.” “Additional comments:” “Click here to enter text.” “First Assessor’s Initials” “Click here to enter
2 555 Mots / 11 Pages -
What are the origins of Reggaes ? Where ? When ? How ?
Reggae ____________________________________ What are the origins of Reggaes ? Where ? When ? How ? Reggae appeared in the late 1960s in Jamaica and could refers to a poorly dressed person and at most a prostitute. This style of music has mixed origins. It derives from different types of Jamaican music such as Ska born in the early 1960s, Rocksteady born around 1966, Mento born in the late 19th century and Calypso. It was born
334 Mots / 2 Pages