PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER – THE MEDIA dissertations et mémoires
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The idea of progress : how these various advances have been able to advance our society and change lives ?
NOTION THE IDEA OF PROGRESS We are going to deal with the notion « idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. Progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage. It is thus the idea that the world can become a better . Progress is defined as any kind of improvement. There are different types of progress such as social progress or technological or political progress
597 Mots / 3 Pages -
The idea of progress : How can a scientific evolution be considered both as a progress and a counter-progress, depending on its application?
The idea of progress I’m going to talk about the notion « The idea of progress ». For me, progress refers to an evolution that improves the life of a living being and more generally speaking, of our planet. Today, I would talk specifically about scientific progress. How can a scientific evolution be considered both as a progress and a counter-progress, depending on its application? To answer this question, I will begin by presenting a
436 Mots / 2 Pages -
Myths and heroes : How can myths illustrate the society of the United States nowadays and towards immigration ?
Myths and heroes I’m going to talk about the notion “myths and heroes” and specifically about myths. First, I would like to define these terms. Myths were originally aimed at explaining the origins of humanity and narrating the foundations of a given community. To try to answer the question “How can myths illustrate the society of the United States nowadays and towards immigration?”, I have chosen 2 separate documents that are particularly relevant. In the
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Myths and : is the term hero used corretly by medias ?
Myths and Heroes We can wonder if the term hero is corectly used by medias ? Intro: I will present you diferent people called "hero" by medias and see if it's really correctly use. I- Article published in daily news -> homesless man hailed as hero. Explaination: Found bag on the ground with 40 000$ and the man give it to the police and thanks to honesty the bag go back to the man who
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Myths and heroes : Can myths and heroes change the direction of the course of History ?
The notion I am going to deal with is « Myth and Heroes ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a popular belief on wich social values are often based, while a hero can be someone who is ready to sacrifised his or her life in order to make thinks evolved positivly. Myth and heroes indeed have always marked societies. Some were created whereas others are
1 785 Mots / 8 Pages -
The National Museum of African American History and Culture
ANGLAIS Hello, today we are at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the capital of the United States, Washington. This museum opened in 2016 and promotes African American history and culture. The goal of the museum is to pay a tribute to all African American people. At the opening of the museum, former president Barack Obama gave an inaugural speech. Obama’s message aims to gathering people, and whoever you are, wherever
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The worsening situation of disabled people and their careers
IDE Laeticia N191084C01M09 English homework This is an article from the published on twenty-seventh december two thousand and twelve whose main subject is the worsening situation of disabled people and their carers. The difficult conditions of the caring profession do not take away from the enrichment of the profession due to the contacts and exchanges it provides. In spite of this, the social welfare system is becoming stricter. This makes their situations all the
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How and Why Does the Tradition of Sex Sells Still Work?
How and Why Does the Tradition of Sex Sells Still Work? Joshua Prynn-Petit Bucks New University Advertising: Creative January 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Research 1 Problem Statement 1 Rationale 2 Aims and Objectives 3 Purpose of the Study 3 Research Questions 3 Theoretical Framework 4 Ethical Concern 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 7 What is Sex in Advertising? 7 Does Sex Sell? 7 Sexual Appeal and Advertising 8
8 259 Mots / 34 Pages -
Stagecraft — the handling of stage space, lighting, music, and other stage elements — is an important way for playwrights to convey ideas and feelings. Examine how two playwrights in your OIB program use stagecraft in this way.
English Literature Essay - Stagecraft Stagecraft — the handling of stage space, lighting, music, and other stage elements — is an important way for playwrights to convey ideas and feelings. Examine how two playwrights in your OIB program use stagecraft in this way. Robert Edmond Jones said “A stage setting is not a background ; it is an environment”. Stagecraft is a very significant tool for playwrights to convey ideas and feelings for the
2 941 Mots / 12 Pages -
Critical Reaction of the Michael Hoffman and Amaney Jamal's empirical study
The empirical study of Michael Hoffman and Amaney Jamal has some interesting findings: 1) The readers of the Qur’an are those who protest the most compared to the non-readers; 2) This is due to “grievance” (601): they do not believe that the political regime is faithful of Islam; 3) And/or use “opportunity” (601) to participate more in politics in order to achieve a positive change. The empirical study is astonishing in how well the research
2 055 Mots / 9 Pages -
Coronavirus and the Future of Globalization
Guylian Abiven Le 18/12/20 Coronavirus and the Future of Globalization By Mie Oba - March 18th, 2020 The coronavirus has been relentless, rampaging beyond China and East Asia, including Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia, to engulf[1] Italy and Europe, North America, and Central and South America. The world has shifted to crisis mode, with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declaring the novel coronavirus epidemic a “pandemic” on March 11. The rise of the
1 073 Mots / 5 Pages -
You live in the city of Los Angeles and you have been asked to participate in a stage production to illustrate the hunt for communists in Hollywood in the McCarthy era as part of an effort to commemorate this famous and defining episode of modern historic
1950 hell begins for me. The United States is in the midst of its own national witch hunt, also known and called McCarthyism. American leaders have repeatedly told the public that they should be afraid of the damaging Communist influence in their lives. All suspected Communists are under investigation. So according to them, the communists could hide anywhere, using their teaching posts, university professors, artists or journalists to help the program of world communist
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The idea of progress : how have women improved their living conditions and struggle for equality during the Sixties?
THE IDEA OF PROGRESS Introduction First, I will define the notion of progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. A technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Socialy speaking, it means less discrimination and more equality. This year, we studied several documents about the idea of progress. In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about
846 Mots / 4 Pages -
The arrival in power of a third party in the United States
Presentation: The BBC website predicts the arrival in power of a third party in the United States by 2024 and the events of January 6, with the intrusion of Trump supporters in the Capitol, have rekindled talk of the emergence of a third party in the American political landscape. The Reuters news agency has moreover made public the desire of 120 Republican elected officials to split because of the rise in power of right-wing militias
536 Mots / 3 Pages -
How agriculture can respond to environmental issues and to the increasing of the population?
How agriculture can respond to environmental issues and to the increasing of the population? “Live as though you’ll die tomorrow, but farm as though you’ll live forever”, this quote of John Marsden makes us aware of the importance of sustainability in agriculture. Agriculture is a set of practices which aims to produce food and other useful resources for societies. It is important to underline that by agriculture one takes into account at the same time
2 055 Mots / 9 Pages -
Blair Worden « Oliver Cromwell and the protectorate » « Transactions of the Royal Historical Society »
Wangermez Lucas Fiche de lecture Blair Worden « Oliver Cromwell and the protectorate » « Transactions of the Royal Historical Society » Cet article rédigé par l’historien anglais Blair Worden est un extrait de la revue Transactions of the Royal Historical Society publiée par la presse de l’université de Cambridge en 2010. Blair Worden présente en quelques pages la complexité de la personnalité de Oliver Cromwell et décrit également les structures de son régime en
1 399 Mots / 6 Pages -
"WHO and the COVID-19 outbreak: its place in this global public health threat; its strengths and weaknesses”
"WHO and the COVID-19 outbreak: its place in this global public health threat; its strengths and weaknesses” Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has played a leading role. At the center of the scene, the press conferences, almost daily since January 22, 2020, of its Director General, Doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (of Ethiopian nationality), during which he distils recommendations to the States and urges them to mobilize. The WHO
3 018 Mots / 13 Pages -
How to clothe oneself and allow the education of one's children when one is in need?
It is undeniable that the world is getting richer over time, that is a fact. Man is now able to become richer, and then to enjoy his wealth, in pleasant and luxurious comfort. It is undeniable, the quality, the standard of living of the rich is increasing and improving. This is called progress. I am not against progress, on the contrary, progress is a promise towards a better future. But neither can it be denied,
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What are the economical and environmental consequences of the wars?
For Americains and people watching around the world, September 11, 2001, is a day that will never be forgotten. Within three hours, New York’s tallest buildings were reduced to rubble, and the Pentagon, the nerve center of the American armed forces, was burning and partially collapsed. Terrorism refers to criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups that are inspired by or associated with designated foreign (state-sponsored) terrorist organizations or nations. In relation with this theme
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With all the positive evolution of women’s place in society, does feminism still have its place in our modern lives ?
Theme 2 : Representations Axis : Speaking out : representation and participation > With all the positive evolution of women’s place in society, does feminism still have its place in our modern lives ? Plan : The old gender inequalities, and women’s place in society Their place, representation in today’s society and the remaining inequalities (2 docs) (The impact of the current pandemic on this situation) « Feminism is the radical notion that women are human
1 430 Mots / 6 Pages -
Hansi, The History of Alsace told to the little children of Alsace and France (1912)
The Alsatians who had remained home, the “reconquered brothers” were allowed by those who called them by that hypocritical name to feel the weight of their brotherly affection. We were the vanquish : they took pain(?) to let us feel it. First a horde impossible innumerable had shaggy haired, rawboned beings – wearing green clothes and boots with holes in them – fell on the conquered country. Their swarming masses brought to mind the first
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Lady Happy: A Symbol of Margaret Cavendish's Progressive Vision and the Duke as the Shadow of Patriarchy
Lady Happy: A Symbol of Margaret Cavendish's Progressive Vision and the Duke as the Shadow of Patriarchy Margaret Cavendish created a controversial character in her play “The Convent of Pleasure”, a beautiful, young and rich woman who as her name indicates, is a happy lady who chose happiness over adhering to the social conventions of her conservative seventeenth-century society. Lady Happy, as shown in the first act, is a woman who knows what she wants,
3 354 Mots / 14 Pages -
Correction de la synthèse : the power of music
Correction de la synthèse : the power of music Suggestion d’introduction: Every single human knows what music is, it is incredibly various and omnipresent today, so let’s apprehend its existence under some aspects: first we will try to draw a time line, then to see what social relationships can be woven thanks to music, and finally we will say a word about it as a humane legacy. We will find information and arguments in the
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How the 3 documents depict the impulse of mankind to break away from bonds and explore new territories
Voyages, territoires et frontieres. How the 3 documents depict the impulse of mankind to break away from bonds and explore new territories Intro : Since the first times of humanity, human beings have always felt this natural need to move, to travel, to explore and break the limits of distance. Factly, at the beginning, scientist prove that the all first human on earth was nomad, it's only a lot of years later that we became
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How effective was the American government’s response in maintaining freedom and slavery in the first half of the 19th century?
How effective was the American government’s response in maintaining freedom and slavery in the first half of the 19th century? In 1807, the Act of Prohibiting Importation, which prohibited entry into the American territory of new slaves by making it illegal, however, slavery continues to prosper in the country, and this because of the few actions of the American government against it. The question of slavery and the freedom of blacks people were recurring
1 964 Mots / 8 Pages