Correction de la synthèse : the power of music
TD : Correction de la synthèse : the power of music. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Never lobby • 21 Janvier 2023 • TD • 314 Mots (2 Pages) • 643 Vues
Correction de la synthèse : the power of music
Suggestion d’introduction:
Every single human knows what music is, it is incredibly various and omnipresent today, so let’s apprehend its existence under some aspects: first we will try to draw a time line, then to see what social relationships can be woven thanks to music, and finally we will say a word about it as a humane legacy.
We will find information and arguments in the two following documents: an excerpt (= an extract) from Adam Ockleford’s essay entitled “How we make sense of music”, published in 2017, and a page from written by Evan Andrews and updated in 2018.
The time line
- 43,000 years ago
- 4,000 years ago
- 1,400 BC (= 3,400 years ago)
- Socrates (= 5th century BC = Before Christ)
- Schopenhauer = a German philosopher of the 19th c. (= modern times)
- Today with digital means to preserve, to create, to carry, to transfer ….. (doc2)
The social interactions
- Music in films = social sharing of an intimate experience
- Dementia and autism = a means to repair social relations that are damaged
- “spans cultures, continents, centuries” = a media that favors mutual understanding
- “empathy …..” = a tool to calm down hard feelings / negative impulses
To pass over / from generation to generation / universal language / to belong to the world heritage / Voyager spacecraft carries records with music among other elements to represent humanity.
A few quotes:
“Without music, life is a journey through a desert” , Pat Conroy, an American novelist.
“Without music, life would be a mistake.” Friedrich Nietzsche
Traduction depuis toujours sujet + has / have + always + participle passé
La musique existe depuis toujours = Music has always been present.
Traduire :
L’homme a toujours essayé de créer, de faire des œuvres singulières.
Cette flute en ivoire a traversé les siècles.