PESTEL Marché Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 582 PESTEL Marché Anglais dissertations gratuites 151 - 175 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Le rôle de la banque centrale (document en anglais)
3.1 Objectives of Central Banks The role of central banks in microfinance is related to their broader role in the financial system and in the economy more generally. Hence, any discussion of the role of central banks in microfinance must be informed by the debates that have taken place in recent years on their broader role and objectives. Central banks have a number of objectives, which Chandavarkar (1996) has classified as follows: (i) tactical or
3 193 Mots / 13 Pages -
Doit-on racheter une entreprise qui a connu de nombreuses difficultés mais qui présente néanmoins des avantages potentiels? (document en anglais)
Last week we were meeting to discuss the purchase of Rowlands and Baxter. On the end of this meeting we couldn’t find any decision. Indeed this firm has a financial problem, that is the reason for which we were reluctant. So, the question is: Should we buy a company that has had many difficulties but nevertheless present potential advantages? But despite the mistakes that were made, the company does have some positive points that can
527 Mots / 3 Pages -
Le Message De Bob Marley ( Anglais )
Essay about bob Marley message: analyse the theme of Africa in bob Marley’s songs. The gifted musician Bob Marley was representative of the Rastafarian movement and one of the emblematic figures and defendants of Africa. In this essay we will see why Bob Marley was committed to this cause then, in a second step we will see how it was reflected in his music. First of all, the violent history of his country, Jamaica pushed
409 Mots / 2 Pages -
Cosmétiques Masculins (document en anglais)
BANKMED’s campains: BankMed's Greenest School and Green Students According to worldwide experts; Climate on Earth is changing caused mainly by Deforestation, CO2 Emissions, un-recycled waste, Consumed Energy and Pollution. The United Nations (COPENHAGEN 2010) are calling World Leaders to work out a new climate deal and World Citizens to respect the environment by planting trees, reducing, CO 2 emissions, recycling, consuming differently, saving water. For this purpose and in line with its environmental campaign BankMed
1 211 Mots / 5 Pages -
Historique de l'entreprise Electrolux (texte en anglais)
Historic development of the domestic appliances segment of Electrolux based on the Global Integration / Local Responsiveness Framework Looking at the history of Electrolux and other MNCs in the sector of appliances for home and professional use there is a huge development observable during the last 50 years. Companies have switched from being a small local producer of a single product to being a worldwide provider of a big variety of appliances with many different
977 Mots / 4 Pages -
Rapport Sur Londres, Le Prince William Et Facebook En Anglais
I would like to talk about London London is the capital as well as biggest city of England and the United Kingdom. Founded more than two thousand (2000) years ago, it became cultural, commercial and financial center of the world. London has seven million five hundred twelve thousand four hundred (7 512 400) inhabitants. This city is dynamic and very culturally diverse. It is an important tourist destination. It receives twenty seven (27) million tourists
434 Mots / 2 Pages -
Conseils pour rédiger une Lettre Commerciale En Anglais
L’offre . 1. Introduire l’offre . - Thank you for your phone call of October 15th. - We were pleased to meet you during last week’s Trade Fair. - We acknowledge receipt of your letter of enquiry dated November 12th. 2. Faire son offre. - Here are the best terms we can offer. - You will find enclosed our commercial offer. - It is a pleasure to inform you that … 3. Présenter les conditions
505 Mots / 3 Pages -
Note De Synthèse - TheCloud (anglais)
The Cloud The Cloud, a BSkyB subsidiary, is a provider of public access Wi-Fi hotspots in the UK. It has over 11,000 Wi-Fi hotspots network access points in the UK I. The company A. Location The Cloud has offices in St Albans, Munich, and Stockholm. B. Team CEO: 2003 – 2007: George Polk 2007 – to 2011: Steve Nicholson 2011 to present: Vince Russell Vince Russell - Managing Director Vince Russell took over as Managing
664 Mots / 3 Pages -
Biographie De Peter Jackson (document en anglais)
Peter Robert Jackson is a New Zealand film director, producer, actor and screenwriter. He was born on 31 October 1961. He grew up in Pukerua Bay, a coastal town near Wellington. His father was a wages clerk and his mother was a factory worker and housewife. He hasn’t any brothers and sisters. He was interested in the cinema from a very early age. In 1987, though he was only 26, he played and directed his
292 Mots / 2 Pages -
Biographie sur Louise Gril (document en anglais.)
Louise Gril : a biography by Natalie Miller One of the most talented celebrities in the history of film, Louise Gras is an actress known everywhere in the world. The beginnings of a great career Louise Gril was born in Dijon, on October 12, 1974. She lived in the countryside of Brazey Plain with his large family. His mother was an famous architect, his father is a doctor, and she had one brother and two sisters.
523 Mots / 3 Pages -
Centralisation - Décentralisation (document en anglais)
TALL ORGANIZATION BOARD CEO CFO COO MARKETTING R&D Upper Mngmt Upper Mngmt Upper Mngmt Upper Mngmt Mid Mngmt Mid Mngmt Mid Mngmt Mid Mngmt Lower Mid Mngmt Lower Mid Mngmt Lower Mid Mngmt Lower Mid Mngmt Employees Employees Employees Employees FLAT ORGANIZATION BOARD CEO - Marketing group - New product group - R&D group - Legal group CFO - Finance group - Accounting group - Budget group - Investment group COO - Production group -
474 Mots / 2 Pages -
La grande Académie de Lagado (document en anglais)
The grand Academy of Lagado This text is an extract from « Gulliver's travels »a famous novel by Jonathan Swift,an Irish writer of the 18è century. It describes an imaginary academy with an exotic name, composed of a series of laboratories where researches work on various projects. The first of these laboratories is occupied by a man whose physical aspect is quite slovenly, poor, showing marks of burns.His experiments musn't be very safe. His jobs consitsin trying
406 Mots / 2 Pages -
Biographie de Aliaune Damala Badara Akon Thiam (document en anglais)
16 ans et passionnee par la litterature Akon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Akon Background information Birth name Aliaune Damala Badara Akon Thiam Born April 16, 1973 (age 39) Saint-Louis, Senegal, Senegal Origin Saint-Louis, Senegal, Senegal Genres R&B, hip hop, reggae, pop Occupations Singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, businessman Years active 1996–present Labels Konvict Muzik, Kon Live Distribution, Universal, SRC, UpFront Associated acts Eminem, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Snoop Dogg, David Guetta, Lil Wayne,
359 Mots / 2 Pages -
L'histoire de l'Australie (texte en anglais)
History of Australia I would like to speak about a fascinating subject: history of Australia. I choose this subject, because I love history, Australia has got one of the most captivating histories in the world. The history of this country was done in two stages .The first begin there is more than 50 000 years with the aboriginals .The second stage is brutal and fast .It begins two centuries ago with the arrival of Europeans
310 Mots / 2 Pages -
Argumentation sur la santé (document en anglais)
These days feeling healthy is not enough anymore - one has also to look healthy. If - for example - men in the past were found "more attractive" when they looked "rough", in today's world, they need to groom themselves and look more appealing , "metrosexual" . As a result, almost everybody tries nowadays to finding ways of looking healthier and younger – pushed heavily by magazines of all kind. And thus all focus is
831 Mots / 4 Pages -
Est-il Possible Que Le Japon Devienne Un Pays Attractif ? (document en anglais)
Is Japan able to become an attractive country? Nation Branding in Tourism OSAMU FUKUDA Dissertation submitted to Oxford Brookes University for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION September 2003 - i - DECLARATION This dissertation is a product of my own work and is the result of nothing done in collaboration. I consent to the University’s free use, including online reproduction, including electronically, and adaptation for teaching
7 621 Mots / 31 Pages -
Faire affaire avec un allemand (document en anglais)
Doing business with Germans Teacher: Mrs Kuenzer 23/06/2010 Agenda Introduction.......................................................................................................3 1. Germany and the «go to the point» culture..................................................3 A) Objective and task oriented................................................................3 B) Low context communication...............................................................4 C) Rule oriented......................................................................................5 D) Time planning.....................................................................................5 2. Separation of life and individualism.............................................................6 A) Separation of personality and living spheres......................................6 B) An individualist society........................................................................7 3. How to act in meetings.................................................................................7 A) Meeting...............................................................................................7 B) Negotiation.........................................................................................8 Conclusion........................................................................................................8 Sources............................................................................................................9 Introduction «Culture is a model for assigning meaning. It is within this
2 508 Mots / 11 Pages -
Lettre De Motivation En Anglais
Christophe Baudoin (student in international trade) 25 rue des cerises 66000 Perpignan France 16th October 2012 Manager of Human Ressources Air Cargo International 23 Michigan ave Chicago, Illinois USA Subj.: Application for an internship Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to enquire into the possibility of carrying out a 8-week work placement in your company. I am a first year student in a 2 year post A-level course in International Trade. We study International Trade Operations,
508 Mots / 3 Pages -
Etude d'un Article de USA today, "tax hike cuts tobacco consumption" (la hausse des impôts diminue la consommation de tabac) (document en anglais)
1° the document is a press article extract from USA today, entitled « tax hike cuts tobacco consumption ». It was written by Dennis Cauchon and published on the 11th September of 2012. The main topic is the new tobacco taxes. 2° l’augmentation de la taxe sur le tabac a suscité une baisse historique du tabagisme. Cette taxe a bondi de 39 cts à 1,01 $ par paquet. Résultat: la hausse des impôts a contribué
420 Mots / 2 Pages -
La légalisation du mariage homosexuel (document en anglais)
Nowadays, a lot of people demonstrate for a few reasons, fairs or unfairs. Indeed, like in France for example, people rise up against and go on strike concerning the unemployment, demonstrate for the legalization of homosexual marriage. Personally, if there is indeed a fair cause in which I would demonstrate, it will be the legalization of the euthanasia in France. So, I am for the euthanasia in this country because when a patient is in
735 Mots / 3 Pages -
Biographie de Cristiano Ronaldo (document en anglais)
In this text, I shall write about something or someone, in this case someone, who is unforgettable to me. Now here, I could say that my parents are the most unforgettable people in my life. They are, hugely unforgettable, but in a different way than the person that I will really write about, Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima, commonly known as Ronaldo. Firstly, Ronaldo was born on September 18 1976 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
540 Mots / 3 Pages -
Qu'est ce que la propriété intellectuelle ? -en anglais
US Business Law Report Subject: The Intellectual Property Table of content I. Introduction p.3 II. Comparative analysis of the Intellectual Property system in France and in the US p.3 A. The intellectual property p.3 a. Definition p.3 b. The WIPO p.5 c. Organizations related to the Intellectual Property p.5 i. In France p.5 ii. In the United States p.5 B. Two branches of the intellectual property p.6 a. Intellectual property right, copyright p.6 i.
7 401 Mots / 30 Pages -
Cinq grands traits de la personnalité (document en anglais)
Big Five Personality Traits O - C - E - A - N : Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism Grew out of the Lexical Hypothesis which states that the fundamental elements of human personality should be encoded in our language. Factor analysis “extracted” these elements, or traits, from adjectives taken from the dictionary. McCosta and McCrae’s NEO-PI-r is a popular commercial measure of the Big Five. Available from Sigma Assessments: It measures the Big
1 450 Mots / 6 Pages -
Choisir sa carrière et pourquoi celle-ci en particulier (document en anglais)
Nowadays, the world of work is really exigent and asks for different qualities to achieve a task. Since I was little, I always knew what I would like to do later; even if I did not have an exact idea, I wanted a job that asked me to travel a lot, with a part of relationship and important stakes. Indeed, discovering new cultures, meeting people, dealing with pressure has always been attractive to me. My
1 555 Mots / 7 Pages -
Formation Du Contrat (document en anglais)
The formation of contract. What is a contract ? for most people it is a written contract that is signed by the parties in the presence of witnesses. In practice this is not often the cas, most contracts are not written, for example, if you buy a coffe from a coffe machine it is a contract. It is necessary to keepin mind that some contracts will be made and we will not expect their …
968 Mots / 4 Pages