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Idea of progress How did social progress dissertations et mémoires


5 525 Idea of progress How did social progress dissertations gratuites 626 - 650 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 22 Février 2020
  • How was the ‘Council Framework Decision 2008/909 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty for the purpose of their enforcement in

    How was the ‘Council Framework Decision 2008/909 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty for the purpose of their enforcement in

    How was the ‘Council Framework Decision 2008/909 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty for the purpose of their enforcement in the European Union Country’ implemented in Austria? The Council Framework Decision 2008/909 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty for the

    948 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Is the progress for the better or the worse ?

    Is the progress for the better or the worse ?

    Anglais Idea of progress I am going to talk about the notion the Idea of Progress First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : the Idea of Progress, the progress is defined as an evolution, a progression, a development of the society. This notion is an important point because she speaks mainly about developments in our society and about advanced technology. This year in class we studied several documents

    534 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Exposé Anglais How reliable are our sources of information today ?

    Exposé Anglais How reliable are our sources of information today ?

    Introduction Nowadays it’s important to get reliable information from everywhere and it’s a reaison why we need to be aware of where to look for information, how to access it and how to use it. We must check a lot of the sources. The question is « How reliable are our sources of information today ?» To start with, we can say that there is a wide range of sources and opportunities to get informed

    302 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How is the space race an aspect of Cold War?

    How is the space race an aspect of Cold War?

    We got two documents to analysis, an extract from the speech of J.F. Kennedy (September 12, 1962) and a cartoon from Patrick Oliphant (1965). They both talk about the American and USSR course for the conquest of space. In fact, the cold war as started with the end of the second world war in 1945, and the space race in 1957 with the launch of Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite and the first man-made

    438 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : should we draw a line to scientific progress ?

    Myths and heroes : should we draw a line to scientific progress ?

    introduction : I am going to talk about the notion Idea of progress. First and foremost, I would like to define this notion. Progress means a development towards a better, more complete or more modern condition. The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, technology, liberty and quality of life. Progress is usually see as a positive thing because it implies solutions that were considered

    554 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges : How much of an economical impact can screen toursim make on a place ?

    Spaces and Exchanges : How much of an economical impact can screen toursim make on a place ?

    Spaces and Exchanges In the notion Spaces and Exchanges I'vs decided to talk about the Screen Tourism. It describes the effects that film and TV-productions can have on our travel decisions as they inspire people to exprience the screened places firsthand. Today I'll answer to this question : How much of an economical impact can screen toursim make on a place ? More and more people choose their trip location based on their favorite show.

    272 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : How can myths and heroes can change the direction of the course of History ?

    Myths and heroes : How can myths and heroes can change the direction of the course of History ?

    myths and heroes I would like to talk about the notion of myths and heroes , According to the dictionary definition a myth is a traditional story, concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. Then a hero in mythology and a person of superhuman qualifies who is admired for his courage or extraordinary achievements. In the modern world, a hero has lost

    665 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : Why does society create myths and heroes? How can myths and heroes change our lives? How can myths and heroes change the direction of the course of History?

    Myths and Heroes : Why does society create myths and heroes? How can myths and heroes change our lives? How can myths and heroes change the direction of the course of History?

    I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief, a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an

    749 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Oral Aglais "The progress"

    Oral Aglais "The progress"

    ORAUX ANGLAIS: Notion: Progress I’m going to present you the topic of “the progress”. First, how could we define what is the progress? We can say that the progress is a development towards an improved or more advanced condition. The progress is essential for the development of a society; it allows to have a better way of life of people and to understand more our world. To illustrate my words I’ll talk about the consumer

    492 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral Aglais "The progress"

    Oral Aglais "The progress"

    La SARL PackInbox est spécialisée dans la fabrication de cartons d’emballages. Depuis sa création, l’entreprise n’a cessé de chercher à répondre aux évolutions du marché et aux besoins exigeants de la clientèle. Dans le but de pérenniser au mieux son entreprise, M. Altoviti à ses associés de lancer une nouvelle gamme de produits. Il ressort de cette étude, 2 équipements possibles : La machine Cann78 (Equipement A) permettrait de proposer des produits de plus grandes robustesses

    345 Mots / 2 Pages


    Progress To start off, I'm going to define the notion of progress. Progress is an improvement, a development or a change that goes toward a more advanced situation. What effect does progress have on our society? Can it be considered good or bad ? To answer these questions, I'll look at scientific progress, and then the technological progress to illustrate the notion. [SCIENCE] For hundreds of years, research and experiences of many scientists has resulted

    917 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Progression annuelle terminale ES 2019/2020

    Progression annuelle terminale ES 2019/2020

    PROGRESSION ANNUELLE TERMINALE ES 2019 / 2020 Histoire Géographie Du 6 septembre au 18 octobre ( 6 semaines ) 1 T1/chap 1 – Les mémoires de la 2nde Guerre mondiale (6 h) 2 T1/chap 1- Des cartes pour comprendre le monde (4 h) 3 T3/Chap 2- Les Etats-Unis et le monde depuis 1918 (6 h) 4 T2/ Chap2- Un produit dans la mondialisation T2/ Chap 3- La mondialisation en fonctionnement et débat (8 h) Croquis

    295 Mots / 2 Pages
  • D'une certaine naissance à une mort certaine : La progression du Maçon Ecossais

    D'une certaine naissance à une mort certaine : La progression du Maçon Ecossais

    A la gloire du GADLU, VM et vous tous mes FF en vos grades et qualités D'une certaine naissance à une mort certaine : La progression du Maçon Ecossais. Mes TCF, je diviserai mon travail de ce soir en 2 chapitres de même que le titre de ma planche et je commencerai mes propos par évoquer la notion : 1. Mort & Naissance : Dans l'esprit populaire, la mort est un phénomène irréversible qui se

    1 046 Mots / 5 Pages
  • How do engineers intend to renew themselves in order to stay a major actor of the innovation ?

    How do engineers intend to renew themselves in order to stay a major actor of the innovation ?

    CLAUDE Inès LEGRAND Guillaume MORALES Manon VERRIER Clément EURO 1 24th of May 2019 INNOVA BEDDING OFFER A SERIES OF INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR ... How do engineers intend to renew themselves in order to stay a major actor of the innovation ? ITECH LYON - is on HigherEdMe platform for international ... Presented to M. ROY Louis within the project of ISH1 : Innovation in Techniques and Societies According to the famous french psychiatrist Boris

    2 399 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Notion seats and forms of power : to what extend are social media are important our society?

    Notion seats and forms of power : to what extend are social media are important our society?

    Anglais:Seat and forms of power I’m going to deal with the notion « seats and forms of power ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. Power implies a form of control on somebody or something. It is the fact one can influence a way of thinking or acting, and it generally implies a form of contestation against it. It is defined by seats, but also forms : executive, legislative,

    580 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Location and forms of power : When we fight for the equality of the rights, how the power shows itself?

    Location and forms of power : When we fight for the equality of the rights, how the power shows itself?

    Today, I am going to talk about location and forms of power. First, I’m going to define this notion : « Location » could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace – a symbol of the British monarchy, the White – a symbol of the American presidency. A place can also be a country or a state – for example the USA is a state

    675 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : how to limit the power of heroic visions

    Myths and heroes : how to limit the power of heroic visions

    Tâche finale Consigne : vous travaillez pour un musée et vous devez choisir une œuvre d’art pour l’affiche de la prochaine exposition : 'Visions stéréotypées des hommes' Good afternoon everyone! I’m the museum curator of the New Museum of Contemporary Art based here, in New York City and I’m honored to introduce you our new exhibition ; ‘Stereotyped Visions of Men’. This exhibition illustrates two different themes : « Myths and heroes » and «

    677 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : how can myths and heroes change the course of history, and how does it improve our future ?

    Myths and Heroes : how can myths and heroes change the course of history, and how does it improve our future ?

    Myths and Heroes: I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: A hero can be either a real or an imaginary person, famous or anonymous who distingued by exceptional qualities and a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. We can

    671 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : what are the different types of exchanges and how are they perceived by people?

    Spaces and exchanges : what are the different types of exchanges and how are they perceived by people?

    anglais 1 spaces and exchanges I'm going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges, to biging with I'd like to give a definition of this notion.curently the diferent spaces of the world are more and more connected to each other and there are various types of exchanges: peaple trade media.. So we can wonder about what are the different types of exchanges and how are they perceived by people? For example, there is the

    697 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Dans quelle mesure la conscience nous permet-elle de progresser?

    Dans quelle mesure la conscience nous permet-elle de progresser?

    Dans quelles mesures la conscience nous permet-elle de progresser? Le mot « conscience » vient du latin « cum scientia » qui signifie « avec science ». La conscience est donc synonyme de connaissance. Elle est la faculté mentale pour l’homme d’appréhender son existence et celle du monde qui l’entoure. En effet, l’homme a besoin du rapport à autrui pour avoir réellement conscience de lui même: il prend conscience de lui à travers le regard

    1 556 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : How has the vision of the cowboy evolved ? What's the difference between his myth and the reality ?

    Myths and Heroes : How has the vision of the cowboy evolved ? What's the difference between his myth and the reality ?

    I'm going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes. To begin with I would like to define the myth, a myth is a story about famous people or gods, it can be true of false. Next, a heroe is an ideal person admired and brave with a lot of courage, for example, Batman it's a fiction heroe. But, we going to see a heroe who has existed in U.S, a cowboy. How has the

    429 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How John Arisson have contributed to the seafaring and to the exploration of the Earth ?

    How John Arisson have contributed to the seafaring and to the exploration of the Earth ?

    How John Arisson have contributed to the seafaring and to the exploration of the Earth ? When a navigator knew the local time from the heavens as well as the reference time in London, he could figure his time difference with London, and find his longitude. So if they knew their longtitude with the calcul(360°/24 hours=15 so 1 hour correspond at 15°) and the latitude with the stars, they can explore the world but they

    384 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The power of social media in politics, the example of Donald Trump

    The power of social media in politics, the example of Donald Trump

    Hello, this is your daily politics analysis, you are on BBC news, we're glad to welcome you here today. I am Marguerite-Marie du Pontavice. Now, let's start discussing the link connecting power, media, and politics, especially with the example of the 2016 election in the USA. Nowadays, the internet is substantial, particularly during election time. First, we can talk about the concept of a feedback loop. I am going to explain to you this new

    318 Mots / 2 Pages
  • New of the week social media

    New of the week social media

    News of the week Hello everybody, today i’m going to talk about the update of instagram It's official: Instagram's CEO announced the last week the suppression of likes for a part of the United States. The United States is the eighth country to be tested with this change, and it’s a small revolution for this country, which has a large base of users especially young people. In fact, 71% of Americans between the ages of

    504 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How sport can be seen as a representation of the evolution of black and white people’s relations ?

    How sport can be seen as a representation of the evolution of black and white people’s relations ?

    Spé Idea of progress (the negros league) How sport can be seen as a representation of the evolution of black and white people’s relations ? 1. The context of segregation 1. before : no blacks legislators segregated everything from schools to residential areas to public parks to theaters to pools to cemeteries, asylums, jails and residential homes. There were separate waiting rooms for whites and blacks in professional offices and, in 1915, Oklahoma became the

    515 Mots / 3 Pages