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Idea Of Progress dissertations et mémoires


2 268 Idea Of Progress dissertations gratuites 451 - 475 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 11 Août 2015
  • The problem of immigration in the EU

    The problem of immigration in the EU

    Abstract This paper is dedicated to the problem of migration as an inevitable and controversial process. The research conducted in this paper is based on following the evolution of the EU documents and analyzing migration statistics and findings provided by experts in this area. The main finding of this study lies in the fact that there is a permanent contradiction within the European Union between the need for common actions and the national interests of

    2 481 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Meaning of quality

    Meaning of quality

    MEANING OF QUALITY The definition of quality depends on the role of the people defining it. Most consumers have a difficult time defining quality, but they know it when they see it. For example, although you probably have an opinion as to which manufacturer of athletic shoes provides the highest quality; it would probably be difficult for you to define your quality standard in precise terms. Also, your friends may have different opinions regarding which

    1 201 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Les halles et marchés au Moyen-âge: En quoi la progression du marché reflète-elle une volonté d’urbanisation ?

    Les halles et marchés au Moyen-âge: En quoi la progression du marché reflète-elle une volonté d’urbanisation ?

    Les halles et marchés au Moyen-âge Pb : En quoi la progression du marché reflète-elle une volonté d’urbanisation ? INTRODUCTION : la naissance des marchés Situation avant : le commerce ne se situait pas dans des lieux précis, mais plutôt dans la rue, sans une réelle organisation. De ce fait, ces échanges s’effectuaient sans réelle structure d’encadrement et faisait place à des marchés dit « sauvages », sans règles précises. Cela laissait libre cours aux

    2 596 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Strategy, Values and preferences of management

    Strategy, Values and preferences of management

    Strategy Values and Preferences of Management • Core values • Mission and vision statements • Objectives Environment Macro-Environment (ECS p.55) Political Economic Social Technological Environmental Legal Industries and Sectors (ECS p.59) Threat of Entry • Scale and experience • Access to supply or distribution channels • Expected retaliation • Legislation or government action • Differentiation Threat of Substitution • Price/Performance Ratio • Extra industry effects Power of Buyers • Concentrated Buyers • Low Switching Costs

    895 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The use of " lorem ipsum "

    The use of " lorem ipsum "

    In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum[1] is placeholder text (filler text) commonly used to demonstrate the graphics elements of a document or visual presentation, such as font, typography, and layout, by removing the distraction of meaningful content. The lorem ipsum text is typically a section of a Latin text by Cicero with words altered, added and removed that make it nonsensical in meaning and not proper Latin.[1] Even though "lorem ipsum" may arouse curiosity

    1 450 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Progression Eco Droit

    Progression Eco Droit

    ECONOMIE / PARTIE 1 : LA MONNAIE ET LE FINANCEMENT DE L’ECONOMIE THÈMES SENS ET PORTÉE DE L’ÉTUDE NOTIONS ET CONTENUS À CONSTRUIRE PROGRESSION 1 – La monnaie et le financement de l’économie (Durée indicative : 10 heures, cours et travaux dirigés) Dans le cadre d’une économie de marché, l’activité économique suppose l’existence d’une monnaie et de moyens de financement. La monnaie facilite les échanges courants et différés dans le temps. Elle est sur ce dernier

    3 305 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Recommandation Communication Tee Of Life

    Recommandation Communication Tee Of Life

    Agence génératrice de Buzzzzz Sabrina Abed Léa Laurie Goujon Florian Damien Nunes Valentin  Introduction Être plutôt que paraître ? Ce dilemme existentiel est a priori rapidement tranché dans une société de consommation où les apparences sont reines. En effet il est plus facile de porter un tee-shirt validé par tous, car « à la mode », que d’enfiler un tee-shirt reflétant des revendications plus personnelles. Le tee-shirt, vêtement intemporel

    7 956 Mots / 32 Pages
  • Analyse Des Précieuses Ridicules de Molière; apparition De Mascarille: En quoi cet extrait fait-il avancer la progression dramatique de la pièce?

    Analyse Des Précieuses Ridicules de Molière; apparition De Mascarille: En quoi cet extrait fait-il avancer la progression dramatique de la pièce?

    En quoi cet extrait fait-il avancer la progression dramatique de la pièce? I - role du valet A : accomplir la vengance de ses maîtres Quand Mascarille entre sur scène, il n'a pas d'autres objectifs que d'accomplir la vengeance de son maitre, humilié par le refus des deux jeunes précieuses.Il a un réel talent de comédien et sait adopter les usages bourgeois.On trouve dans les didascalies"après avoir salué".Il s'adresse aux deux femmes en les vouvoyant

    1 368 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The accession of Iceland to the European Union.

    The accession of Iceland to the European Union.

    The European Commission has today finalised a series of aid programmes to support reforms in countries wishing to join the EU. The funding, totalling almost 1 billion euro, comes under the 2011 budget of the Instrument for pre-accession Assistance, and will be available to Western Balkans, Turkey, and Iceland. In fact, since July the 17th 2009, Iceland confirmed it desire to join European Union. This decision was a huge surprise for a lot of specialists,

    1 442 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Paths Of Glory

    Paths Of Glory

    90-Nevinson C. R. W. Nevinson, Paths of Glory (Les chemins de la gloire), 1917, huile sur toile, 45,7 x 61 cm, Imperial War Museum, Londres. © Imperial War Museum. La mort 899091 90 - C. R. W. Nevinson Parce que Nevinson eut l'audace de peindre deux cadavres de Tommies devant les barbelés, la toile fut interdite d'exposition en 1918. Nevinson refusa de la décrocher et la dissimula derrière un papier brun, sur lequel il écrivit

    400 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Political Ideologies : Abnegation Or Fulfillment Of The State Intervention ?

    Political Ideologies : Abnegation Or Fulfillment Of The State Intervention ?

    Introduction From the communist regime in the ex-USSR to the more liberal view in The United States of America, political ideologies have evolved over time and influenced the view on the role of the state. Through time and space, the intervention of the state has varied according to the intrinsic characteristics of political ideologies. Nowadays, the term of welfare state is well known and highly valued under certain ideologies whereas other consider the state as

    1 771 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Résumé How To Master The Art Of Selling ? CHAP 1&2

    Résumé How To Master The Art Of Selling ? CHAP 1&2

    How to master the art of selling ? 1-Qu'est ce que le métier de la vente réellement ? Réussir est un investissement personnel en temps, en argent Il faut voir la vente comme un challenge de tous les jours dans lequel il faut rester positif, les seules limites que l'on a sont celles que l'on se fixe, on peut être qui on veux On ne naît pas « excellent vendeur » cela s'apprend » Un excellent vendeur doit : Faire de

    671 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Oasis, Circle of Blue

    Oasis, Circle of Blue

    A l’occasion de la parution d’un ouvrage sur les peuples indigènes américains et leurs modes de gestion de l’eau, Le portail états-unien de l’eau Circle of Blue publie un entretien avec l’un des coauteurs ainsi que des extraits du premier chapitre. L’ouvrage (ainsi que les aperçus qui en sont donnés) montrent combien l’eau et ses modes de gestion sont des forces organisatrices de la vie de nombreux peuples indigènes du Sud et du Nord de

    433 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Six Degrees Of Seperation

    Six Degrees Of Seperation

    You've read the books, You've watched the shows, What's the best way no one knows, yeah, Meditate, get hypnotized. Anything to take from your mind. But it won't go You're doing all these things out of desperation, Ohhh woah, You're going through six degrees of separation. You hit the drink, you take a toke. Watch the past go up in smoke. Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say that, I'm better now than ever, and

    401 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Bank of England

    The Bank of England

    When the Bank of England changes the official interest rate it is attempting to influence the overall level of expenditure in the economy. When the amount of money spent grows more quickly than the volume of output produced, inflation is the result. In this way, changes in interest rates are used to control inflation. The Bank of England sets an interest rate at which it lends to financial institutions. This interest rate then affects the

    216 Mots / 1 Pages
  • What Were The Triggers Of Culture Change In Japan During The 1990s ?

    What Were The Triggers Of Culture Change In Japan During The 1990s ?

    The type of culture that facilitated Japan to hold onto its people and acquired knowledge and become consistently stronger each year was that of Confucian beliefs. Confucian values are essentially derived from three ingredients which are high moral conduct and loyalty to others, reciprocal obligations to show appreciation of network involvement, and honesty in dealing with others. The primary triggers of cultural changes in Japan during the 1990s were influenced by later generation born after

    376 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Social and environmental impacts of multinational companies

    Social and environmental impacts of multinational companies

    Social and environmental impacts of multinational companies Social consequences of Multinationals Today, these companies of extreme sizes are veritable showcases of countries from which they originate. That's why it is so important that they adhere to a code of ethics and practices (environmental, occupational ...) transparent, so as not to damage the image of their country of origin. These multinationals may have negative consequences for their country of origin. Indeed, foreign direct investment (FDI) can

    1 057 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The Secret Dreamworld Of A Shopaholic

    The Secret Dreamworld Of A Shopaholic

    The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic Ok. don't panic. Don't panic. It's only a VISA bill. It's a piece of paper; a few numbers. I mean, just how scary can a few numbers be? I stare out of the office window at a bus driving down Oxford Street, willing myself to open the white envelope sitting on my cluttered desk. It's only a piece of paper, I tell myself for the thousandth time. And I'm

    646 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Two Versions Of Translation From Baudelair's Les Fleurs Du Al

    Two Versions Of Translation From Baudelair's Les Fleurs Du Al

    Introduction Translators are always confronted with two questions before translating a text. The first question w they ask themselves is if the text in the target language should be reader or text oriented. The choice of making a translation text or reader oriented depends on the translator, the time of translation and the type of document. A text whose goal is to entertain the reader will most likely be reader oriented while an educational or

    1 435 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The internationalization of Marks & Spencer

    The internationalization of Marks & Spencer

    This case study describes the internationalization of Marks & Spencer (M&S), a giant British retailer. In recent years, the company has suffered a series of misfortunes, both at home (Britain) and abroad. Company sales have dropped, stock prices and market capitalization were substantially reduced, and overseas profits have declined. In January 1999, following a terrible earning announcement, the company announced that it had formed a marketing department, forcing the company to become more proactive and

    342 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Repercussions of ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl

    Repercussions of ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl

    Repercussion of ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl The end of World War II officially ends on September 3, 1945. This having engendered consequences across the globe as causalities, cities totally destroyed, etc. It has also allowed the United States as well as Russia to stand out globally due to their rapid emergence. The two countries then become two global economic powers in the world. Those two powers didn’t have the same vision of how a

    1 336 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Leadership And The Fate Of Organizations

    Leadership And The Fate Of Organizations

    Leadership and the Fate of Organizations Robert B. Kaiser Kaplan DeVries Inc. Robert Hogan Hogan Assessment Systems S. Bartholomew Craig North Carolina State University and Kaplan DeVries Inc. This article concerns the real-world importance of leadership for the success or failure of organizations and social institutions. The authors propose conceptualizing leadership and evaluating leaders in terms of the performance of the team or organization for which they are responsible. The authors next offer a taxonomy

    8 107 Mots / 33 Pages
  • Yoram Barzel, Measurement Cost and the Organization of Markets

    Yoram Barzel, Measurement Cost and the Organization of Markets

    Yoram Barzel, Measurement Cost and the Organization of Markets, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Avril, 1982), pp. 27-42. Yoram Barzel introduit la nécessité de prendre en compte les coûts liés à l’obtention de l’information sur les produits dans le cadre des échanges marchands (coûts de mesures). A travers divers exemples, l’auteur présente les problèmes de mesures excessives (vérifications excessives, catégorisation des marchandises, sélections) qui surviennent généralement sur les marchés de biens

    1 262 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Lord Of The Ring

    Lord Of The Ring

    Implement the best-selling and most successful in terms of JRR Tolkien's novel The Lord of the Rings happened in the collective imagination. From being a cult in the 60s, it is now a myth. And adapting a myth to a movie is a myth of the challenge. Challenge is working with Peter Jackson Millennium dusk, surrounded by a veritable armada, an army of costumers, makeup artists, designers, machinists, architects, actors dozens, producers etc ... All

    396 Mots / 2 Pages
  • ‘Courts Of First Instance Exist To Resolve Disputes; Courts Of Appeal And Review Have Quite A Different Function' Discuss

    ‘Courts Of First Instance Exist To Resolve Disputes; Courts Of Appeal And Review Have Quite A Different Function' Discuss

    ‘Courts of first instance exist to resolve disputes; courts of appeal and review have quite a different function’ Discuss. In France, a distinction has to be made between the Cour de cassation and the Courts of Appeal. Courts of Appeal are jurisdictions “de droit commun” treating both facts and laws on the basis of appeals against decisions made by first instance tribunals. So a court of appeal is both here to resolve disputes arisen and

    1 108 Mots / 5 Pages