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Héros Et Anti héros dissertations et mémoires


1 301 Héros Et Anti héros dissertations gratuites 826 - 850 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 7 Août 2015
  • Myths and heroes : How to evolve the image of the heroes of before and today?

    Myths and heroes : How to evolve the image of the heroes of before and today?

    I’m going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, a hero can be a mythological figure, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. These days, heroes are not considered in the same way as before, now you can become a hero by saving a person or doing things for society. We can therefore ask ourselves the question "How to

    413 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: How can an ordinary person make the world a better place ?

    Myths and heroes: How can an ordinary person make the world a better place ?

    Myths and heroes I'm going to talk about myths and heroes. A hero is a fictional or real person. He's an ordinary person who does something extraordinary. Heroes lead, inspire, and entertain the masses. This is why heroes, with all their mistakes and shortcomings, are vital to humanity. Heroic stereotypes can be considered to be unrealistic, but heroes show how vital they are to society First, I will talk about Gandhi and Martin Luther King

    642 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heros: Because of the whistleblowers. That way, we can wonder: are the whistleblowers heroes or felons?

    Myths and heros: Because of the whistleblowers. That way, we can wonder: are the whistleblowers heroes or felons?

    Myths and heros At the beginning of this notion, we saw a document which is a picture where we can see Barack Obama with headphones, as well as in front of a crowd around him. We can see some messages like: “yes, we scan” or “we are watching you”. So, this document wants to say that the American government spies on everybody. And how we know that? Because of the whistleblowers. That way, we can

    289 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes « Captain America».

    Myths and heroes « Captain America».

    Myths and heroes « Captain America». Introduction . I am going to talk about myths and heroes First of all I would like to give a definition of the notion of Myths and heroes. A Heroe is a person who is admired for their courage, good actions , or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film or a person with superhuman qualities . A Myths is a wonderful

    806 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Vocabulaire MYTH AND HERO Bac anglais

    Vocabulaire MYTH AND HERO Bac anglais

    Vocabulaire minimaliste MYTH AND HERO To be allowed : avoir la permission Social activits / Civil rights leader : militants / chef des droits civiques The civil right act passed in Am in 1964 (ML King) In a pacific way : non violent way To be inspired by the non violent activism, movement initiated by Gandhi Social activist : militant Charismatic leaders To march = to demonstrate : manifester Wisthleblower : lanceur d’alerte Whistle blower

    535 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Desmond Doss: Myths and heroes

    Desmond Doss: Myths and heroes

    A hero can be an ordinary man that has done extraordinary things during his life. A hero is a person who is admired, and this admiration can push us to become better. Each of us has a different definition of a hero. I chose Desmond Doss, an American soldier whose life was the subject of a movie, Hacksaw Ridge. Desmond Doss spent his youth in Lynchburg, a little town in Virginia. His family has raised

    470 Mots / 2 Pages
  • En quoi Cyrano est-il un héros?

    En quoi Cyrano est-il un héros?

    Scène du balcon. Le texte intitulé « La scène du balcon » présente trois personnages ; Roxane, Cyrano et Christian. Roxane étant amoureux de Christian et vice-versa, néanmoins Christian est timide et ne sait pas amadouer Roxane. Cyrano est secrètement amoureux de Roxane. Contrairement à Christian il est maître en matière d’éloquence amoureuse. En effet, Cyrano arrive à séduire Roxane par son éloquence poétique en utilisant un langage soutenue « Certes, et vous me tueriez

    515 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : witches in America

    Myths and heroes : witches in America

    BAC ANGLAIS : THE MYTH OF WITCHES IN AMERICA Notion : myths and heroes The notion I am going to deal with is about « myths ans heroes». First of all, I would like to define this notion. A myth is a popular story or belief that evolves over the time and that conveys the ideals of a society. Heroes are often the characters of myths. A heroe is seen as someone special, who do

    539 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths et Heroes : What is the influence of myths and heroes on us and on our lives?

    Myths et Heroes : What is the influence of myths and heroes on us and on our lives?

    What is the influence of myths and heroes on us and on our lives? I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is

    931 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : To what extent can myths and heroes influence our way of life and our way of thinking ?

    Myths and heroes : To what extent can myths and heroes influence our way of life and our way of thinking ?

    We are going to deal with the notion myths and heroes. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a popular belief, a tradition or a false notion on which social values are often based. While a heroe is someone who is ready to sacrifice his or her life in order to make things evolve positivly. This person is usually admired for his or her achivements. We are

    595 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Synthèse Myths and Heroes

    Synthèse Myths and Heroes

    Today, I would like to talk about myths and heroes. I will first define this notion, a myth is a story of gods or demi-gods. These myths are the bases of civilization. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person admired for his achievements, a superhero or perhaps a model or icon. They fight for good against evil. Someone who does something extraordinary. To illustrate my idea, I will talk about the myth of

    723 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes.

    Myths and heroes.

    Intro : >l'm going to introduce the notion myths and heros. First we have to define the words heros and myth, which is different of the word legend. >A hero is someone who is real of fictional. Hero may come from legends or from our everyday life. >Therefore, a myth is a story which is fantastic, with supernatural being, or things, and imaginary actions while, a legend is a supernatural story which based one true

    555 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : Why are myths and heroes important to our society?

    Myths and heroes : Why are myths and heroes important to our society?

    MYTHS AND HEROES Just like myths, heroes can be real or completely fictional. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. Heroes are people we can look up to, people we would like to look like. A hero is not necessarily someone famous, but it can just be a member of our family or a friend,

    677 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: How have myths and heroes changed our lives ?

    Myths and heroes: How have myths and heroes changed our lives ?

    Myths and heroes I’m going to talk about « Myths and heroes ». First of all I’d like to define quickly the different notions. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief, a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero, a role model or an icon. Through these

    545 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes

    Myths and heroes

    Anglais MYTHS AND HEROES * I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First, I would like to give a definition of this notion: a myth is a story that may be real or part of fiction. AS for heroes, the term can apply to diverse types of people such as marvel characters with super-powers, real persons involved in our everyday lives, or people who left a mark in history. There

    417 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Mythes et heros

    Mythes et heros

    Myths and hero A myth is an old story which is told again and again so details may vary. Myths may be true or not and they are usually used to teach a lesson or to try to explain things which can’t be explained. There are different kinds of heroes. It can simply be the main character in a story, so fictional or real like firefighters, doctors. Heroes are said to be selfless, determined, brave

    299 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : To what extent myths and heroes can influence our society and history ?

    Myths and Heroes : To what extent myths and heroes can influence our society and history ?

    Myths And Heroes I will begin by to present a definition of the notion myths and heroe. A myth is a story that may true or false. Myths originated of the myhtologie in the culture, she includes the religion, legends, a creation of our world and our heroes. A heroe is a person whom has courage, often high qualities. It’s seen like a model. For treat this notion, I will answer at next question :

    315 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes

    Myths and Heroes

    I am going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes. To start with, I’d like to define the notion. “myth”: it’s a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or an unfounded or false notion. But it is also important to bear in mind another aspect of “myth” like an ancient story about gods, heroes and magic or also a theme or character type embodying an idea. On the

    542 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Le Héros Libertin

    Le Héros Libertin

    Cours de français 5è Madame Lacroix 5H Travail de recherche sur un héros : Le héros libertin. Emma Muller Joséphine De Backer Camille Somers 1. Introduction Il y a eu, au cours des siècles, de nombreux héros. Ceux-ci sont considérés comme les miroirs de la société. Ils révèlent les thèmes forts de l’époque, les tensions, mais aussi les attentes et les espérances. Ils traduisent nos rêves d’excellence et nos valeurs collectives. Le héros que nous

    2 544 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Myths and heroes

    Myths and heroes

    Introduction : I am going to present you the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition. A hero is someone who possesses many qualities like courage, strength. A hero can be a mythological figure or an ordinary person like firefighters, volunteers. In general

    658 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Dissertation sur les héros

    Dissertation sur les héros

    Pour cette question de dissertation, nous allons voir si le héros de roman doit forcément être un personnage positif. Pour répondre a cette question nous utiliserons les textes des Trois Mousquetaires d’Alexandre Dumas, Bel ami de Maupassant, L’étranger d’Albert Camus et enfin un extrait de La Chartreuse de Parme de Stendhal. Dans cette dissertation, nous allons voir en première partie l’avantage du héros positif dans le romans ensuite l’avantage du héros banal ou plus communément

    378 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : How Americans Heroes evolved by Y. Boudraa

    Myths and Heroes : How Americans Heroes evolved by Y. Boudraa

    Hello, so today I will deal with the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all, I would like to give a brief definition of the notion : * A myth is a popular story which tries to guide the society toward certain values, or some ideal. Usually, it is composed of unreal fact and action, often led by a Hero. * A Hero is a courageous person who is ready to sacrifice himself to

    709 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes: How can myths and heroes change our lives ?

    Myths and Heroes: How can myths and heroes change our lives ?

    Myths and Heroes I'm going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth might not be true. Its aim is to convey a message and it is a story told from a generation to another. A myth can by example explain the origins of a community and here, by example, we could speak about the Romulus and Remus myth for the foundation of Rome. Whereas a hero is somebody whom we admired

    870 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: Is America a “Welcoming Nation of immigrants” ? Or is it just a myth?

    Myths and heroes: Is America a “Welcoming Nation of immigrants” ? Or is it just a myth?

    The notion I will deal with is Myths and Heroes. To begin with, I would like to give a definition of a Myth and a hero. A myth is a story that may or may not be true. There may not be records or other proof that they happened, but at least some parts of myths may be true. Some myths may have started as ‘true’ stories but as people re-told them some parts may

    860 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : Why does society create myths and heroes? How can we change our lives? How can myths and heroes change the direction of the race of history?

    Myths and heroes : Why does society create myths and heroes? How can we change our lives? How can myths and heroes change the direction of the race of history?

    Mythes et héros I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this concept: It can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role

    736 Mots / 3 Pages