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Exposé En Anglais dissertations et mémoires


5 518 Exposé En Anglais dissertations gratuites 51 - 75 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 23 Juin 2015
  • Exposé the beatles en anglais

    Exposé the beatles en anglais

    The beatles presentation diapo 1 Today we will talk about the famous group the Beatles . It is for us THE legendary band that everyone knows and loves but I do not think everyone knows the history of this group so it’s why we chose this subject. sommaire diapo 2 First we will present you the beatles group and their members after we will tell you the story of the group: how the members meet

    1 157 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Exposé d'anglais "My world".

    Exposé d'anglais "My world".

    QUEEN MAUD LAND Country of Gluttony RULES. Amitié modestie partage franchise respect politesse ponctualité aide solidarité équilibre santé vie saine vie en communauté travail légal propreté SOCIAL. Ne pas jeter des ordres par terre lors d'une première rencontre, être poli, se saluer d'une bise ou d'une poignée de main respecter les personnes âgées les aider dans les marshmallow (transport public) apporter un dessert lorsque l'on se rend chez des gens POLITIQUE démocratie gouverner par la

    1 183 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Exposé sur le programme politique de Donald Trump en anglais

    Exposé sur le programme politique de Donald Trump en anglais

    TRUMP AND HIS POLITICAL PROGRAM Ok, so today, I’m going to speak about Donald Trump and more precisely about his political program. Then, we’ll try to understand why American people have voted for him. So, first, to understand this election, we’ll recapitulate the historical context. The USA have been, for years, in a delicate situation. The country is divided by racism, which cause a lot of violence across the country, for example, the many assaults

    537 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Exposé d'anglais : The Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    Exposé d'anglais : The Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police The Royal Canadian Mounted Police or RCMP is both federal police of Canada and provincial police in most canadian provinces. It is called « police montée » by the french canadians and « red coats » by the english canadians (« manteau rouge ») because they wear a red uniform : a red jacket with gold buttons, a navy blue equestrian pants with yellow line on the outer side of

    284 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé woodstock anglais

    Exposé woodstock anglais

    WOODSTOCK’S PRESENTATION The late 60’s is a complicated period for the United States. Indeed, the war in Vietnam was devastating not only for the civilians in Vietnam but also for the American soldiers for too long and the public opinion realized little by little the horror of the situation. Meanwhile, the cold war is still going on. There are rebellions all over the world which stood up for human rights such as equality, peace and

    767 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Exposé en Anglais Panama Papers

    Exposé en Anglais Panama Papers

    EXPOSE ANGLAIS The scandal of the panama papers and its impact Intro: Hello everybody, welcome to my presentation! Today I would like to talk about something which marked the news this year. An event which made a real boom on the news! My subject today is the Panama Papers. So, what are the impacts of the panama papers? Firstly, I’m going to talk about the scandal of the panama papers. Secondly, the impact on the

    676 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Exposé Yves Rocher, Anglais

    Exposé Yves Rocher, Anglais

    INTRODUCTION : We will introduce the company Yves Rocher, but before, let me introduce my teamates: Lisa, Léa and Manon. So let’s start with a short presentation of the group. The Rocher group is a French family group founded in 1959 by Yves Rocher. The company was founded in Bretagne in the Morbihan region and remains implanted in this region. This group built, in the course of decades, a wide range of offer around several

    1 161 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Exposé d'Anglais sur l'Inde

    Exposé d'Anglais sur l'Inde

    India is a big country of South Asia, his area is aproximately of 3,1 km2 and it counts more than 1,1 billion of inhabitants. It is one of the only country which is counting more than 1 billion of inhabitants with China, then we can say it’s one of the most populated country in the world. Indians pay with indian roupee and their biggest city is Mumbai instead of New Delhi which is their capital

    352 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé en anglais à propos de l'Inde

    Exposé en anglais à propos de l'Inde

    India India or the Republic of India is a country in the South of Asia. India is the second country densely populated in the world and the seventh biggest country. The capital in India is New Delhi. This statue is the emblem of India. We can see three lions on a circus tent. The emblem of India is an adaptation of the Lion Capitol Ashoka who is located in Sarnath Museum. We can see on

    1 520 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Exposé sur Londres en anglais

    Exposé sur Londres en anglais

    London I was few times in London because my step mother used to live there, but I was there also in 2014 with my best friend and 2015 with high school. It's a beautiful city, a little expensive but it worth it. London is the capital and most populous city of England and the United Kingdom. Buses in London The London Buses are an icon of London; they are red with a double-decker: it is

    1 017 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Exposé d'anglais sur la vie privée

    Exposé d'anglais sur la vie privée

    In brief, we can say that we usually hear about the danger of privacy on society and individual in general, especially with the release of new technologies that allow state to get more information about people. We have seen that on one hand some states guarantee the privacy to citizen and on the other hand the state has the total power, and we can compare this situation to 1984 from George Orwell of "Big brother

    255 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé d'anglais sur la socialisation

    Exposé d'anglais sur la socialisation

    Who is Reshma Saujani I decided to present a TedTalk entitled « Teach girls bravery, not perfection ». The speaker is a 41 years-old woman, Reshma Saujani. She is Indian-rooted but was born in Illinois. She is graduated from the university of Illinois, from Harvard and Yale. But most importantly, she is a politician of the Democratic party. And Reshma starts by telling us her story. In 2010, she decided to run for Congress, whereas

    821 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais exposé sur Dust Bowl

    Anglais exposé sur Dust Bowl

    I intend to speak about Okies and Dust Bowls. Okies , this was the name given to the American people who migrated to the Pacific Coast from 1935 to 1940. The came from the southwest States such as Kansas , Arkansas , Colorado and Texas. The living conditions in these States were dreadful ( horrible ) . The Plains suffered from drought ( sécheresse ) conditions. That is the main reason why thousands of people

    528 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais - exposé sur twitter et la politique

    Anglais - exposé sur twitter et la politique

    Twitter is a microblog and a social network like Facebook, instagram, snapchat ... . With Tweeter, you can send short messages up to 140 characters. These messages are called Tweets. UnlikeFacebook, it's not possible to comment these messages. Tweeter was founded in 2006. It is really something new. But it was translated into French since 2009. The concept is to say what we do when we do it. This is the reason why the first

    948 Mots / 4 Pages
  • ART AND APARTHEID ( exposé en anglais )

    ART AND APARTHEID ( exposé en anglais )

    ART AND APARTHEID INTRODUCTION The apartheid it’s a system or practice that separates people according to color, ethnicity, caste. We are going to talk about the international artistic reaction against apartheid.In the early years of apartheid black artistes are neglected . Those are white artists who takes care of South afriacan art. I. THE MUSEUM OF APARTHEID The city of Johanesburg have a museum dedicated to illustrating apartheid. Since 2000 the city of Johanesburg

    318 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé sur le Canada en anglais

    Exposé sur le Canada en anglais

    Drink Beer is common consumption. Canada has breweries of all sizes. The amateurs will be interested in the production of many micro-breweries. The country also vinifies, correct whites and reds; Icewine (from frozen grapes) is amazing and delicious. Cider is of good quality; In Quebec, there is an ice cider (from frozen apples) that is a counterpart to the wine. However, back to the ordinary, sodas and energy drinks are ubiquitous, with, fortunately, mineral water

    909 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Exposé en anglais sur la pollution

    Exposé en anglais sur la pollution

    Pollution is a topical subject, we hear about it all the days: “global warming”, “nuclear waste”, “ice cap melt”, “lake of petrol” and others topics. A lot of people say to beconscious of these problems, but in reality, what are we doing to change? Road transportation is by far the leading culprit, accounting for 81% of the energy consumed by allmeans of transportation combined our beautiful earth needs us, that is to say we should

    379 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé en anglais sur la découverte de la Nouvelle Zélande

    Exposé en anglais sur la découverte de la Nouvelle Zélande

    The first Men arrived on the islands probably between the 11th and 14th centuries. These men are Polynesians who arrived by boat. They are the ones who will populate the islands and found the Maori culture that still exists today. The first European explorers were Dutch. They arrived in 1642, the Dutch East India Company sent Abel Tasman, who approached the southern island of New Zealand. He immediately left in the face of hostility from

    250 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Exposé Oral Anglais Révolution Française

    Exposé Oral Anglais Révolution Française

    Pierre : Hello Mr. Dekneuvel and delighted to meet you. I understand that you were opposed to our revolution, or more precisely the way in which our revolution is made. That's why I invited you today at home to be able to parallel our disagreements. Nello : Yes, thank you for inviting me to your home to discuss this pitiful French revolution. I find this revolution very paradoxical because on the other hand, you defend

    560 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Devoir anglais exposé oral bac

    Devoir anglais exposé oral bac

    Partie 1 This photo is about the Nightlynews connecting to the computer. This news is not very reassuring for the environment and for the living beings on planet Earth. First of all, there may be terrorists who can hide in the city and then shampoo may be killing your brain cells. Then two hypotheses are made, the first is: Is breathing adding to the effects of global warming? And the second hypothesis is: Is your

    494 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé en anglais slumdog millionaire

    Exposé en anglais slumdog millionaire

    Slumdog Millionnaire - Exposé I will start by telling you about the summary of the film. Jamal Malik is the hero of Slumdog Millionaire. He was born in the slums of Mumbai in India. Orphan, he finds delivered to himself with his brother Salim. He crosses the road of a little girl - Latika - which he falls in love with. Fifteen years later, he decides to participate in the biggest show in the country

    497 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé d'anglais sur l'intelligence artificielle

    Exposé d'anglais sur l'intelligence artificielle

    2nd picture represents the human being since,,,,, as we can see, humans evoluated humain qui est remplacé par les robots de plus en plus de new techno qui nuisent a l'humanité dans quelquels années la robotique remplacera elle definitivement l'Homme plus de personnalité, d identité The first picture is a cartoon which represents a robot pretending to be a human. Indeed, we can see in front of the face of the robot

    416 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé de la série Mon amie Adèle en Anglais

    Exposé de la série Mon amie Adèle en Anglais

    _The series I'm going to talk about is a British mini-series. So it has only one season. This is a six-episode thriller of 60 minutes. A series is inspired by a novel by Sarah Pinborough. The plot is around 4 characters. Louise (main character), David, Adele and Robert. This is the story of a single mother Louise who is having an affair with her boss David.She meets by chance Adele David's wife and becomes

    285 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé environnement anglais

    Exposé environnement anglais

    A few years ago , a worm has been discovered , The Great Wax moth , a worm that live in bee wax and have the faculty to destroy plastic . The amazing worm "superpower" to destroy polyethylene within few hours , the hardest plastic dissolve that can take 400 years to dissolve and can resist to strong acid has seen in Breaking Bad. It has been found by accident by Dr Federica Bertocchini ,a

    253 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposé d'anglais sur la reine Victoria

    Exposé d'anglais sur la reine Victoria

    Queen Victoria She was born at Kensington Palace, London, in 1819. She was the only daughter of Edward, Duke of Kent and granddaughter of King George III. She was lively and had a gift for drawing and painting. She was educated by a governess at home. She is sixteen when she first met her future husband, Prince Albert, her cousin. She became Queen in 1837 at the age of 18, after the death of King

    459 Mots / 2 Pages

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