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Exposé En Anglais dissertations et mémoires


4 359 Exposé En Anglais dissertations gratuites 976 - 1 000 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 21 Juin 2015
  • Parler au téléphone en anglais

    Parler au téléphone en anglais

    Nous présenterons dans ce "mini cours" les phrases courament utilisées autour du téléphone. Allons-y ! Comment dis-t-on "téléphone" en anglais au fait...? Et bien on peut dire "telephone" ou "phone". Avant la conversation au téléphone : Le téléphone sonne. == The telephone is ringing. Quel est votre numéro ? == What is your number ? Avez-vous le téléphone ? == Are you on the phone ? Mon numéro est 01 00 02 04 06. ==

    446 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Aspects du choix du meilleur manager pour la phase initiale en Afrique (document en anglais)

    Aspects du choix du meilleur manager pour la phase initiale en Afrique (document en anglais)

    In order to choose the best manager to run the start-up phase in Africa, we have to consider several factors. First, Juan Lopez appears as the best choice because he has a great experience of 21 years in the company. He has been working in different countries such as Ecuador or in Latin America. He also worked in the headquarters based in the USA, so we know that he can adapt to different cultures. He

    324 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Pensez-vous que les zoos en valent la peine? (document en anglais)

    Pensez-vous que les zoos en valent la peine? (document en anglais)

    Essay: Some people believe that zoos serve useful functions. Other people believe that it is cruel and wrong to confine animals in zoos. Tell which point of view you agree with and explain why, using specific details and reasons. Although zoos are often subjected to criticism because of the lack of freedom that they seem to give the animals, we must recognize that this type of environment also has qualities. According to me, zoos serve

    346 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse du Bacalauréat anglais: le rêve américain

    Synthèse du Bacalauréat anglais: le rêve américain

    AMERICAN DREAM The notion of « Spaces and exchanges » was seen through the American dream. Indeed, the American dream embodies this notion, because immigrants leave their country for going far from the place they were born. They come to the United States with their language, their culture and their state of mind, which suggests exchanges. 1- Définition de l’”American dream”: The American Dream is a concept that originated in the will of European immigrants

    706 Mots / 3 Pages
  • La volonté du gouvernement d'augmenter les ventes de voitures électriques tombe à plat (document en anglais)

    La volonté du gouvernement d'augmenter les ventes de voitures électriques tombe à plat (document en anglais)

    Government's drive to boost electric car sales falls flat A government plan to make 2011 "the year the electric car took off" appears to have stalled. The "plug-in car grant" launched in January, offered an incentive of up to £5,000 to buy an electric car. The number of vehicles sold through the scheme has dropped significantly since its launch, with only 106 being bought in the third quarter of 2011, down from 465 in the

    202 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Les Facteurs Clés De Succès De Nutella (anglais)

    Les Facteurs Clés De Succès De Nutella (anglais)

    Critical Success Factors Nutella has four main critical success factors:  Establishing more brand awareness in the US with Nutella bars and Nutella and peanutbutter swirls  Providing a high-quality product through its taste, and natural and nutritious ingredients  Providing a product that is unique  Proving a product that on versatile The combination of these three success factors will give Nutella a competitive advantage in the peanut butter and chocolate spread markets. Nutella

    712 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Hydromedia - présentation en anglais

    Hydromedia - présentation en anglais

    1) Hydromedia® is permeable concrete pavement combining the durability of concrete with the environmental benefits of permeable surfaces. It can be used to reduce the impact of the stormwater runoff and reduce the heat island effect. Hydromedia is a permeable paving solution combining the durability of concrete with the functional benefits of permeable pavements. Hydromedia provides several environmental and economical benefits: It can reduce the amount of stormwater runoff on a site, and it can

    213 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Banksy (document en anglais)

    Banksy (document en anglais)

    Banksy who would name in reality Robert Banks. He would have been born in 1974. He would be native of neighborhood from Bristol to the United Kingdom . We do not know his real identity, it is information is given grace has cameras of security. Banksy is an artist known for his tag in urban zones but he is also a painter and a director. He combines the techniques of the stencil and the installation

    234 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Cas d'entreprise Guzz Cola (document en anglais)

    Cas d'entreprise Guzz Cola (document en anglais)

    Guzz Cola Background Since people are more conscious about health, sales of the Guzz cola dropped. They want to hire an agency that will promote their product in order to increase sales on a marker dominated by Pepsi and Coke. • You are in third position behind Coke and Pepsi in the Canadian market and in Quebec in terms of gross sales • You have just changed your drink formula and you now use 90%

    452 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Définition d'un document en anglais

    Définition d'un document en anglais

    document, written document, papers (writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature)) document (anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks) document (a written account of ownership or obligation) text file, document ((computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using seven-bit ASCII characters). In Library and information science and in documentation science, a "document" is considered a basic theoretical construct. It is

    210 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Exercices de finance (document en anglais)

    Exercices de finance (document en anglais)

    Problems Chapter 13 13-7 New-Project Analysis You have been asked by the president of your company to evaluate the proposed acquisition of a new chromatograph for the firm’s R&D department. The equipment’s basic price is $70,000, and it would cost another $15,000 to modify it for special use by your firm. The chromatograph, which falls into the MARCS 3-year class, would be sold after 3 years for $30,000. Use of the equipment would require an

    539 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Joseph Stalin (document en anglais)

    Joseph Stalin (document en anglais)

    Joseph Stalin -Biography Stalin, Robert Service portrays the Russian leader Joseph Stalin as one of the notorious figures in history. In his years of power and pomp, from the late 1920’s until his death in 1953, he personified the soviet communist order. Stalin rose from extreme poverty to become the supreme ruler of the Soviet Union for a quarter of a century. Joseph Stalin was a ruthless man with a heart of steel. He overcame

    947 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Support Anglais

    Support Anglais

    Qu’est ce qu’une charte ? C’est un document qui doit de façon claire et synthétique définir le réseau dans son activité, sa composition, ses objectifs, son organisation et ses modalités de participation et d’adhésion de ses membres. A quoi sert-elle et à qui ? La charte est avant tout un outil de cohésion interne. Elle permet de se mettre d’accord à tout moment sur les objectifs, les droits et les devoirs de chacun au sein

    640 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Lettre Motivation Anglais

    Lettre Motivation Anglais

    Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to enquire about the possibility of carrying out a work placement in your firm. As a student of BTS at Henry Bergson, I am required to work for four weeks as part of my course. I choose your organisation because it writes to me and I find it very nice because it looks like young and dynamic with new sales techniques. Work and acquire experiences in environments that

    229 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Discours En Anglais Sur La Vie D'un Soldat Après La Guerre

    Discours En Anglais Sur La Vie D'un Soldat Après La Guerre

    Life of a soldier after the war Ira destiny will helps me to see with you how the soldiers are treated when the war is over. IH is an american citizen but he's also a Pima indian. He was engaged in the marines unit and participates in the taking of Iwo Jima's island. Survivor, he is then used for promotions, his history is even the object of a song. He knows his hour of glory,

    226 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Etude De Cas: l'entreprise H&M (document en anglais)

    Etude De Cas: l'entreprise H&M (document en anglais)

    FredZosiakova – Delphine Duroux – Frédéric Orain – Xavier Platteau H&M in a globalization context 1 Content Presentation of H&M .............................................................................................................................. 3 Framework of the company .................................................................................................................... 4 Global Ambition .................................................................................................................................. 4 Globalization ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Global Competitors ............................................................................................................................. 5 Marketing and Communication........................................................................................................... 9 Global Marketing ............................................................................................................................... 10 Products ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Pricing ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Placement ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Promotion ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Global Business System ..................................................................................................................... 14 Global Organization ........................................................................................................................... 15 Business Model of the company ........................................................................................................... 16

    9 660 Mots / 39 Pages
  • Ethique des affaires (document en anglais)

    Ethique des affaires (document en anglais)

    Introduction - Definition Ethics: The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or a Group of individuals Business ethics: Can be defined as the critical structured examination of how people and institutions should behave in the world of commerce and it is also an examination of ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment; it involves examining appropriate constraints on the pursuit of self-interest, or (for firms) profits,

    1 388 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Afrique, un partenariat égal (document en anglais)

    Afrique, un partenariat égal (document en anglais)

    Trade with Africa will be a key component of Europe's future growth, the European commission president, José Manuel Barroso said this week. In his opening speech at the Africa-EU summit, he announced: "We have come to Tripoli with the fascinating long-term perspective of a Euro-African economic area in mind – an area which will provide opportunities for 2.5 billion citizens by 2050." The Tripoli summit follows the 2007 meeting of European and African governments, which

    728 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Autour Du Produit Apple (document en anglais)

    Autour Du Produit Apple (document en anglais)

    2. The look and feel surrounding the product Les premiers Apple Stores ont été designés par Tim Kobe co-fondateur de Eight Inc designer internationalement reconnu et qui trouve aujourd'hui que les boutiques Apple auraient besoin de remettre à jour leur design d'intérieur pour rester au gout du jour. Les boutiques sont élégantes, reflètent le luxe et le raffinement, sont épurées. Les boutiques d'Apple permettent d’avoir une plus grande visibilité pour les clients actuels mais aussi

    1 003 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Une espèce (document en anglais)

    Une espèce (document en anglais)

    In biology, a species (plural: species) is one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank. A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. While in many cases this definition is adequate, the difficulty of defining species is known as the species problem. Differing measures are often used, such as similarity of DNA, morphology, or ecological niche. Presence of specific locally adapted traits

    322 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Le terme du verbe anglais control

    Le terme du verbe anglais control

    Le terme issu du verbe anglais to manage a une étymologie très ancienne et discutée. L’Oxford English Dictionary fait découler le terme management du vocabulaire français, et plus particulièrement du substantif « mesnage » et du verbe « mesnager » qui, au xiiie siècle, caractérisent « l'art de gérer les affaires du ménage », c'est-à-dire « conduire son bien, sa fortune et ses domestiques de façon judicieuse » . En français, cette famille de termes

    271 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'université Plymouth University (document en anglais)

    L'université Plymouth University (document en anglais)

    Plymouth University is the largest university in the South West of England, with over 32,000 students and is 9th largest in the United Kingdom by total number of students (including the Open University). It has almost 3,000 staff making it one of the largest employers in the south west. The main campus is in the Devon city of Plymouth, but the university has campuses and affiliated colleges all over South West England. Whilst the University

    642 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Rapport Stage Anglais

    Rapport Stage Anglais

    I. INTRODUCTION In the context of the first year of the BTS in International trade, we have the chance to practice an internship in a foreign country for eight weeks. I chose this BTS because I really wanted to have the opportunity to practice an internship abroad having since always a taste for travelling. In addition, at first I thought I wanted to make short studies, but more and more I think I want to

    246 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Article sur l'Interview entre le Président de l'Amérique et le Président de l'Iran le 27 septembre 2013 (document en anglais)

    Article sur l'Interview entre le Président de l'Amérique et le Président de l'Iran le 27 septembre 2013 (document en anglais)

    my article is about an interview between the president of america and the president of iran the 27 september 2013. the autor of this article is laure mandeville and is published in the These last days there have been an interview between the president of united states of america barack obama and the new president of iran mister hassan rohani. this is a fact historical because there haven't been an interview between them, since

    212 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Étude du documentaire Une bouchée de Chine (document en anglais)

    Étude du documentaire Une bouchée de Chine (document en anglais)

    Recently , the documentary “A Bite of China “ which takes the fine foods as the theme has beaten many TV series, becoming extremely popular on the microblog and turning into the hottest topic. Chinese people are proud of the profound food culture of chine , and some even praise the documentary by saying that is a best patriotic video.” The public is sincerely touched by it.. maybe raising “ loving the food” to the

    544 Mots / 3 Pages