Devoir anglais 2 cned dissertations et mémoires
8 219 Devoir anglais 2 cned dissertations gratuites 351 - 375 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Bts tourisme cned Anglais devoir n2
Nom du professeur correcteur : Note : Observations générales : Part 1. A message 1. The caller’s name is Nicola Smith 1. Her e-mail address is 1. She wants to give some information about a group of 7 young people who would like to stay in a chalet near the coast in France (but not on the cote d’azur). They would like to be all in the same chalet, and practice motor sports as
755 Mots / 4 Pages -
Devoir n°1 Anglais BTS MUC 2ème année CNED
ANGLAIS DEVOIR 1 BTS MUC 2ème année COMPTE RENDU ECRIT EN FRANCAIS L'article The Economist de janvier 2012, ainsi que le graphique crée d'après ESOP statistics de mars 2012, parle des salariés qui possèdent des actions dans les entreprises anglaise. John Lewis au Royaume Uni est cité comme un exemple pour la mise en place de son plan d'actionnariat salarié . Cette incitation permet d'accroître le développement de la loyauté ainsi que l'implication au travail.
310 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir 4 , Anglais AN01 Cned
1. Compétence linguistique 1. 1)- I have just seen - It has denounced 2)- We have met. - he has recovered 3)- He has been trying. - has succeed 4)- How long have they been living - They have never been able 5)- They have already spoken - they haven't answered 2. 1) That boy who I have just met him again was my first boyfriend. 2) I had always hoped which it seemed impossible,
930 Mots / 4 Pages -
Cned devoir 1 anglais BTS CI
Devoir 1 - Anglais Compte rendu en français. Le dossier documentaire présente trois documents, le premier est un extrait de «The Guardian» publié le 25 novembre 2011. Il évoque le projet du gouvernement britannique mis en place pour les jeunes en recherche d’emploi. Le deuxième document est un article tiré du magasine «The Economist» publié le 5 novembre 2011, l’article parle de la reprise économique américaine et cible la catastrophe qu’a connu le marché
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Devoir 1 anglais BTS TOURISME CNED 1ère année
1. PART 1 : Message 1) The caller’s name is Nicole Smith. 2) Mrs. Smith’s email address is: 3) She wants to give more information about her group’s request to let the French travel agent make a quotation. 4) There are 7 people in that group. They don’t really care where the chalet is as long is close to the coast, except in Côte d’Azur. These young people are interested in watersports and would
464 Mots / 2 Pages -
Nom du professeur correcteur : Note : Observations générales : Rédigez votre texte : Part 1 – Jobs 1. The three situations in which Hélène needs to speak English there are when she is with a group of British and American visitors, with other nationalities outside of July and August because many tourist sites only propose visits in French and English and with Russian, Japanese and Chinese (who are more and more in July and
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Anglais devoirs n°2 Le cned
Anglais devoir n°2 BTS MUC 1ère année The latest obesity statistics: The document 1 talk about statistics obesity in United States; Obesity becomes epidemic in America with Fifty eight (58) million overweight , Forty (40) million obese and three million morbidly obese. There is eight out of ten (10) over twenty five (25) overweight , this is because americans do not practice enough physical activity and they are seventy eight per cent (78%), and twenty
1 039 Mots / 5 Pages -
Devoir cned anglais
ANGLAIS EVALUATION NUMERO 1: Ecrivez en anglais une courte description du dessin (150-200 words) First of all, this picture references to the law world and more specifically at the profession of notary. In this document, several people are represented, like a notary, a man with his child and an agent. At the foreground we can see the three people mentioned before as well as a notary office. The notary is sitting at his desk, he
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CNED devoir 4 anglais
The idea came to me when I was on the A10 motorway around Paris: a lazy guy was driving at one hundred and eighty kilometers per hour around, with a very fast car. But I was like: “One day, he will be arrested like that !”. And I was write ! Five kilometers more, he was arrested by the police After that, I think: why the drivers doesn’t respect all the speed limit on the
260 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir 1 - Anglais - BTS MUC CNED
Anglais devoir 1, BTS MUC 1ère année Compréhension écrite et restitution écrite du dossier documentaire (6 points). Faites une présentation du dossier en français (minimum 200 mots). Le dossier proposé se compose de deux documents. Le premier fait le récit du développement du groupe Walmart depuis sa création jusqu’en 2010. Le second présente deux tableaux et un graphique qui permettent d’analyser l’activité des magasins et les salaires des employés aux États-Unis. Le groupe Walmart est
943 Mots / 4 Pages -
Bts tourisme cned devoir 2 anglais
Devoir 2 Anglais Part 1 – A message 1. The caller's name is Nicola Smith. 2. Her e-mail adress is nicola.smith@french/ 3. Nicola Smith wants to find a chalet in France that would suit her clients' expectations, she would like to have a description of the chalet and of the region. She would also like to know what are the activities available in the village and in the immediate locality. Nicola also wants to have
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Devoir 1 Anglais BTS tourisme cned
Devoir 1 Part 1 1 – The three situations in which Helene needs to speak english - One of the three situations in which Helene needs to often speak English is with American and English tourists. The second is in july and august when she must use English language for several other nationalities like japanese, russian and chinese tourists but sometimes they have their own guide with them. - The third situation is during the
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BTS tourisme CNED devoir 1 Anglais
Devoir 1 Anglais Part 1 – Jobs 1- In her job as Tour Guide, Hélène often uses English in 3 different situations: - The first is when there are a group of native speakers as American or British who come to France - The second is during the summer time (July and August), when people from different nationalities come to visit France, she need to guide them in English and sometimes in French. - The
788 Mots / 4 Pages -
BTS Tourisme CNED Anglais devoir 2
Part 1 – A message 1. The caller’s name is Nicola Smith. 2. Her e-mail address is 3. She wants me to give me the information I needed. 4. - There are seven people in the group. - They would all like to stay in the same chalet. They don’t have any particular request about where the chalet is, they would just like it to be near the coast, but not on the Côte
871 Mots / 4 Pages -
BTS Tourisme Cned Anglais devoir 1
Chloé Kaës BTS tourisme 1e année DEVOIR D’ANGLAIS 1 Part 1 – Jobs : 1. Explain the three situations in which Hélène needs to speak English. * She needs to speak English with English or American people. * As there is more and more Russians, Japanese and Chinese tourists, she has to do a presentation in English if they doesn’t bring their own guide with them. * As many tourists sites proposes only visits in
727 Mots / 3 Pages -
Devoir Cned anglais 2 (niveau seconde)
1) b. 2) c. 3) a. 4) c. 5) b. 6) c. 7) according to the text, rainwater ''is a safe, dependable source of drinking water'' '' rainwater countains no mineral or salt '' ''is free of chemical treatments.'' and ''is free'' (L.5-6-7) 8) according to the text, ground water contrains minerals, salt and chemical treatments it is even polluted by natural high levels of arsenic poison (L2-6-7) 9) The water falls on top of
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Anglais littérature Cned devoir n°2
Modèle de copie Open office Writer ________________ Votre texte passera automatiquement à la ligne suivante à ce niveau pour laisser une marge au correcteur (Marge obligatoire ne pas modifier) Commencez à saisir votre devoir ci-dessous : 1. 1. the text is a first-person narrative 1. the character who is also the narrator is cont dracula 1. He came from london. 1. the scene set in the evening 1. the scene set in a castle in
444 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir 2 BTS Tourisme Cned Anglais
Part1 -A message What is the caller’s name? The caller’s name is Nicola smith. 2.What is her e-mail address? Her e-mail address is 3.What does she want ? She wants to tell me the informations I need. 4.Give details about : ﹒ the number of people :7 people in the group ﹒ Where they want to stay: They all want to stay in the same Chalet. they are not really bothered where the
669 Mots / 3 Pages -
Devoir 6 anglais terminale Cned
Dear Sir, I am writing to enquire about limiting Wikileaks and i have a request for you. I have thought with good sense and i really think that we should not limit Wikileaks. Because, in my sense, the work of Wikileaks is essential to informing and communicate with the population. It is important to inform the citizens about what is happening, and it's not fair to try to ban Wikileaks. In information, Wikileaks defend the
255 Mots / 2 Pages -
PARTIE 1 : COMPTE RENDU EN FRANCAIS Ce document est un article de presse rédigé par Yossi Sheffi et publié le 7 novembre 2018 dans le journal The Guardian. Les OGN sont-elles assez puissantes pour faire pression sur les grandes entreprises et les rendre plus attentives aux soucis environnementaux ? C’est la question que pose cet article. En effet, les ONG n’hésitent pas à utiliser le pouvoir des réseaux sociaux pour mettre fin à
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DEVOIR 1 COMPRÉHENSION ORALE OBJECTIFS ▶ Être capable de comprendre un document enregistré audio, CD ou vidéo, présenté en langue anglaise ▶ Être capable de faire un compte rendu écrit ou oral en français d’un document enregistré audio en langue anglaise CONSIGNES ▶ Durée : 30 minutes sans préparation ▶ Trois écoutes du document audio espacées de 2 minutes ▶ Compte rendu de la compréhension à l’oral ou à l’écrit ▶ Dans ce devoir le
950 Mots / 4 Pages -
Devoir d'Anglais N°3 cned 2023
Compte rendu d'un document audio sur Shakespeare (CNED 2023-2024) Au cours du XVIIe siècle, William Shakespeare écris de nombreuses pièces et concentre son écriture sur la critique de la politique de l’époque. Dans le document étudié, intitulé: “Shakespeare and history”, on étudie “Macbeth”, pièce qui a été écrite par le dramaturge. Le document se présente sous forme d’un documentaire audio dans lequel une seule et unique locutrice intervient. Il comprend une structure en deux parties:
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Réponse au patron en anglais par mail (devoir)
01th February, 2012 At Hamilton, Canada. Dear Mr Crowbar, I studied about the better means of transport that we use to our major order and I've collected the following informations. As you will see I propose to you four assumptions. Firstly, we can use transport by road. The advantages of these means of transport are the low cost, the facility of the service and the "door-to-door". But the disadvantages are very considerable because of traffic
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CNED Bts Ci Culture générale Devoir 1
DJOUAD Rayane Culture générale et expression Devoir 2 : 1/ Analyse des documents et extraction des idées à retenir 1.1) Le premier document étudié est un article informatif de Benoît Hopquin, paru le 13 octobre 2006 dans le quotidien Le Monde et intitulé « Le havre de l'école du Hogar ». Benoît Hopquin raconte le destin de jeunes africains, pour la plupart mineurs, envoyés par leurs familles aux îles Canaries afin de travailler et de leurs envoyer de
1 168 Mots / 5 Pages -
Devoir d'espagnol CNED TERMINALE ES: étude de l'article “la República Digital”
1 – Presentación. No estoy segura pero creo que se trata de un texto cuyo el titulo es « La República Digital ». Fue escrito en 19 de julio de 1998 por Lissette HERRERA. La autora denuncia la situación social de los trabajadores peruanos en Chile. 2 – Comprensión. a) La situación de los peruanos en Chile es mas difícil. Efectivamente, son considerados solo como mano de obra barata o delincuentes. b) Los empleos
450 Mots / 2 Pages