BTS Tourisme Cned Anglais devoir 1
Étude de cas : BTS Tourisme Cned Anglais devoir 1. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Chloé Kaës • 22 Mai 2019 • Étude de cas • 727 Mots (3 Pages) • 741 Vues
Chloé Kaës
BTS tourisme 1e année
Part 1 – Jobs :
- Explain the three situations in which Hélène needs to speak English.
- She needs to speak English with English or American people.
- As there is more and more Russians, Japanese and Chinese tourists, she has to do a presentation in English if they doesn’t bring their own guide with them.
- As many tourists sites proposes only visits in French and English, she has to use English for other than French nationalities.
- How does Hélène prepare her presentation ?
- If she knows the site?
If she already knows the site, she didn’t have any research to make but she just have to adapt to the group the information she will use or no.
- If she’s not familiar with the site ?
In that case, Hélène will collect as much information she can (in English if it’s possible), then she put them in the order and eliminate what is not important.
- When she presents somewhere for the first time in English ?
She prepares some notes and practice with her friends. Sometimes she asks one of her friends who is a teacher in England if she has a doubt on the pronunciation of a word.
- If she needs to use technical words ?
It depends, unless she guides a group of specialists she says that it is not necessary to learn technical words.
- What advice would Hélène give to anyone who has to make their first presentation in English? (5)
- Write down some notes but don’t write the whole presentation and don’t read because somebody reading his notes is unprofessional.
- The English must be simple and clear, just the essential and one or two key expressions. It must be concise.
- Remember that a lot of people doesn’t speak English currently.
- Unless you guide a group of specialists it’s not necessary to learn a list of technical words.
- Learn some key words to give a good general presentation.
Part 2 – Welcoming :
- Good morning everyone.
- My name is Hélène and I’m your guide.
- This morning, we will going to visit the grouds and the interior of the chateau.
- So if you’d like to follow me we can start our visit.
- Over there you can see ..
- If you look down there by the river just next to the wall of the chateau.
Part 3 – A Message :
First e-mail :
Bonjour Jean-Pascal,
J’ai reçu un appel de Claire Hughes ce matin pour savoir si je pouvais remplacer le guide pour la visite de vendredi matin mais malheureusement je ne suis pas disponible.
Je voulais donc te demander si tu pouvais le faire à ma place ?
Il s’agit d’une visite guidée du château d’Azay-le-Rideau pour un groupe de 28 étudiants anglais d’environ 17 ans et qui étudient l’histoire pour la plupart. Leur arrivée au château est prévue vendredi prochain à 10h du matin.
Il faudrait donc que tu présentes l’histoire du château de sa construction, au XIXe siècle environ, que tu parles de l’influence de la renaissance italienne sur l’architecture du château et bien sûr que tu dises une ou deux choses sur le terrain. La présentation devrait durer environ 1 heure.