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Basket Cases dissertations et mémoires


178 Basket Cases dissertations gratuites 101 - 125

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Dernière mise à jour : 24 Juin 2015
  • CASE ANALYSIS Huayi compressor Barcelona: Post-Acquisition challenges

    CASE ANALYSIS Huayi compressor Barcelona: Post-Acquisition challenges

    CASE ANALYSIS Huayi compressor Barcelona: Post-Acquisition challenges Author: Alexandra Gatti Student Number: 500702488 Class: IL5A Amsterdam, 29 October 2018 Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB) Cross Cultural Management Lecturer: A.M. Carita Contents Executive summary 3 Defining the issue(s) 3 Data analysis 3 Alternatives 4 Key Decision Criteria 4 Evaluating alternatives 5 Recommendations 5 Action and implementation plan 5 Exhibits 6 Exhibit 1.1 Consequence table 6 Executive summary The Chinese enterprise Huayi Compressor Barcelona S.L. faces

    1 547 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Rovault Case Study

    Rovault Case Study

    Question Rovault Case Study We also know that ours pare parts show volume more than weight 7269 cbm and 950.794 t Volume has to be taken into account as this is a light commodity : we are far from 1t=1cbm It makes sense to think first about a 40’ container. Having a look at all offers, we know that cost of 40’ is less than twice the cost of a 20’ container so we are

    436 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Innovation & growth, the French Case

    Innovation & growth, the French Case

    ________________ Index Index 1 1. Intro 2 2. Correlation between innovation and growth. 2 2.1 Analysis according to Schumpeter 2 2.2 théories of endogenous growth. 4 3. innovations in France 6 3.1 Bloomberg innonvation index and european ranking 7 3.2 Incentives and intelectual patent laws 11 4. Conclusion 12 5. Biblio 13 1. Intro The economy is not a linear process but fluctuates according to the elements that come to impact it. Economic growth is

    2 898 Mots / 12 Pages
  • CASE NUMBER 456 Lennie Small’s murder

    CASE NUMBER 456 Lennie Small’s murder

    Introduction ( narrator) : George, after killing Lennie, was taken into custody by the Salinas Sheriff’s Department. He was questioned and he eventually confessed to the murder, but denied that the act was premeditated and ill-natured. However, after reviewing the evidence, the state of California charged George Milton with the first-degree murder of Lennie Small. CASE NUMBER 456 Lennie Small’s murder Judge Lawyer 1 (Mrs Watson) represents the accused: Maita Accused (George Milton): Morgan Lawyer

    2 708 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Danone business case

    Danone business case

    L’UNIVERSITE PALACKY A OLOMOUC FACULTÉ DES LETTRES Département des Études romanes LE MARKETING LOCAL DANS UN MONDE GLOBAL L’Exemple du groupe Danone MEMOIRE DE LICENCE Francouzština se zaměřením na aplikovanou ekonomii Directeur du mémoire : Ing. Michel Viland Université Palacký à Olomouc L’auteur : Miroslava Pšikalová OLOMOUC 2010 ________________ L’UNIVERSITE PALACKY A OLOMOUC FACULTÉ DES LETTRES Département des Études romanes Prohlášení Mìstopřìsežně prohlašuji, že jsem bakalářskou práci na téma « Le marketing local dans un

    16 910 Mots / 68 Pages
  • Finance case study

    Finance case study

    Finance Case Study Ian Gray and Kurt Hoffman May 2015 This document reports on a project conducted by the Centre for Research in Innovation Management (CENTRIM) at the University of Brighton, funded by UK aid from the UK ’s Department for International Development (DFID). The views expressed are those of the authors and do not reflect opinions of DFID. ________________ Executive Summary Humanitarian needs have increased over the past few decades and are projected to

    16 297 Mots / 66 Pages
  • Basket-ball


    INTRODUCTION 1. LA DEFINITION DU BASKET -BALL 1-Les règles du basket-ball 2-Qui a inventer le basket et en quel année 1. LES DIMENSIONS D’UN TERRAIN DE BASKET 1-La taille minimum pour jouer au basket 2-Les postes au basket 1. Quel est le rôle d’un arrière au basket ? 2. qu’un ailier fort au basket ? 3. Qu’est –ce qu’un lancer franc au basket 1. QU’EST-CE LES FAUTES TECHNIQUES DU BASKET-BALL CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION Le basket-ball ou

    768 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Case of Jordan Webb Negociation

    Case of Jordan Webb Negociation

    The two alternatives to this negation are : Alternatives for COMPUTECH : Job : Director of Community Engagement Boss : Avery Adams ⇒ Chief Innovation Officer Work Place : Out of the Boston Office or at the office Travels in San Fransisco for meetings Deadline : Over the following week Don't know the conditions of work Alternatives for INNOVENTRIX : Job : Public Private Partnerships Boss : Baylor Bell Work Place : Cambridge, MA Visited and liked the working conditions Fast growth company In

    666 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Case winter force

    Case winter force

    Chapitre 8 Le choix d’un statut juridique du travail 1. Subordination ou indépendance Le travailleur indépendant (artisan, commerçant ou profession libérale) est une personne qui exerce une activité économique pour son propre compte. Il en supporte, de ce fait, tous les risques, mais en perçoit tous les bénéfices. Il est autonome et organise son travail comme il l’entend (horaires, dates, moyens mis en œuvre…). Le salarié est lié à son employeur par un contrat de travail.

    637 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Fiche de Lecture Rue Case Nègre

    Fiche de Lecture Rue Case Nègre

    FICHE DE LECTURE SUR LA RUE CASE NEGRE SEYMOUR-GERMAIN Lou-Anne SOMMAIRE : * I- Quelques Informations sur le livre * II- Portrait de l’auteur * III- Résumé * IV- Présentation des personnages * V- Schéma narratif * VI- Mon avis I-QUELQUES INFORMATIONS SUR LE LIVRE : Titre du livre : La rue Case Nègre Genre : Autobiographie Edition : Présence Africaine Date d’apparition : 1950 Nombre de pages : 311 Point De Vue : Interne

    1 123 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Weleda case study

    Weleda case study

    Marketing Plan 2018-2021 Weleda since 1921 /Users/ellalala/Desktop/marketing strategy /gamme_capillaire.jpg Table of contents 1. Executive summary 2. Situation Analysis 3. Marketing Objectives 4. Marketing evolution (2018-2021) 5. Financial Plan 1. Executive summary Weleda is a company that produces Organic cosmetics. Founded in 1921 by Rudolf Steiner Weleda produce Cosmetics without mineral oil, silicone, preservatives, dyes or synthetic fragrances. The Weleda Group is present in more than 50 countries and on all continents. Its headquarters are located

    1 540 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Le basket-ball

    Le basket-ball

    Le basket-ball se joue généralement dans un endroit couvert, par exemple un gymnase, mais il peut aussi être pratiqué sur des aires de jeu en tant que loisir : le streetball (« basket-ball de rue »). Le terrain de basketball est constitué de plusieurs zones. Il doit être rectangulaire et il mesure en règle général, 28 mètres de long sur 15 mètres de large. Le terrain est doublement symétrique (en longueur et en largeur). Aux

    438 Mots / 2 Pages


    CASE STUDY : CAN A LEADER’S MEANS JUSTIFY THE ENDS ? NFISSI ADIL IMBA 2 ________________ ANSWERS. 1. A, When we talk about Ohio leadership style, we should talk about the two key factors about how leaders lead : * Initiating structure : Jack Welch was extremely good regarding planning, he had a huge vision and clear objectives. He redefined General Electric objectives, he considered to be at the 4th position as a failure. He

    431 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Maha Research Labs Case

    Maha Research Labs Case

    Maha Research Labs Case Study 1. What opportunities does the Turkish market offer for Maha Research Labs? Primarily, turkey provides an strategic advantage because of its unique geographic location as the country’s borders are in both Europe and Asia. Hence, it provides a unique bridge between the two continents and shared borders with eight other countries. Likewise, Turkey is one of the most populated country in the region offering a huge opportunity to Maha Research

    808 Mots / 4 Pages
  • ENGIE case study

    ENGIE case study

    The Emirates wanted to increase the number of local employees in the country's economy and put in place laws with quotas. What are the challenges of this law and how can a company like ENGIE, a global energy player with a strong presence in the Emirates, meet them by maintaining a profitable business model?  Second question:  ENGIE is a global energy player that changed its strategy in 2019 to become the leader in the zero

    278 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Business Case Guide

    Business Case Guide

    Business Case Guide Table des matières * À propos de ce guide * Contexte * Commentaires et questions * But de ce guide * Contexte pour ce travail * Stratégies, outils et cadres de support * Gestion des résultats * Public de ce guide * Historique du document * Avant que tu commences * Comment utiliser ce guide * Conventions de notation utilisées dans ce guide * Les bases du business case * Qu'est-ce

    23 587 Mots / 95 Pages
  • CASE STUDY: Will I invest in LUMENPULSE? Why?

    CASE STUDY: Will I invest in LUMENPULSE? Why?

    CASE STUDY: Will I invest in LUMENPULSE? Why? With the rise of energy and eco awareness, almost all societies, governments and decision makers actively promote the preference for ecofriendly products. Even at the level of individual choice, people are increasingly developing affinity and preference for the most sustainable solutions to their daily problems. Energy efficient and ecofriendly solutions appear to be the future goal of most industries. And for the lighting industry LED finds a

    885 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Primark case study

    Primark case study

    Primark A white caption on a black background, saying ‘Success in the High Street,’ comes up and fades. Woman’s voice says, Soon Barnsley will have its very own Primark, a new shopping experience that combines up-to-the-minute styles with down-to-earth prices. Join Mick McCarthy for the official opening… The video continues with bagpipes playing: Inside a store, a group of teenagers, wearing white T-shirts and white caps, and holding red and green balloons, is smiling and

    4 789 Mots / 20 Pages
  • Edificio Espana Case

    Edificio Espana Case

    Introduction The Chinese real estate entrepreneur Jianlin Wang, owner of Dalian Wanda Group Co Ltd. purchased Edificio España, a building the people from Madrid deemed historical. The building was in need of renovation; something that has been on the agenda for a while. However, the previous owner of the building experienced severe pushback due to the historical aspect of Edificio España. Initially, Wang received political support; the Local Historical Heritage Commission changed the listing status

    929 Mots / 4 Pages
  • CASE STUDY Tough Mudder

    CASE STUDY Tough Mudder

    Case study Case n°1 “Tough Mudder inc.” Write a report with a complete situation analysis based on the following usual components: * The firm’s goals and values; * Its resources and capabilities; * The structure and management system; * The environment (market, competitors, etc.) And its actual competitive advantage. Give some recommendations on how to strengthen this competitive advantage and/or establish a new one for Tough Mudder Inc. over a now large number of other

    1 317 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Pampers case study

    Pampers case study

    Pampers’s brand My lecture presentation is on the Pampers’s brand. I will see in the first the ①founder of the Pampers’s brand then ②the firm Protect & Gramble development after ③the strategies and finally ④a Pampers’s ad in nineteen eighty two. 1. The founder of the Pampers’s brand The founder of the brand is Victor MILLS. He was born on March twenty eighth, eighteen ninety-seven in Milford in Nebraska and he was deaded on November

    546 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Tesla case study

    Tesla case study

    Tesla is a car manufacturer established in 2003 in the United States whose turnover in 2018 is $ 21.461 billion. Over the years, Tesla has positioned itself as the leader in the electric car market, while positioning itself in the luxury car market. In 2018, the company spent 1.5 billion dollars on R & D (Research and Development), or nearly 7% of its revenue, to offer state-of-the-art vehicles and gadgets. This is how Tesla has

    584 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Harvard Case Study- "Curled Metal Inc.—Engineered Products Division”

    Harvard Case Study- "Curled Metal Inc.—Engineered Products Division”

    “Curled Metal Inc.—Engineered Products Division” Elevator Pitch: This case talks about Curled Metal Inc. specialized in manufacturing of curled metal-based technology products wants to actually diversify and expand into new markets in order to reduce its reliance on one product and industry. Curled Metal Inc. developed a new product called cushion pads which improves the efficiency and safety in pile driving operations. The conventional pads which are used in current trends are more known to

    854 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Case Study: Skills Development Plan

    Case Study: Skills Development Plan

    Case Study: Skills Development Plan As of January 1, 2019, the Skills Development Plan replaces the training plan. It allows employees to take training actions on the initiative of their employer, as opposed to training that they can take on their own initiative through their personal training account. The employer has two obligations in terms of vocational training: adapting to the job and maintaining the employment of employees; it can also propose actions that contribute

    627 Mots / 3 Pages


    THE CYPRUS CASE IN PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW The issue we have been asked to analyze is this of Cyprus case in public international law. Due to its complexity, sensitivity and duration in time, the Cypriot matter cannot be defined as a one-dimensional issue, but as a multi-perspective one. The key points that we are going to focus on are the following: * The legality of the invasion in Cyprus * International Responsibility of Turkey *

    9 998 Mots / 40 Pages

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