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Dernière mise à jour : 20 Juin 2015
  • Le macro et le micro environnement (document en anglais).

    Le macro et le micro environnement (document en anglais).

    So, i'm going to talk about Aer Arann macro and micro environment. First of all, about the macro-environnement, we studied the PESTEL analysis. Political factors : there was an introduction by the government of a Dublin to Belfast route in order to help opening the entire island for business and trade. Also, we analysed economic factors : because of the current recession, there are trends for customers to be more careful when spending money in

    342 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lancement, production et développement d'un spectacle musical indien sur la scène internationale (document en anglais)

    Lancement, production et développement d'un spectacle musical indien sur la scène internationale (document en anglais)

    Master thesis Bharati The Show : Launching, production and development of an Indian musical show on the international stage. Master thesis presented to Centre MIM Pôle formation CCI XXX Within the framework of Marketing and International Management Master degree achievement Centre MIM Pôle Formation CCI XXX France November 13th 2010 Christian M., 2010 Abstract This memoir seeks primary to describe how an Indian musical live show based on traditional values, with a lot of specific

    9 609 Mots / 39 Pages
  • Biographie de Molière (document en anglais et français)

    Biographie de Molière (document en anglais et français)

    Molière: sa vie. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin fut acteur, dramaturge, metteur en scène, directeur de troupe, tout à la fois. De plus, il tient sa place dans le panthéon des plus grands écrivains français, non seulement à cause de la façon dont il maniait ses vers, mais parce qu’il fait rire. C’est avant tout un auteur comique, et son œuvre emprunte toute méthode concevable pour exulter ses spectateurs. Sa vie, d’ailleurs, fut une série de tourbillons. Sans

    236 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Devoir Prospection et suivi de la clientèle BTS CI

    Devoir Prospection et suivi de la clientèle BTS CI

    DEVOIR 2: PROSPECTION ET SUIVI DE CLIENTELE Question 1: * Histoire: - 570: Date probable de la naissance du prophète Mahomet à la Mecque. - 1519-1919: Domination turco-ottomane sur la péninsule arabique. - 10: Abdul Wahab introduit une reforme religieuse. - 1925: Les Hachémites perdent le Hedjaz au profit d'Abdul Aziz Ibn Séoud. - 1932: Proclamation du royaume d'Arabie Saoudite. - 1933: Octroi d'une concession pétrolière à la Standard Oïl of Californie. - 1944: Naissance

    834 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Devoir Culture Générale: les droits de l'enfant, étude de paratextes

    Devoir Culture Générale: les droits de l'enfant, étude de paratextes

    1. Etude des paratextes : Enumérons donc le paratexte de ces deux documents : 1.1 Dans le document 1, nous pouvons relever des éléments provenant de l’auteur lui-même : - Nous avons le titre donné par l’auteur « chasse à l’enfant ». - Nous avons également le nom d’une personne, Marianne Oswald, à qui était dédié ce texte. Nous pouvons ensuite relever des éléments extérieurs à l’auteur, qui ont trait au contenu du texte, destinés

    625 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Cas d'entreprise FPL France (document en anglais)

    Cas d'entreprise FPL France (document en anglais)

    International Marketing Faguo Shoes in Australia SUMMARY SUMMARY 2 I. Presentation of the company and its industry 3 1. Mission Statement 3 2. General Description of Faguo 3 3. Analysis of the global industry 5 4. International Competitors 9 5. SWOT 11 6. Location comparative advantage analysis 11 II. External analysis 14 1. Porter 5 analysis: footwear market in Australia 14 2. PESTLE analysis 15 3. Local Competitors 19 4. Cultural Aspects to note 19

    6 159 Mots / 25 Pages
  • Le FootBall (document en anglais)

    Le FootBall (document en anglais)

    Football refers to a number of sports that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal. The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more commonly known as just "football" or "soccer". Unqualified, the word football applies to whichever form of football is the most popular in the regional context in which the word appears, including association football, as well as American football, Australian rules football, Canadian

    229 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Comment convaincre et bien se présenter ? (texte en anglais)

    Comment convaincre et bien se présenter ? (texte en anglais)

    How do you make someone want to hire you? Simple: Put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and focus on his or her needs and you'll become an irresistible applicant. There are some instruction to sell yourself in order to convince your interviewer :  Be confident and believe in yoursel "For someone to believe in you, you must first believe in yourself," Riccoboni and Callaghan write.Most people show their low self-esteem through speaking

    370 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'Histoire de "Staten Island" (texte en anglais)

    L'Histoire de "Staten Island" (texte en anglais)

    II) History of Staten Island (clémence) Best known for its vast parks and beach areas, Staten Island is a place where many generations of people have come to make a good life for their families. Staten Island has always been known for its family values and slower pace of living. Yet, we are just a boat ride away from the most exciting place in the world... "Manhattan" For residents of other boroughs, the Island's beaches

    283 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Devoir Management Des Entreprises: cas du groupe Alès

    Devoir Management Des Entreprises: cas du groupe Alès

    Yvana de HAENEN Indicatif : 968-20-0024-6 N° d’inscrit : 05 021 969-1 Management des entreprises Devoir n°01 Sujet : Le cas Alès Groupe. Question ① : Patrick Alès est l’entrepreneur du groupe Alès qu’il a fondé. Il a mener une logique entrepreneuriale en créant une nouvelle entité. Pour cela, il a su prendre des risques et innover tout en anticipant les évolutions et contraintes environnementales (concurrences du marché …). En tant qu’entrepreneur, il est à

    441 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Akamai Section Interface (document en anglais)

    Akamai Section Interface (document en anglais)

    **** Akamai NetSession Interface **** -------- Overview -------- This file describes the Akamai NetSession Interface. The Akamai NetSession Interface is a download manager application. It was installed on your computer when you downloaded content that uses the service to provide secure, high integrity downloads of large files. The NetSession Interface supports downloading from a central source and between peers. When peer-downloading is enabled, your computer can serve as an upload source for other computers --

    2 966 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Éthique des affaires (document en anglais)

    Éthique des affaires (document en anglais)

    Business ethics is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. They apply not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a single customer. Many businesses have gained a bad reputation just by being in business. To some people, businesses are interested in making money, and that is the

    281 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Résumé Anglais

    Résumé Anglais

    Un des articles publié dans le New York Times le 26 avril 2008 porte sur les conséquences de la transformation des fermes en usine de fabrication de biocarburants dans les pays pauvres. Cette stratégie a eu un impact considérable sur l’utilisation des biocarburants l’an dernier lorsque le Congrès des Etats-Unis a imposé un quintuplement de celle-ci. Cependant cette stratégie est défavorable pour certains pays, en particulier les pays pauvres où les dirigeants montrent leur mécontentement.

    289 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La durabilité se vend-elle mieux que la désirabilité? (document en anglais)

    La durabilité se vend-elle mieux que la désirabilité? (document en anglais)

    Desirability refers to the quality of being worthy of desiring whereas sustainability is the capacity to endure and obviously fashion confronts both of them nowadays through aligning sustainable business strategy with brand strategy. Thus, it is necessary to wonder if the former sells better than the latter. Sustainability is rapidly being adopted as a key tool in business strategy to create new, innovative best business practices. These efforts are actually used to strengthen a brand’s

    249 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Mission de sociologie environnementale (document en anglais)

    Mission de sociologie environnementale (document en anglais)

    Environmental Sociology Assignment 3 Environmental Sociology Assignment 3: Find and Review Environmental Sociology Article Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for students to gain experience searching for, reading, and reviewing empirical research articles in the field of environmental sociology. This exercise will provide valuable experience that will be useful in future situations where it is necessary to survey existing research. Directions: This assignment involves finding and reviewing a research article from a peer-reviewed, sociology

    347 Mots / 2 Pages
  • BMW, Honda, Toyota et Peugeot, qu’est-ce que toutes ces entreprises ont en commun? (document en anglais)

    BMW, Honda, Toyota et Peugeot, qu’est-ce que toutes ces entreprises ont en commun? (document en anglais)

    Introduction: (Competitors) BMW, Honda, Toyota and Peugeot, what do all these companies have in common? These are some of the best known car manufacturers in the world. (Definition of product) Cars are a necessity in the modern world. These are used to transport people and goods to various places. (Definition of sector)The automobile industries produce different shapes and sizes. (Customer behavior) All the customer has to do is walk in to one of these dealerships,

    2 537 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Démarche stratégique: BCG Matrix (Boston consulting Group )- Porter (document en anglais)

    Démarche stratégique: BCG Matrix (Boston consulting Group )- Porter (document en anglais)

    BCG Matrix (Boston consulting Group ): In the late 1960s the Boston Consulting Group, a leading management consulting company, designed a four-cell matrix known as BCG Growth/Share Matrix. This tool was developed to aid companies in the measurement of all their company businesses according to relative market share and market growth. The BCG Matrix made a significant contribution to strategic management and continues to be an important strategic tool used by companies today. The matrix

    256 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Biographie de Meg Waite Clayton (document en anglais)

    Biographie de Meg Waite Clayton (document en anglais)

    Meg Waite Clayton’s novel, The Wednesday Sisters invites you in to the lives of five suburban young moms in the late sixties. Frankie, Linda, Brett, Ally, and Kath, want more from their lives than family and playgrounds can provide, yet they don’t even know what they are yearning for when they first bond over the literature they love in Palo Alto’s Pardee Park every Wednesday. Good writing looks easy and they decided to form a

    481 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'enseigne Burger King (texte en anglais)

    L'enseigne Burger King (texte en anglais)

    The first restaurant of the chain is opened in Miami on December 4th, 1954 under the name of Insta Burger king by James McLamore and David Edgerton, two students of the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration. McLamore had visited the restaurant “Mc Donald’s” in San Bernardino, California, and understood the potential of such a service of catering and decided to create its own version. Whopper was created in 1957 by the founder of Burger

    248 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Drogues et alcools: cause ou excuse de la violence domestique (document en anglais)

    Drogues et alcools: cause ou excuse de la violence domestique (document en anglais)

    Drugs and alcohol: Cause or Excuse for domestic violence Domestic violence is a very common form of violence against women whose victims suffer the consequence on many fronts-housing, healths, education, freedom to live their lives without fear and the way they see it fit. This wide spread phenomena affects all countries and is in all categories or classes. Domestic violence is also an incident of using excessive force between adults who are intimate partners or

    930 Mots / 4 Pages
  • 42/5000 Achetons-nous des choses dont nous n'avons pas besoin? Pourquoi? (document en anglais)

    42/5000 Achetons-nous des choses dont nous n'avons pas besoin? Pourquoi? (document en anglais)

    In our society people tend to buy everything and everywhere. Is that true that we buy things that don’t need? And why? I think we buy objects to show what kind of people we are. Indeed, in my opinion, people shop to show to everyone else their value. However, shopping is also a consequence of our society who tents us everywhere we go. Finally, money is often used as a power because humans are often

    715 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Dossier DNL Bac Pro hôtellerie, Calcot Manor Hotel & Spa (document en anglais)

    Dossier DNL Bac Pro hôtellerie, Calcot Manor Hotel & Spa (document en anglais)

    My Training period in : Calcot Manor Hotel & Spa I) Description of the Hotel & Spa Dating back to the 14th century, Calcot Manor is more than a country house hotel set in over 220 acres of Cotswolds meadowland. In our grounds, you’ll find lots to do and see during your stay. There are 35 individually designed rooms to choose from, including suites for couples and accommodation for families. Choose from The Gumstool Inn

    487 Mots / 2 Pages
  • CV (Curriculum Vitae) en Anglais

    CV (Curriculum Vitae) en Anglais

    School Training - 2012 - 2013: First year BTS APV to the Institut of Genech - In June 2012: Obtaining of the High School diploma STAV (Sciences Technological of the Agronomy and the alive) to the Institut of Genech Work experience . - Training course of five weeks realized in an exploitation in mixed farming and breeding. - Two weeks in total dumping in England during summer 2009 - Jobs summer 2012: - Helfaut Travaux

    379 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Cher journal... (document en anglais)

    Cher journal... (document en anglais)

    Dear Diary, Today, I want to react to a diary I read in The Freedom Writers Diary. The number 6 is talking about someone who lost one good friend because he was killed without reason one night. I find it extremely sad. He wonders how the neighbourhood will handle another dead kid. I wonder myself how they can continue to live in a city where innocents, can die every night in their face. I don't

    235 Mots / 1 Pages
  • La plus grosse île de San Francisco: Angel Island (document en anglais)

    La plus grosse île de San Francisco: Angel Island (document en anglais)

    Angel Island Angel Island is the bigger island in San Francisco bay which offers expensive views of San Francisco Skyline, the Marin County Headlands and Mount Tamalpais. From 1910 to 1940, the Angel Island Immigration Station processed approximately 1,000 Asian immigrants entering into the US, serving a similar role to Ellis Island for European immigrants. Angel Island is sometimes referred to as "The Ellis Island of the West." The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 provided

    232 Mots / 1 Pages