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7 940 Anglais Devoir dissertations gratuites 651 - 675 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Devoir Economie Droit Bts Communication Première Année: la protection sociale
Question 1 (4 pts) Les fondements du système français de protection sociale Le système français de protection sociale a été mis en place après la Seconde Guerre mondiale (création de la Sécurité sociale en 1945). Il reposait sur une politique ambitieuse de gestion des risques sociaux. En France, cette protection sociale s’est inspirée du modèle dit « bismarckien » : les droits étaient liés à l'emploi et financés par des cotisations sociales assises sur les
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Étude du jeu Ellis Island (document en anglais)
I- Read the following text: New York's debt to immigrants has become almost a cliche. Since Ellis Island was established as a center for new arrivals in 1892, millions of people have sought the shelter of Lady Liberty, fleeing poverty, famine, war and persecution overseas. They literally and figuratively built New York, from the skyscrapers and dockyards to the corner delis and garment factories. They brought their native foods and religions, customs and clothing, which
739 Mots / 3 Pages -
Constitution et engagement (document en anglais)
Douglass C. North and Barry R. Weingast are two economists known for their work in the field of economic history and more precisely for their theories on economic and institutional changes. “Constitutions and commitment: The Evolution of Institutional Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth-Century England” is an essay written by Douglass C. North and Barry R. Weingast published in 1989. The authors observe two steps in the evolution of institutions in 17th century England, the Glorious
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Différences entre les sexes dans l'intimité (document en anglais)
Gender Differences in Intimacy Much research has been done to show the differences in intimacy between genders. Varga (1998) studied the similarities and differences between men and women in intimacy, passion, commitment and sexual satisfaction. The participants in the study were 303 students in social science classes from two southwestern universities, and all of the participants were currently in a romantic relationship. The study found that, overall, women felt stronger intimacy and commitment than did
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Lettre Anglais
MONDIAL TOUR 27 Cours André-Philip 69100 VILLEURBANNE August 9th 2012 Edmond BARRUCAND 28 West Cromwell Road LONDON SW5 9QJ Object: Trip cancellation Dear Sir, I received your e-mail concerning the cancellation of your booking from Morocco from September 11 to September 18, 2012 for 2 people. Following the general conditions of our company, we were unable to reimburse your entire payment. Moreover, you have not subscribed to cancellation insurance. However, the fact that your cancellation
252 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir de culture générale: étude d'un paratexte
1. Question 1 : étude des paratextes (14 points) 1.1. Dans le premier document, relevez et identifi ez précisément tous les éléments du paratexte en indiquant leur fonction, c’est-à-dire les informations que peut en déduire le lecteur avant même de prendre connaissance du texte lui-même. Vous organiserez votre réponse en commençant par les renseignements qui concernent la provenance (la source) et l’auteur, puis vous continuerez par ceux qui concernent le contenu. périodicité sans recherches complémentaires
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La lettre de change (document en anglais)
ANGLAIS PTC CM 09/10 When the seller attaches the bill of exchange to the …, the bill of exchange is called a documentary bill of exchange. By doing this, the seller ensures that the buyer doesn’t obtain any rights to the goods via the transport document, before having accepted/ having paid the bill of exchange. Since they are negotiable, draughts may be transferred by endorsement to a third party who then becomes the holder in
2 681 Mots / 11 Pages -
Iphone 5 , mon choix de téléphone ( en anglais)
I have chosen the new iPhone by Apple, the iPhone 5. It is a new generation of mobile phone with the thinnest, lightest and fastest iPhone since iPhone. It offer the most popular camera in the world caused by the new panorama feature. iPhone 5 is just indescribable in few words, five minutes in your hands and you will adopt it for sure. To promote the new iPhone, I decided to make a poster, which
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Biographie de Bruce Frederick Joseph Sprinsteen alias "The Boss" (document en anglais)
Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen (born September 23, 1949), nicknamed "The Boss", is an American singer-songwriter. He records and tours with the E Street Band. Springsteen is widely known for his brand of heartland rock infused with pop hooks, poetic lyrics, and Americana sentiments centered on his native New Jersey. Springsteen's recordings have tended to alternate between commercially accessible rock albums and somber folk-oriented works. Much of his status stems from the concerts and marathon shows
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Management des entreprises Devoir 1
1. Logistiques entrepreneuriales et managériales (4 points) La logique entrepreneuriale apparaît clairement dans la nomination de Mme Battigello à la tête du groupe. L'entreprise met en position de direction une femme qui a su démontrer ses talents d'entrepreneur et ses capacités d'innovation dans la branche italienne de Liérac. Elle doit être capable de développer l'entreprise à l'international. Parallèlement, il y a une réorganisation du groupe suite au départ du PDG fondateur, Patrick Alès, et de
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CA 27 Octobre 2005: devoir de loyauté
M.X, marchand de biens, avait reçu une promesse de vente par M. Y sur sa maison, agriculteur devenu manœuvre et marié à une épouse en incapacité totale de travail. M. X lève l'option et fait sommation au promettant de passer l'acte. Celui- ci refuse. M.X assigne M. Y en réalisation de la vente après avoir levé l'option et lui avoir fait sommation de passer l'acte. Ce dernier fait grief à l'arrêt en mettant en avant
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Facteurs du marché du logement américain (document en anglais)
The Housing Market in USA : Introduction : If there was any doubt that the housing market was undergoing a recovery, even a modest one in the face of the terrible 2008 decline, those doubts should be erased by now. Recent housing data has indicated that the years of falling property prices in the US may finally be over. (Appendice: 1) A key measure of the health of the housing market comes out later and
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Devoir management des entreprises: Cas Alès Groupe
Management des entreprises Devoir n° 01 Sujet : Le cas Alès Groupe. Question 1 Patrick Alès est l’entrepreneur du groupe Alès qu’il a fondé. Il a mener une logique entrepreneuriale en créant une nouvelle entité. Pour cela, il a su prendre des risques et innover tout en anticipant les évolutions et contraintes environnementales (concurrences du marché …). En tant qu’entrepreneur, il est à la fois le dirigeant et le principal actionnaire et peut décider de
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Anglais: rapport de stage, stage ayant eu lieu dans l'entreprise Orange Business Services
1. Introduction I found the job where I am currently working thanks to the school. The training center sent my application to a lot of partner. A week later, a manager of Orange Business Services (O.B.S.) Agency called me to fix an appointment. A few days later, the same manager told me that she agreed to integrate me into the company as a trainee. I started working in September and my integration was really good.
847 Mots / 4 Pages -
Hurricane Sandy (étude de cet ouragan en anglais)
Hurricane Sandy was the largest Atlantic hurricane on record, as well as the second-costliest Atlantic hurricane in history, only surpassed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The eighteenth named storm and tenth hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, Hurricane Sandy devastated portions of the Caribbean, Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States in late October 2012.[4][5] Sandy is estimated in early calculations to have caused damage of at least $20 billion (2012 USD).[6] Preliminary estimates of losses
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Avons-nous Le Devoir De Chercher La vérité ?
Au préalable, il convient d’interroger les notions, les termes de ce sujet. Par devoir, il faut entendre « obligation morale », à l’échelle d’un individu comme obligation qu’on se donne à soi-même comme aiguillon dans l’existence ou à celle du genre humain. Cette obligation donne sens à notre vie : direction et signification. On peut aussi concevoir le devoir en question comme une nécessité en vue d’obtenir autre chose que la vérité elle-même. L’obtention de
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Une histoire de famille (document en anglais)
In this text we read about the history of a family who had to leave their homeland situated in Kashmir on reason of the British Empire, who had conquered and parted their land of origin. The main person of the text, Farocq, was thirteen years old when his family had to leave Kashmir for Great Britain. Although Farouq had to go to work when he was very young, he succeeded brilliantly in business and become
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La Lecture D'un Texte Théâtral Nous Suffit Pour Apprécier à Sa Juste Valeur Cette œuvre Sans Devoir Assister à Sa Représentation
Le théâtre nait dans la Grèce Antique et est à l’origine une cérémonie mêlant chants et danses qui rassemblent des personnes en l’honneur de Dionysos. Cet art évolue au fil des siècles avec le théâtre classique au 17ème siècle imposant des règles de bienséance et de vraisemblance par exemple jusqu'au théâtre contemporain de nos jours. Toutes ces pièces ont cependant le même objectif, celui d'être représentées. En effet le nom « théâtre » vient du
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Bioéthanol (document en anglais)
A specific relationship between the combined level of furfural and HMF and the rate of ethanol production with Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified in a study done by Taherzadeh et al. (1997). This study supported the same trend outlined in the other studies mentioned previously by showing the inhibition of the yeast beyond the furfural and HMF concentration of 1 g/L. An equation for this relationship was approximated from a diagram in the publication using Microsoft
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Argumentation sur l'amour (document en anglais)
Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment.[1] Love is also said to be a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection —"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another".[2] Love may describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. [3] In English, love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure ("I loved that meal") to interpersonal
216 Mots / 1 Pages -
Demande de stage en anglais
Dear Madam, Dear Sir, I am a student at Paris Business School of Management, France. In addition, all my classes are taught in English. As part of requirements of the first year of my Business Studies, I must complete a three-month work placement abroad between 30 May and 31 August. I would like to take advantage of this Internship to develop my knowledge and at the same time, learn the working methods of foreign country.
259 Mots / 2 Pages -
Les affaires dans le monde arabe (document en anglais)
Introduction Business in the Arab world is easy if you are ready to follow some rules. The main rule is to adjust to timings and being patient. Arab world has always offered many opportunities to conduct business. There are better facilities and infrastructure now with banks, financial institutions and branch offices of many companies established there. The business opportunities are now improving as the world is getting connected better with more opportunities for sealing deals
419 Mots / 2 Pages -
Analyse de Social Local Mobil (document en anglais)
Social. Local. Mobile. These are the sweeping trends in marketing today and for the foreseeable future. In terms of media consumption, they’ve come to dominate consumer attention. In terms of targeting and communication, they’ve opened dynamic new channels. In terms of data and measurement, they are nothing short of revolutionary. And in terms of technology, they are disrupting entire industries. While each is a powerful force unto itself, the focus of this paper is on
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Avons-nous le devoir de faire le bonheur des autres ?
Avons nous le devoir de faire le bonheur des autres ? Nous avons là aussi décidé d'aborder ces deux thèmes ensemble, non pas parce qu'ils sont liés par essence mais parce qu'ils impliquent touts les deux, sinon des conceptions morales, au moins des conséquences morales. Que serait un devoir interdisant toute obligation, toute règle morale ? Si le devoir est, selon Kant, un idéal de raison et le bonheur un idéal de l'imagination, cela ne
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Le tourisme (document en anglais)
Tourism has turned out to be a very important industry in the modern age. In almost all the countries of the world there are separate ministries of tourism. Tourist spots are being developed all over the world to attract the tourists. Tourism is, indeed, a good source of earning foreign exchange for every country that can manage it efficiently. All over the world there is a great interaction between People of different countries, races, communities,
221 Mots / 1 Pages