Al Assad Family in Relation to the Syria's Stability dissertations et mémoires
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Spaces and exchanges: what do borders mean to first people in Canada?
I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. I would like illustrate this notion through the origin of Canada. Concentrations of different cultures in Canada have made inevitably changed native people's lives. We may answer the
563 Mots / 3 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges: how does globalization is changing the organization and the file in the cities?
Spaces and exchanges How does globalization is changing the organization and the life in the cities? Spaces are today, defined by the geographical and the symbolic aspect. In this notion, we are going to focus on urban spaces, and more precisely on two global cities: London and Singapore. They are at the crossroad of culturally, economically, politically or scientifically exchanges. Moreover, our world never seemed smaller thanks to communication and transportation. We may wonder
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Places and forms power: how can people from different cultures live together in harmony such as the South African population?
PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER Hello so today, I will talk to you about South Africa who is a theme that we studied in class and wich illustrates very well the notion of “Places and Forms of power”. But before entering in the subject, there is a key question we can ask ourselves in order to better understand: what does this notion mean ? Well, power is for me the ability to act in order
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What drives people to leave their country to go aèd live in another country?
Exchange is something that we give or that we receive in substitut° for something . nowaday s s there are many form if exchange we can talk about the eco exchange like work exchange we can also talk about the cultural exchang lik informat° or we can talk about the populat° with the inmigrat° brain dain . this exchange are in our world in our society in our space exchange develop faster because of the
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Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?
Introduction: Hello my name is... I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To start with I'd like to give you a definition about the notion. So space is the unlimited three-dimentional expance in wich all material object are located ans exchange is to replace unsafactory goods with another. The subject of my presentation is the emigration. Now the question i can up with is what is the ipact of the immigrant
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Man in the high castle
ournal Entry 1 Thursday April 3, 2017 After reading the first fifty pages of the novel “The Man In The High Castle”, I am still very confused about the whole setting of the book. I feel like there are still many things that I don’t understand about the world: I am still not entirely sure about how the United-States are divided between Germans and Japanese. I also don’t understand what the oracle is exactly and
503 Mots / 3 Pages -
Myths and heroes: to what extent does the myth of the conquest of the West defines American culture
I will first give the definition of the notion "Myths and Heroes" A) Myth are ancient traditionnal stories about gods, heroes and magic B) A hero or heroine is a being who has exeptionnal courage. They can be mythical. Fictional or real free national figures, Actors, sportmen or the common man or women whose courage is revealed through trying or unexpected circumtances They both cristallize the values of a society that have created them and
466 Mots / 2 Pages -
The idea of progress: to what extent can progress be consideres as a positive change?
Progress The notion I’m going to tackle is « Progress ». Progress can be defined as an improvement or a change. It can be an alternative way of life, technological, medical or social advance which contributes to the betterment oh the world. Progress implies changes that evolve from an old version to a new one which is not adopted by everyone. In fact, as the rythm of progress seems to have accelerated over the past
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The idea pf progress: in what way has progressèmade modern-day life better?
I'm going to talk about the notion Idea of progress. First of all, I will define this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change - a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In what ways has progress made modern-day life better? We are going to study three documents. The first document is a video called lab burger first
1 190 Mots / 5 Pages -
Could we limit gun violence in the USA?
I will present the notion of Places and Forms of Power, I'm going to present the situation of Gun Control in the USA. Indeed, when we think of power, the influence of weapons in the USA plays a major part in the society. Could we limit gun violence in the USA ? On a first part we will see the creation of the 2nd amendment with prevention campaings. On a second part we will talk
403 Mots / 2 Pages -
Idea of progress: To what extent India can be called a country on the march
Idea of progress I am going to talk about the notion ideo of progress. The idea of progress can be defined the improvement, the modernisation, the new technology or scientific or a social advance for restore the world. Progress implies changes and evolution in a domain. In India, we can say it's country of contrast between a traditional land and modern city. To illustre this notion, we are going to ask ourselves what extent India
1 572 Mots / 7 Pages -
The Long Walk to freedom
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzis entitled The Long Walk to freedom. It's his autobiography written in 1995 and Brand new device, talks about the iPhone 5. The title tells us a lot about his work. It shows the fact that it takes a long time to achieve freedom. So he tells what he lived in his book. He says that at the beginning of his life he thought he was free. But step by step, he realized that the
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Spaces and exchanges, what are the effects of these world exchanges in our society?
Introduction: I'm going to present the notion Spaces and Exchanges. Exchange is defined as a continuous output, a continuous movement or circulation, this concerns people, trade, media etc... Exchange can also be defined as general movement or tendency. In class we have chosen to studied an aspect of these movements: the globalization. There is a process of increasing interdependence and interaction between nations, governments, people or companies. It is driven by international trade and it's
472 Mots / 2 Pages -
The metro project is bound to be a failure, do you agre?
The metro project is bound to be a failure. Do you agree ? Flyovers - better solution proposed by jugnant in elections Economics aspect - We , citizens , are the guardians of our own welfare. We are the one using , or getting used by Metro Express. But the government considered the actual demand of rails as granted , as such no surveys were made about the population priorities or whether they were going
457 Mots / 2 Pages -
The idea of progress: how technological progress and social progress become too influential in our daily lives?
In order to begin my presentation about progress. It will be necessary to define what progress means. It is defined as an improvement, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In fact, progress is all about taking a step forward, but it has its advantages and disadvantages. People can see progress in different aspects of life, such as technological progress, social progress; which I’m going to talk
786 Mots / 4 Pages -
Myths and heroes: American soldiers in the Vietnam War
Myths and heroes I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. I would just focus on the notion of « heroes » through the american soldier during the Vietnam War. Firs of all, I would like to give you a definition of hero. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements. We can wonder if American soldiers are always depicted as heroes. In
804 Mots / 4 Pages -
THE ANNUAL GAANI FESTIVAL IN YASHIKIRA AND ITS ORIGINES BY HRH ALH. AMB. UMARU USMAN SARIKI SABIKPASSI II, EMIR OF YASHIKIRA And SALAWUDEEN O. M. OF NATIONAL MUSEUM ILORIN 2014-2016 INTRODUCTION : A society without its culture and glorious heritage will be regarded as bankrupt because culture develops, cultivates and refines the society by means of good principles and their applications to the daily lives of its members. Sociologists defined culture as a way by
3 578 Mots / 15 Pages -
From Service to Experience: Understanding and Defining the Hospitality Business
Fiche de lecture 1 Le 25 février 2016 GHR2100 Université du Québec à Montréal From Service to Experience: Understanding and Defining the Hospitality Business Service et relations – Générosité – Surprises – Théâtre et performance – Sécurité La difficulté à définir et à comprendre adéquatement l’hospitalité comme un phénomène commercial a pour effet de créer une certaine schizophrénie (schizophrénie de générosité et de rentabilité) dans l’industrie de l’hôtellerie et de la restauration. Cette perturbation de
1 163 Mots / 5 Pages -
Gun violence in the USA
Last week, fourteen persons were shot in California. Unfortunately, slaughters are not uncommon in the United States of America. Indeed, the United States of America is the fifth country in the world with regard to the number of homicides with guns. We may wonder whether the right of the second Amendment to carry a gun is a good thing, or a dangerous thing for the American society. We will enhance this argument by referring to three
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Susanne to her host family
Dear host family, * My name is Lilou Brou, I am 16 years old. I live in Ortaffa, a little village next to Perpignan in south of France. I live with my mum Emmanuelle, my little sister Thaïs and my dog Jazzy since my parents are divorced. My father Nicolas lives in Perpignan, I'm going to his home one weekend on two with my sister. I am born in Lagny sur Marne, near Paris and
448 Mots / 2 Pages -
How to become a green SME in a circular economy
How to become a green SME in a circular economy? In this part, we will talk a lot about SMEs, since they often become transnational firms. We are giving other examples than the ones cited in the conference such as DANONE trying to reduce their water consumption. We neither will explain circular economy according to Helen MacArthur Foundation as explained in the conference. We will try to explain these thanks to our study made for
2 661 Mots / 11 Pages -
Econometrics project : what factos lead to deadly car accident throughout the world ?
ECONOMETRICS PROJECT | /Users/Elsa/Desktop/logoieseg.png ECONOMETRICS PROJECT What factors lead to deadly car accident throughout the world? ________________ TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction 3 I- Project overview 3 A) The research question 3 B) The variables 4 II- The model and our results 4 A) Database changes 4 B) Multiple linear regression model 4 III- Recommendations and conclusion 4 A) Recommendations 4 B) Conclusion 4 ANNEXES 5 BIBLIOGRAHY 5 ________________ Introduction Car accident are one of the
1 250 Mots / 5 Pages -
Locations and forms of power : what kind of power do we find in the society ?
Introduction: Before talking about the notion of Locations and forms of power, I’m going to give you a general definition of it. Locations represent lot of things, like Locations of everyday (School and Home), Area (Beaches and Mountains) or again Cities and countries (United-States, Great Britain, Canada). As for Power, it represents an ability to control a person or a thing and it makes you superior to everyone. For example, somebody can be superior
826 Mots / 4 Pages -
Space and exchange: what is the diversity in the work place ?
Before talking about the notion of Space and Exchange, I’m going to give you a general definition of it. Space represents lots of things like Locations of everyday (School and Home), Areas (Beaches and Mountains) or again Countries and Cities (United States, Great Britain). As for the word Exchange, it represents humans and familiar relationship but also economical and political exchange, as for exemple economical exchange between the European Union and Canada. It also refers
542 Mots / 3 Pages -
The idea of progress : to what extent can we fear medical progress ?
I’m going to talk about the notion idea of progress. This notion can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In relation with the notion, I will use the theme of eugenism. In my brief presentation on the development of cities, I will answer the following question : to what extent can we fear medical progress?
592 Mots / 3 Pages