Est ce que la souvraineté du Québec est viable ?
Mémoire : Est ce que la souvraineté du Québec est viable ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar zacroy • 29 Avril 2019 • Mémoire • 372 Mots (2 Pages) • 550 Vues
presented to
Giel Hoffman
Collège Édouard-Montpetit
Cours 604-101, groupe 1050
25 février 2019
- Technology will make the world a better place for people. Agree or disagree. Explain.
The more we advance in time, the more the technology is getting better and better. Some people may find the technological evolution like a good thing, but there is also a lot of negative sides to this revolution. It has been seen in a lot of companies that jobs are stole by computers. Technology can sometimes be a source of problems for our teens that have to deal with cyberbullying. It also gives a place for bad people to do bad things. I really don’t think that the technology will make the world a better place for people.
First, technology is stealing jobs from people in all kinds of fields. We can see that in McDonald’s, the number of cash register has drastically decreased in the past couple of year for the sake of new computers that will take the clients order from a touch screen. I think it’s sad that jobs like these will eventually disappear. Finding a job without a lot of education will be hard because computers will have replaced them.
Secondly, over 95% of teenagers have access to a computer[1], cellphone or anything that is connected to internet and 80% of them are frequent user of social medias. That insanely high number is creating problems. Some kids are using those medias to spread bad rumors, private photos and private conversations. They banalize it because they all think it’s a game until one of them commits suicide due to cyberbullying.
Lastly, the technology has some dark sides that even the police isn’t familiar with. For example, the dark web is a really dangerous and illegal place to be on your computer. You can literally sell anything from a gun to a liver on this dark market. The dark web is really a place where bad people do bad things.
The technology besides a lot of good sides, will not make the world a better place for people. It creates a lot of problems like the ones talked about in this text. Only the future will tell how society has adapted to this phenomenon.