Le probleme de l'écologie au XXIe siècle
Thèse : Le probleme de l'écologie au XXIe siècle. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar juliasolodovn • 8 Mai 2017 • Thèse • 1 331 Mots (6 Pages) • 775 Vues
Le problème du l’ecologie au XXI sciècle.
Le plan
- Introduction
- La société de consummation et l’environnement
- le changement de l'attitude envers la nature
- l'homme ne pense qu'à lui-même
- les problèmes
- Pollution air (causes/solutions)
- Rechauffement climatique (cause/solution)
- Pollution eau (cause/solution)
- Pollution sols (cause/solution)
- Biodiversite (cause/solution)
- Resources naturelles (cause/solution)
- La technologie peut-elle resoudre les problem environnementaux
- Conclusion (les nouvelles encouraageants.)
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Good morning Dear Chairman and Members of the State Attestation Commission!
My name is Julia Solodovnik and I would like to present my paper that is dedicated to “Implicit Content Created by Using Contextual Antonymy in Advertising Discourse”.
The study of implicit information is an important part of the research, as it is impossible to imagine a verbal message which is explicitly transmitted, without any subtext. The basis of the implicit antonymy is the context where two components are percieved as contextual antonyms. In this case, the contrast is generated by the hidden meaning, which can be comprehended only by reader because of its particular perception.
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The purpose of this paper is the identification of implicit information from texts of English-language advertising built on contrast and the definition of their pragmatic potential of hidden antonymy.
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During the research the following tasks were completed
- to uncover the notions of "explicit information" and "implicit information" and to reveal their interrelation;
- to describe the types of implicit information in the advertising text;
- to define the essence of antonymy and to reveal its role in creating a hidden contrast in the advertising text;
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The scientific novelty(topicality) of the research is the need to analyze antonymous relations in the advertising text in order to identify in it implicit information that is proved by the underdevelopment of the impact of the implicit antonymy on the advertising discourse as a whole. The specificity of printed advertising is that the reader of the message does not hear it on the radio or on television, but reads independently. In this regard, the authors of advertising texts have to use implicit antonymy to create an image of the advertised product and to make it easy to memoriz.
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Many researchers divide the content of the text into explicit and implicit information.
Explicit information is direc inf. Explicitness in the text is expressed "through the external structure of the unit, its lexical-semantic, phraseological, grammatical" and other means ". Explicit information, as a rule, "is perceived more or less identically by all the speakers of the given language insofar as they know the appropriate words and concepts".
Implicit information is (indirect) nationally marked fragments of text, in which information is hidden, understood only by those communication participants who belong to the same linguistic cultural community.
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In this text, the advertised car Jeep Grand Cherokee is presented in the image of an animal, or more precisely - a mountain goat, the visual image of which accompanies the advertising text.
Characterizing the car, the copywriter uses contextual antonyms: the attributive combination of “aggressive performance” and “handling”, emphasizing the bipolarity of the "hero" of advertising: the car, on the one hand, is prone to aggressive behavior, and on the other hand, it, like an animal, can be tamed. At the same time, the car is moving so fast (agile is an adjective, which is often used to characterize wild animals), which causes mixed reactions even among mountain’s-resedents: some have jealousy, others have admiration. Knowing that the negative lexeme lies at the heart of the jealousy lexeme, and the admiration lexicon is positively evaluative, these words can be combined into an antonymic paradigm and represented as contextual antonyms, although at the lexical level they are not antonims.