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L'évolution Des Femmes Dans La Société

Commentaire d'oeuvre : L'évolution Des Femmes Dans La Société. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Avril 2014  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  548 Mots (3 Pages)  •  818 Vues

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Since 1837 to now a day, the society plays an influential power on the image must convey women.

In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people's behaviour. Inorder to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.

Through all this, we are going to see to what extent do the needs of society shape the roles of women.

First, at the Victorian Time, the society expected at the feminine ideal which was a wife and a mother who was selflessly devoted to her children and submissive to her husband, like the poem of Patmore "The Angel in the house" who show perfectly the women during Victorian Time. At this time also, women used to wear corset and dye their hair whit lead and sulphure, and it was very dangereous for them: but it was fashion and for them fashion was more important than their health. With the corset women couldn't breath and sometimes they fainted on a fainting couch which was invented specialy for that. Women does suffer to be beautiful.

Then during the Second World War II, the society used to need women to work in the factories because men was at the war. So at this time, women was allowed to work in different kind of job: like nurse. Some of them also engaged themselves in women volontary service to help their country, when this one used to need them.

But few years later, in 1954, women regressed again like show us the movie "Mona Lisa Smile". Women learn at university how to please their husbands, how to become perfect housewives. So women didn't make higher studies, didn't worked. They only stay at home, making cakes and cleaning the home for their husbands. Trough this time, we saw that when the society didn't need the women to help de the country, there a reduce to nothing. The society done convey that housewives is the role that women are born.

And now a day, the women had more rights and more advantages. She make higher studies, she works, she decides when she wants to get a children, she is independant. And yet, the society still convey an image of the perfect woman du to cosmetic surgery like we saw in the opening-credit of the TV serie "Nip and Tuck" who show women who play the role of perfection thru the cosmectic surgery. Women looks like models, with no expression on faces, they are in plastic. But cosmetic surgery it's also very dangerous, and women doesn't care about that: they only see the aspect of supposedly beauty. They want no default appears, default which is according to the society.

In conclusion, we see that women must to seem to be perfect in the eyes of society. When the society needs them, there are ready to help, but when the society wants them to conform into the image of the perfect women, they also make it. Women are kind of toys, on which society exercises its power. But we can also said that women are kind of accomplice because they conform to wishes of society.


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