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Les Mathématiques

Dissertation : Les Mathématiques. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Juin 2012  •  646 Mots (3 Pages)  •  819 Vues

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The mathematics constitute a domain of abstract knowledge built using logical reasoning on concepts such as numbers, figures, structures and transformations. Mathematics also indicates the domain of research to develop these knowledge, as well as the discipline which teaches them.

We first of all will explain you why this matter is important then we will explain you how mathematics is studied at ISA then we will finish by you to explain our future plan in this field.


The word "mathematics" comes from the Greek , which means learning, study, science.

Mathematics has always existed. The arithmetic was born in Egypt, there are at least three thousand years. Trigonometry and algebra were invented for a very long time by the genius of the Iranian people, and finally, the geometry is the work of ancient Greeks

Many scientists believe that everything is mathematical. In fact, nothing exists without being justified by mathematics, everything is the result of a mathematics equation, the universe follows mathematical rules. Human created the mathematics to explain nature.

In addition, the prodigious development of mechanization and modern technology has been made possible thanks to advances in mathematics.

The challenges in mathematics are also difficulties. Indeed, they are very important and essential to daily life but also very complicated. Some people may encounter difficulties, especially if they do not have a logical mind. Often the bases are known of everybody like the primary calculations, or geometry, but few people know and can use more complex forms mathematics like number theory.

Mathematics is the base of many of other matters, particularly in the exact sciences (physics or chemistry) but one can even find them in the matters in literary matters. This matter is also used in the daily newspaper, it is essential to know to count for shopping for example.


Mathematics is a science very important, that’s why it is learned from an early age is from elementary school. Indeed, each student makes mathematics throughout his school career. Then according to its specialization they continue in higher education. At ISA, we did mathematics in first and second years because they are part of a preparatory course. Into first year the courses are divided into two: there are the lectures and tutorials. In second year only tutorials are with the program They are an important part of the average student and therefore are essential to the passage in the second year and after in third years. In first year it stays the most important coefficient. Although we haven’t mathematics anymore during the last years to ISA, we shall have to make it all the same because the mathematics is useful in all other subjects like accounting, or statistics, for example.

At ISA, mathematics are not the most important subject because everybody at ISA come from school science course so we all have the same basis


Personally, I don’t think I will work in mathematics domain such as professor of mathematics or mathematician. But I think that in all the jobs, the mathematics can serve to calculate


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