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SAP formation

Fiche de lecture : SAP formation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Juin 2016  •  Fiche de lecture  •  1 398 Mots (6 Pages)  •  862 Vues

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Message Processing with the SAP Solution Manager Service Desk for Value Added Resellers

1.        Messages Process during Partner Working Time        

1.1.        The End User opens a message via the Incident Management WorkCenter.        

1.2.        The Processor checks for new messages        

1.3.        The Processor can look for SAP Notes and enter a Reply to the End User        

1.4.        The Processor can decide to send the message to SAP.        

1.5.        When the message is sent to SAP, the User Status is set to “Sent to SAP”        

1.6.        Two possibilities to get the updates from SAP        

1.7.        The message status with SAP is now “Customer Action” (as set by the SAP Processor in the CSS).        

2.        Message Very High out of Partner Working Time        

2.1.        The End User opens a Very High message via the Incident Management WorkCenter        

2.2.        The message is processed at SAP        

2.3.        The End User has now the option to “Confirm” the message or resend it.        

  1. Messages Process during Partner Working Time

Messages opened with Priority Very High during Partner working hours and messages with priority High, Medium or Low, independent of the Partner working hours.

[pic 1]

  1.  The End User opens a message via the Incident Management WorkCenter.

[pic 2][pic 3]

[pic 4]

As soon as the End User selects the option “Send” the message will be saved with the Status “Send to Support”.

[pic 5][pic 6]

  1. The Processor checks for new messages

The Processor can use the Incident Management Work Center or SAPGUI, in the last case they need to call the CRM_DNO_MONITOR transaction in order to look for unprocessed messages or messages assigned to them. If the message number is know the transaction CRMD_ORDER can be used.

[pic 7]

[pic 8]

First of all, the Processor should set the User Status to “In Process”.

[pic 9]

When saving the message the Processor will be assigned.

[pic 10]

The description of the End User he can find under the Protocol (Text ID: SUZZ).

[pic 11]

  1. The Processor can look for SAP Notes and enter a Reply to the End User

[pic 12]

 He can enter information in the Internal Message (Text ID SU04). This information will not be visible to the End User.

He can also enter a Reply (Text ID: SU01) to the End User and set the message to “Author Action”.

[pic 13]

The End User will be able to read the Reply from the Processor and he will also be able to check for notes assigned to the message.

The End User has the possibility to “Confirm” the message or to send it back to the Support. In case he decides to send it back to Support he must write a Reply (Text ID: SU30) and select “Send”

[pic 14]

The message will be back to the Support group with the Status “Sent to Support”.
The previous Processor will still be assigned to the message. The Text will again be available under the log.

[pic 15]

  1. The Processor can decide to send the message to SAP.

 If this is the case, the Processor must enter the Information for SAP (Text ID: SU15).

He should select the action “Get Information for SAP”. With this action he can select which Text IDs should be forwarded to SAP, so he will not need to maintain the Information to SAP (Text ID: SU15) manually. After selecting which texts should be forwarded the Processor must select the action “Send message to SAP”.


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