Indexation 3D
Dissertation : Indexation 3D. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar vivaitali • 6 Février 2019 • Dissertation • 4 964 Mots (20 Pages) • 582 Vues
A Novel Efficient 3D Object Retrieval Method
Based on Representative Slices
Ilyass OUAZZANI TAYBI 1,∗, Rachid ALAOUI 2, Fatima RAFII ZAKANI 1, Khadija ARHID 1, Mohcine BOUKSIM 1 and Taoufiq GADI 1
1: Laboratory Informatics, Imaging and Modeling of Complex Systems (LIIMSC) Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Hassan 1st University Settat, Morocco
2: Laboratory of Systems Engineering and Information Technology (LISTI) ENSA, Ibn Zohr University Agadir, Morocco
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Abstract—In the last few years, the request for a content- based 3D object retrieval system has become a significant issue. At this point, the principal challenge is the mapping of the 3D objects into compact representations referred to as descriptors, which serve as search keys over the retrieval process. In this paper, a new approach will be proposed for 3D objects indexing and retrieval. The main idea is to normalize the 3D objects to insure invariance with respect to affine transformations, and then characterize them by a set of representative slices (RS) along their three principal axes, transforming the shape-matching problem between 3D objects into similarity measuring between their representative slices. In order to reduce the time required to search without diminishing the relevance of the results, we choose among the extracted slices from the 3D object the ones that give the best representation. To achieve this task, we use the k-means clustering method to pull out the representative slices. For the presentation of the effectiveness and superiority of our approach we conduct a comparison of our approach against
3D Zernike descriptor on 146 3D objects from Princeton Shape Benchmark (PSB) database. Experiment results show that our proposed method is superior to 3D Zernike descriptor.
Index Terms—K-means clustering method, 3D object indexing,
3D object retrieval, 2D slices.
As a result of the increasing popularization of the Internet, together with the rapid development of 3D scanning technolo- gies and modeling tools, content-based 3D object retrieval has become an active research field that has attracted a significant amount of interest. Generally, the ultimate aim of content- based 3D model retrieval systems is to approximate human visual perception so that semantically similar 3D models can be correctly retrieved based on their looks.
Indeed, the content-based means that the retriever uses the visual features of 3D objects themselves, rather than relying on human-inputted metadata such as captions or keywords. In reality, the human-inputted metadata, as simple as it seems at first glance, has many drawbacks, including the time needed for the labeling of the collection, and the subjective aspect of the keywords used, these keywords are necessarily related to collection and culture of the operator carrying out the labeling. Therefore, the visual features of 3D objects should be automatically or semi-automatically extracted and expected to characterize their contents.
The essential processing flow of a content-based 3D object retrieval system can be roughly described as follows: the compact and representative features are first computed and extracted automatically from 3D objects to build their mul- tidimensional indices. The similarity or dissimilarity measure between a query and each target object in the database is then defined and calculated in the multidimensional feature space. The similarity values are then sorted in descending order so that the models having the largest similarity values are returned as the matching results, on the basis of which browsing and retrieval in 3D object databases are finally implemented.
In this paper we present a new approach to describe a 3D object based on representative slices. The proposed approach consists of five steps. First, we normalize 3D objects to ensure translation, scale and rotation invariance of descriptors. Next, we construct the initial set of 2D slices by taking, for each
3D object, slices following the three principal axes. Then, for each slice, we use Hus invariant moments to compute numerical signature. Thereafter, we select slices that give the best representation of the 3D object by using the k-means clustering method. Finally, we compute the similarity between representative slices of query and representative slices of each target object in the database using Hausdorff distance.
The outline of the rest of this paper is structured as follow: in the next section, we present a state of the art by classifying existing indexing methods. In section 3, we discuss the proposed approach. Section 4 shows the experimental results in detail for 3D objects’ retrievals. Finally, section 5 concludes the proposed 3D object’ approach and recommends some future works.
In this section, we provide an overview of the related work in the field of 3D shape descriptors for 3D object retrieval. In this context, we classify existing approaches into four groups:
- The methods based on the information conveyed by the
3D object geometry;
- The methods using 2D projections of the 3D object
associated with the information of depth;
- The methods that ultimately require information in two
978-1-5090-5146-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
- The methods combining several descriptors to character- ize a 3D object.
We invite the reader to consult the work of [1] [2] [3], which provide a comparison between different approaches of indexing and retrieval of 3D objects.
A. 3D / 3D approaches
3D based methods for 3D object retrieval involve all meth- ods that take into consideration the 3D model as itself to retrieve information and define the descriptor. The choice of this signature shows five groups within the 3D approaches.
The global-based methods present approaches where the descriptor characterizes the whole 3D object. Osada et al. [4] [5] represent the signature of an object as a shape distribution sampled from a shape function measuring global geometric properties of the object. The shape descriptor of a 3D object is given by a probability distribution that counts the occurrence of Euclidean distances between pairs of points randomly chosen on the surface of the object.