Steps in demonstrating M/S Project to class in Session 6
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Steps in demonstrating M/S Project to class in Session 6
- Open M/S Project
- Select the Blank Project icon
- Select the Project tab and click on Project Information
- enter project start date (can be in the past).
- Finish field automatically changes as project tasks are added
- Go to File/Print/Page Setup and select Header tab to give file the project name.
- Go back to blank project sheet and enter tasks:
- use Task tab to set Task Mode column to Auto Schedule
- add tasks starting with 4 phases of a project, all at same level of display
- then start adding sub-tasks
- goto Task tab and select Task option (dropdown list displays) to add task -OR- a blank row, or
- hover over line ID, right click, and add a task
- after adding several sub-tasks to each main task (all still on same level), indent subtasks using arrows at top of Task tab; result is task-group heading in bold
- go to Format tab and select Outline Number box □ to add WBS #s to tasks
- enter durations for each task by typing the number + unit (day, week, etc.) in the Duration column; the Gantt chart will auto-populate with the appropriate bar length
- begin linking tasks in predecessor-successor relationships
- highlight rows containing tasks to be linked
- use the link icon in Task tab (just under the 100% complete icon above it)
- OR, simply use the Predecessors column to enter the line item # of the task preceding the task you are in
- hover over the Task Mode column and right-click the mouse
- select Insert Column and pick the % Complete choice at the top
- begin marking the status of each task by either typing the % number in the appropriate box OR selecting one of the predefined choices at the top of the Task tab
- double-click on a task to display the multi-tab window with choices for…
- entering % complete or Manual vs. Auto Scheduling in the General tab
- changing the predecessor-successor relationship
- entering Notes, which will display as an icon to hover over in the ID column
- For the Gantt chart part of display:
- to add a vertical status line, goto the Project tab and select the Status Date to pick a date;
- then goto the Format tab and Gridlines option, select “Gridlines” to get a dropdown list, then scroll down to select the “Status Date”.
- Pick the Type and Color of the line you want to display on the Gantt calendar. A light vertical line shows the selected status date on your Gantt calendar.
- to show the critical path (i.e., all tasks with zero “0” slack), just under the tab label “Format” on the Format tab is the check box □ for Critical Tasks,
- for setting, clearing, and displaying baselines:
- go to the Project tab and select Set Baseline/Set Baseline/Baseline1 from dropdown list
- go to Format tab and select Baseline/Baseline1 to display the bottom grey baseline bar at each task
- to clear a baseline, go to the Project tab and select Set Baseline/Clear Baseline from dropdown list and select the baseline(s) you want to clear
- If you add tasks after this point, they will not display a baseline until you re-baseline the project as above and select a subsequent baseline (e.g., Baseline2)
- When you display the baseline, the % complete does not display.
- Miscellaneous items:
- to change the color of the weekend vertical bars, double-click on them to get choices
- to change Sat. or Sun. to become work days, see link (YouTube 1-min. tutorial, no sound).
- to avoid printing the border and legend on each page, go to File/Print/Page Setup
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