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L’écosystème entrepreneuriale

Dissertation : L’écosystème entrepreneuriale. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Mars 2018  •  Dissertation  •  680 Mots (3 Pages)  •  422 Vues

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How to measure an entrepreneurial ecosystem?


The entrepreneurial ecosystem approach has gained prominence amongst entrepreneurs in the business world, entrepreneurial ecosystem as a social and economic environment affecting the local or regional entrepreneurship have revealed to be mobilizing metaphor in the public and private sector, despite the approach is highly under theorized and not yet measured adequately.

There are also different levels of measurement for entrepreneurial ecosystems, in this paper, we focus on the overall performance of the ecosystem in terms of
outcomes and vibrancy, and we propose four indicators which are: Density, Fluidity, connectivity, and Diversity that we think answer the question for how to measure the entrepreneurial ecosystem?


In the entrepreneurial ecosystem there are several indicators that can measure the performance of an entrepreneurial system; also these indicators can give us an idea about the business climate domain in a specific region.

The first indicator of entrepreneurial ecosystem is density, it is an important component in the research on local growth and the entrepreneurial concentration, The most straightforward way to measure this indicator is the number of new and young companies per 1,000 people in a city or metro area, this explains how the level of entrepreneurship changes over time relative to population, another way of getting at density is by looking at the employment impact of new and young companies, include all the people involved in those companies, another data point to follow is the share of employment offer by these new companies. This will capture the founders and employees.

The second indicator of entrepreneurial ecosystem is fluidity, from an ecosystem perspective, it means that the entrepreneurial environment must be fluid to enable entrepreneurs to engage in a business process, to measure this indicator it is important to looking at population flux, or individuals moving between cities or regions, because one of the principal resources that entrepreneurs need is people, and population flux should provide a mixing and remixing of people, strengthening entrepreneurial processes, the data points to track here are flows of both in-migration and out-migration, that means to have an idea about  geographic mobility, the last measure of fluidity in an ecosystem is the number and density of high-growth firms, this may explain whether resources have been allocated favorably to encourage economic recovery.

The third indicator of entrepreneurial ecosystem is connectivity, it's important to have connectivity with respect to programs, or resources, for entrepreneurs. Those connections, moreover, should allow determining the use of different resources and the interactions between the organizations.

The fourth indicator of entrepreneurial ecosystem in a given place is diversity first measure of diversity is economic diversification; an important concept because no city or region should be overly reliant on one particular industry. This concept insists on diversification and at the same time on specialization, because the geographical areas which are specialized in several domains of economic activities should enjoy greater entrepreneurial outcomes than those only specialize in one or two industries. Also we can measure diversity in an entrepreneurial ecosystem is the attraction and assimilation of immigrants, because there are more likely to create business, it comes down to their expertise and experience during immigration.


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