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International marketing , master marketing

Étude de cas : International marketing , master marketing. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Juin 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  1 913 Mots (8 Pages)  •  710 Vues

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STARTING UP (one of brand for each of these categories)






Country of origin

BMW, comes from Germany.

Nike, comes from USA. However the name “Nike”  comes from Greece as a tribute to the goddess of victory .

L’Oréal (Lux product), comes from France.

Samsung, from comes Korea.

Coca Cola,  comes from USA (Atlanta).

Brand image

known throughout the world as a symbol of class and wealth.

known throughout the world as a symbol of sport.

known throughout the world as a symbol of beauty products.

known throughout the world as a symbol of phone, TV and now domestic products.

known throughout the world as a symbol of cheapest and  the most consumed soft drink in poor and rich countries.  Coca Cola is now generally not recommended for the health due to its sugar.

Target market/ segment

Sportive and luxurious persons.

Not only for the athletes or sportive persons, Nike targets everyone.

Everyone. Particularly wealthy people which had the means to take care of their skin. However products inexpensive are proposed to reach everybody.

Nowadays everybody is able to pay the latest Samsung information.


Standardized or adapted to local market



Adapted to local market : because he gathers different brands from different countries (Cacharel, Diesel, …)


Adapted to local market : Coca, Cola in France for example or Coke in America

Current slogan

[pic 4]

[pic 5]

        [pic 6]

     [pic 7]

[pic 8]

  • What are the most famous international brands in your country

By my parents I’m from Africa but I’m a French citizen.

In country of origin by my parents  (Mauritania) the most famous international brands are Mercedes (car) and Coca cola (soft drink),

Senegal : Total for the oil by their commercial services via station for car

France : Nike, Adidas (clothing) , …

  • What sort of image they have at home? Abroad ?


Image at home

Image abroad / Logo


Mercedes (from Germany)

Toyota (from Japan)

Seen as a symbol of class and wealth.

  [pic 9]    [pic 10]

known throughout the world as a symbol of class and wealth.

Coca cola, from USA

*1* Seen as a symbol of class in some area, because they consider generally products from Europe or America good quality, therefor in the goal to honour their guests this soft drink is proposed.

[pic 11]  known throughout the world as a symbol of cheapest and  the most consumed soft drink in poor and rich countries.  Coca Cola is now generally not recommended for the health due to its sugar.



Seen as a symbol of oil from station-service.

[pic 12] known throughout the world as a symbol of Oil and Gas Group.

Coca cola

Ditto *1*

[pic 13]

Nike, Adidas 

Seen as a symbol of class and wealth.

[pic 14]  [pic 15]

Vocabulary: Marketing word partnerships

  1. Vocabulary

1- Marketing

2- Brand

3- Product

4- Customer

5- Market

B) The correct word

1- Market

2- Product

3- Brand

4- customer

5- Marketing

C) The odd one out in each group  

1-  d : declining market

2-  c: promotion

3-  b: market research

4-  c: domestic market

5-  d: withdraw a product

6-  d: slogan

7-  d: exporter

D) Discuss the questions  

1-  The name can be perceived in different way following the region, the country and the continent we live.  Sometimes it’s can be due of the simple reason that the need has not been analyzed correctly.  

2-  The advantages are financial. The Marketer does not need to completely rethinking about the design and the step at each level of the product : less time, more money.


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